Administration fees are something you’re likely to encounter in the startup ecosystem for all sorts of loans and investments, so you should understand what the term means.

When Will You Be Charged An Administration Fee?

Administration fees are charges that financial institutions and investment firms charge clients for managing and maintaining investments or accounts. So an administration fee is the fee that you pay when you are establishing and using a bank loan or line of credit. You’ll also pay administrative fees for other special purpose financial vehicles, in order to invest in a startup or a fund.

Why Do You Get Charged An Administration Fee?

The administration fee is the part of the overall cost which covers the documentation and administrative tasks involved in servicing your loan or investment account, like daily administration, keeping records, financial reporting, and documenting compliance. When you’re running a bank, for example, you will have a lot of people to pay to make sure the loan is in good order and that you are funding that loan on time. The same thing applies if you are running an investment fund.

The administration fee covers the cost of making sure:

  • All financials are up to date
  • All communications are in order
  • All shareholders or participants regularly notified about transactions and performance

Essentially, the administration fee covers the overhead of whatever investment vehicle you’re participating in or whatever bank or debt facility you’re using.

Pros And Cons Of Administration Fees

Banking and investment administration fees are a necessary cost for accessing professional management and comprehensive financial services, but they do come with trade-offs. While these fees can pay for valuable services, they also reduce net returns and can sometimes be difficult to evaluate. Some of the pros and cons of administration fees include:


  1. Access to professional management. Administration fees often cover the cost of professional management and expertise, to make sure that your investments or loans are managed by experienced professionals who can optimize returns and manage risks.
  2. Comprehensive services. Fees may include a range of services such as account management, financial planning, reporting, and customer support.
  3. Convenience. By paying administration fees, investors and borrowers can outsource the complexities of investment management and banking to professionals, saving time and effort.
  4. Regulatory compliance. Fees often cover the costs of ensuring that your investments and accounts are managed in compliance with regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of legal or tax issues.


  1. Reduction in net returns/cost increase. Administration fees directly reduce the net returns on investments or increase the cost of loans.
  2. Compounding effect. Over time, even small fees can compound, leading to a substantial reduction in the value of your investments or savings, especially with long-term investments. Similarly, fees over time can significantly increase the cost of a loan or line of credit.
  3. Lack of transparency. Some fees may not be clearly disclosed, making it difficult for investors or borrowers to understand what they are paying for.
  4. Difficulty in comparing costs. Different institutions have varying fee structures, which can make it challenging for customers to compare the true cost of services and choose the best option for their needs.

Keep Your Eye On Administration Fees

This may all sound simple and obvious, but it isn’t uncommon that people forget about the administration fee, even though it should always be spelled out in the term sheet or investment contract. They are not hidden costs but they do add up, especially if they are billed as an annual fee that accrues over time. So you need to be aware and keep an eye on them.

Whether you’re an investor or you’re borrowing money from a bank, ideally these fees will be as low as possible. But it’s up to you to review the fees and make sure you’re getting the best deal.

If you have any other questions on administration fees, valuations, startup accounting, or taxes, please contact us. You can also follow our YouTube channel and our blog for information about accounting, finance, HR, and taxes for startups!