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With Scott Orn

A Startup Podcast by Kruze Consulting

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Scott Orn

Scott Orn, CFA

Jennifer Saxton of Tot Squad - On-Demand Cleaning for Baby Gear

Posted on: 07/11/2018

Jennifer Saxton

Jennifer Saxton

Founder & CEO - Tot Squad

Jennifer Saxton of Tot Squad - Podcast Summary

Jennifer Saxton of Tot Squad talks about her on-demand cleaning for baby gear. Jen started the company out of Kellogg where she foresaw a huge cohort of millennial moms needing on-demand cleaning services. She also discusses raising capital and being an expecting mom herself.

Jennifer Saxton of Tot Squad - Podcast Transcript

Scott: Hey. It’s Scott Orn at Kruze Consulting. Before we get to just an awesome podcast with Jennifer Saxton of Tot Squad, I want to give a quick shout out to It’s turbo tax for startups. We are really starting to do a lot of tax returns through that now. It’s getting pretty exciting. We’re also doing our new tax credits, so if your start up needs a tax return, or an RD tax credit just give us a shout at, we’ll take care of it. It’s a very automated process, which is pretty exciting. Also, Kruze 409a valuations. We do 409a valuations for stock options. That’s what your start up needs to issue stock options at the correct price. We do them very cheaply at $1,500.00 for seed, $2,000.00 for series A, $2,500.00 for series B. We also do them very fast, 10 business days so, if you need a 409a valuation check out Kruze Consulting 409a valuations on our home page. I hope that helps. We have updated our tax pricing since this podcast was recorded, please visit our startup taxes page to see our current pricing.

Now, let’s listen to Jennifer Saxton to Tot Squad. Welcome to Founders and Friends Podcast with Scott Orn at Kruze Consulting. My very special guest today is Jennifer Saxton of Tot Squad. Welcome, Jennifer.
Jennifer: Hey, Scott. Good to be here.
Scott: I’m doing great. How are you doing? It’s Friday afternoon. I’m drinking La Croix. What are you drinking?
Jennifer: I’m pregnant, so I’m not having wine, but I really wish I was.
Scott: You could have one glass, right?
Jennifer: I know-
Scott: Vanessa used to have one glass on Friday’s. That was her thing.
Jennifer: I’m embracing the French way of pregnancy. There’s definitely some wine involved, but not quite yet at the office.
Scott: Not at work. Jennifer and I have known each other for a long time. You have an awesome start up called Tot Squad. And, maybe you could just kind of start the podcast off by telling everyone how you had the idea for the company.
Jennifer: Yeah, sure. Tot Squad is a baby gear services company. We do stroller and car seat cleaning, repairs and safety. With the vision to be the Geek Squad of the baby industry. I am pregnant right now with my first baby. Actually I’ve been joking that Tot Squad is my first baby, so this will just be my first human baby.
Scott: It kind of is, yeah. Totally.
Jennifer: But I wrote the business plan while I was getting my MBA at Kellogg, which I think Scott is how we met. Somebody through the Kellogg network introduced us. I’m the oldest millennial. I was born in ‘‘82 and really was working in management consulting and seeing all of these women turning 30 trying to make partner at the firm and start a family at the same time. And everybody was leaving. At one point we had no female partners left in the entire company. So, I just started thinking like, wow, maybe this isn’t the right career path if I want to both be successful at work and at home. And was paying attention to work-life balance as a trend. While I was a Kellogg they tell you to skate to where the puck is going and identify macro trends. And so I said, “I think as millennials start to have kids … I was 25 at the time, “As millennials start to have kids I think there’s going to be a lot of opportunities for businesses to help improve work life-balance and solve problems for moms.” I spent my first year in business school putting together a spread sheet with 50 different business ideas. Which recently I resurfaced and had a really good laugh looking back through some of those. Because some of those businesses I have actually turned into real things like Hop Skip and . There’s some good ones.
Scott: I was going to say there’s probably some good ones in there.
Jennifer: One of the bad ones … This is pre iPad. I started Kellogg in 2008 and one of the ideas was a DVD player, a portable DVD player that you could clip to your stroller, or a restaurant table to use for your kid. So, thank goodness I didn’t go that route. I would have been out of business in a year. But, yeah that was kind of the impetus for Tot Squad. Along the way I became really passionate about car seat safety. It turns out that as many as 90% of baby car seats are incorrectly used. A leading cause for death for kids is car accidents. And a new study says that almost 50% of kids who die in accidents were not properly restrained in the car.
Scott: Oh my God that crazy.
Jennifer: Yeah, it’s terrifying. That has been really a big unifying mission at our company. And all the people who work here all over the country are really passionate about saving kids lives and working with families and babies. And that’s really fun.
Scott: First of all we hired a … Tot Squad … I don’t think you guys are in the Bay Area right?
Jennifer: Not yet.
Scott: L.A., New York.
Jennifer: Soon.
Scott: You can talk about that. We hired a car seat consultant to show us how to do it because we didn’t want to be one of the statistics. I think you guys provide that service too in L.A., in New York and all the other markets you’re in. But also I love how you thought about it as a how to enable working moms or improve their work-life balance because I’m finding we’re using Rents for laundry, we use Good Eggs and Amazon Fresh for delivery and there’s like three or four other things that we use all the time that are like … They’re total like San Francisco metropolitan services, but it really does take the edge off of things.
Jennifer: Well yeah, I think a lot of our business model has been built on partnerships with retailers. And as online retail has really grown, brick and mortar has suffered. And I think that’s particularly true for retailers targeting new parents because anytime you have to do an extra errand with a screaming infant or toddler you don’t want to do it. You would rather order online. So what Tot Squad does is we help the retailer offer a unique amenity that not only drives the foot traffic into the store, but then creates a captive audience because while we have your car seat you can’t drive away.
Scott: I didn’t think about that. That’s a great idea.
Jennifer: You’re trapped in the store. We’ve done a ton of data collection and exit surveys and have shown that value proposition to the retailers that our customers actually spend more inside the store than they do on our services. And that had given us a lot of leverage in negotiations as well, which has been great. And the parents love it because they can multitask.
Scott: Yeah. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. You should explain what you guys do exactly because I don’t want to steal your thunder.
Jennifer: Yeah. Totally, totally. The original version of the business was a totally pop up business model where we partner with different stores like Babies”R”Us, or Whole Foods, or a local boutique, or a play space, or a daycare and do a 30-60 minute cleaning on your baby gear while you’re inside. And that business model is still active here in Los Angeles where we’re headquartered, and in D.C. Where we have our first franchise location. But, we eventually kind of evolved that business model into this more Geek Squad style model. And our first in store service center just opened inside the buybuy Baby in New York City in March. Yeah, so it’s so exciting. It took me three and half years to negotiate that deal and go through pilots. What’s crazy about it is I would always say to them, “You know look, if you guys don’t want service centers I’ll go talk to Babies”R”Us. You’re our first choice, but I got Babies”R”Us in my pocket.” And I signed that deal one day before Babies”R”Us announced it was closing every single store in the country.
Scott: Oh my God. Thank God. Thank God.
Jennifer: Just shoe dumb start up luck the way that shook out. But you know we went through lots of different rounds of pilots and you know when you’re negotiating with a big public company it can be really slow. It’s been a true test of resilience and everything. So, now …
Scott: You have a location in the store that people can just walk up to. That’s awesome.
Jennifer: Inside the store. Exactly. Starting next month you’ll actually be able to add Tot Squad services to your baby registry, which is a huge driver for business in the baby world. What we have is like a membership package whereas a new parent you can add a Tot Squad membership to your registry and maybe grandma will buy it as an add on with your stroller or your car seat where we will assemble everything, install it, clean it a couple times a year, repair it and tune it up. And just kind of provide all the services you need. I mean when you’re spending upwards of $500 to a $1,000 dollars on a stroller or car seat that’s more than my first car costs. You want to maintain your investment. And when your kid throws up in the car sometimes you’re just desperate.
Scott: You have a baby on the way and we have a five month old, almost, and we have two different strollers and two different car seats. It’s amazing … These things are pretty expensive. We call the jogging one, we call it Night Rider because it’s black and super aerodynamic . But yeah, that thing gets really dirty. It’s pretty crazy.
Jennifer: I know. My friends are always asking me like, “What’s the best car seat or stroller that I should get”. And I always say like, “Look, there’s a lot of great stuff out there depending on your budget. Just get it in black”. I own a cleaning business just trust me on this. Whatever brand you choose get it in black. That will be a little easier for you to maintain over the long run.
Scott: So Tot Squad you will tune up the stroller too? That’s pretty amazing. I didn’t know that.
Jennifer: Yeah, yeah. We actually have contracts in place with the big stroller manufacturers, so if you call 1-800-Bugaboo and say, “Hey, my wheel fell off. Can somebody help me?” They’re going to refer you to Tot Squad.
Scott: Oh my gosh. We have a Bugaboo stroller.
Jennifer: Zero customer acquisitions costs on those which is great.
Scott: That’s amazing. This was … You’ve just been pushing into the retail, like to get actually in the stores. So, as you said it took you three and half years to do that?
Jennifer: So nuts, yeah. It’s been a combination of strategic fundraising and experimentation. I knew early on that I was on to something, right. This idea that car seats are dirty and hard to clean, and hard to install. Every mom I talked to wanted it and there was nobody else out there doing anything about it. And it’s taken a couple of pivots and everything to figure out how to monetize this and build a scalable business, so for a while we were really focused on franchising the pop up version of the business model. And what we realized is that most people who are buying a franchise are looking for a very proven business with proven financials. Until we got some more of these big partnerships like the in store service deal with buybuy Baby, it’s harder to sell those. Myself being kind of the consummate sales person who thinks every opportunity is the best opportunity out ever, and I just get so excited about everything. I brought in a rock star chief operating officer about two years ago and she’s like, “Okay Jennifer, that was like 20 great ideas, let’s pick three and do them well.” In that process we had to prioritize kind of closing some of these big national partnerships and relationships so that we could kind of pause franchising and then come back to it later knowing that once we had more like stronger financials we’‘d be having an easier time to sell the franchises at that point. So, what’s crazy is that what I was saying before is like we’re kind of moving on diversions three and four of the business model now. While the service center is finally alive and going and we will be opening more of those and hopefully one in San Francisco next year, finally. We are also working on a really big launch in September with Amazon and so that …
Scott: Oh my gosh! Are you kidding me?
Jennifer: I know. Yeah. So, what’s great is Amazon launched Amazon Home Services a couple of years ago and this is where you can buy a TV and they will send a TV installer. You buy a shower head and they send a plumber. Now whenever you buy a car seat you’re going to be able to add the installation. It’s going to come bundled. We will match you with a technician anywhere in the country to come out and install your car seat. So, the person you hired there in San Francisco hopefully will be one of the Tot Squad branded technicians who we can serve work out to on a regular basis there in San Francisco. Eventually would also like to be offering that service in a digital way. So, if we don’t have someone near you in rural North Dakota or whatever, we can always give you assistance via FaceTime or Skype.
Scott: That’s really smart. I love it. I use Doctors on Demand so that makes sense. If I can get diagnosed over my phone I should be able to help build a car seat or build a stroller that way.
Jennifer: Exactly.
Scott: Good for you. So, you got like these are huge partnerships. That’s amazing.
Jennifer: That one’s like moving forward. We’re in the final stages of kind of vendor set up and contract negotiation and everything. Kind of version four of the business model which is going to happen kind of concurrently with the rest of them is really targeting the transportation industry. I don’t know Scott, have you had to try to rent a baby seat from an airport or a rental car company yet?
Scott: I tried but they didn’t … They only had one size and it was for a two year old instead of a three month old.
Jennifer: It’s the wrong size.
Scott: We were screwed. We were totally screwed.
Jennifer: So, what you see is parents like schlepping their 30 pound car seats through airports because they don’t trust the rental car companies to have clean seats, to have the right size seats, et cetera. And so we’re working on some really bug opportunities with the rental car companies that will allow us to provide a better consumer experience and hopefully solve that pain point. And then also have an existing relationship already now with Uber. So, in New York City … Yeah, you can get an uberX, Uber Black or you can get an Uber Car Seat. We clean all of the car seats for Uber and we’re working on some opportunities to hopefully kind of become a fully outsourced car seat program manager for them. Help train drivers, clean seats, track them, manage them, dispose of them and really run that program, which we hope that they’ll start scaling nationwide soon. Everything at Uber has been a little up in the air since the management team changed, but excited for the growth potential on that one when it comes back online.
Scott: But it also feels like that’s very … It’s a line with their new brand and who they’re trying to be now and things like. Be very friendly to the community, so it makes total sense. Good for you.
Jennifer: Lyft is doing some stuff in that space as well, so I had a call with them a couple weeks ago. You know, I think the transportation industry is like a totally new vertical. It’s like a completely b to b offering versus our pop up events which are very b to c, and then these online retail things which I call them b to b to c. Where we’re much more like a middle woman, middle man between the consumers that the retailers have acquired and then the local technicians that we’ve recruited. So, yeah business is going really well. Lots of exciting opportunities.
Scott: You’re doing great. And you … We were talking before we turned on the mics that you’ve gone through … This is like your second fundraise, right? So, you’re going through your fundraising and you’re … What have you learned?
Jennifer: Oh my gosh.
Scott: Especially your second time, you know.
Jennifer: Yeah, so I raised about half a million coming out of Kellogg. Well actually I was sponsored for business school so I had to go back to my job for two years, so I was literally like doing this on the side on the evenings and weekends and driving a van and cleaning vomit car seats myself. I’ve literally done every job in the company. But, after I finally left my job I went on to raise about a half a million dollars on a SAFE note, which I think is still to this day very controversial compared to convertible notes. And I did that all through Angels large majority being former co workers and acquaintances just through my business network. And then last year … And just kind of closing this round next week actually. We’ve raised 1.8 million bring our total raised to around two and half million. All from Angel groups. Yeah, so that has been a totally crazy ride. I think we have seven different Angel groups from like Pasadena Angels, Tech Coast Angels, Golden Seeds which focuses on female founders and a bunch of others. I think you know it’s been interesting to see the cap table kind of explode versus other founders like you know a dude with a tech idea can go snap his finger and somebody will give him 2 million dollars. For me it’s taken years and 80 different people to total it all up, but you know it’s been a lot of work and a lot of effort but you got to do what you got to do to get the job done.
Scott: Yeah, also I think you know it’s the hardens you and teaches you a lot. I find that easy come easy go a little bit. You find that founders have a really easy time raising money. Sometimes spend it too easily and they don’t hold on to it and appreciate it. And that’s probably not going to be an issue for you, so it’s good.
Jennifer: Yeah. No my team hates me. My team hates me. I don’t spend money if it absolutely does not have to be spent.
Scott: Yeah, and like you know it’s just all part of the journey. You said it, you’ve done every job in the company. Now you fundraise from every kind of investor. It’s just how it is. This is what building a successful company is like.
Jennifer: It totally is. I think I read an article last week that I thought was really interesting. So, female founders are only getting about 2% of VC funds. There’s a Great Fortune article that came out saying that female founders do more with less. I posted on my Facebook page if you want to see it. It’s interesting per dollar raise female founders generate more revenue. So, I think we kind of …
Scott: Wow. Interesting.
Jennifer: Yeah. In general have a really good ability to be savvy and scrappy and make something out of nothing.
Scott: That’s really … We have a female founder too as you know. You know Vanessa, or you’ve heard of her. So, yeah I believe that. I subscribe to that theory. I work for a female founder. Talk about how you decided … I just found it interesting how you grew the company. You did kind of like proof concept in L.A. Then you went to New York and now you’re expanding nationally. How did the thought process go into that?
Jennifer: Yeah, I remember early on when we were really focused on franchising that everybody told me no matter what you do don’t try to open New York as your next location when you’re based in L.A. Because traveling back and forth from L.A. To New York like time zones, the cost, the time, all that involved, don’t do it. And I ignored all that advice because I was like I need to be where the luxury strollers are sold. Those are people who can afford my services. And I think traditionally, especially in franchising service businesses, the advices grow in concentric circles. So, if you’re in L.A. Next is like Phoenix, and Vegas, and San Francisco. And you kind of keep growing from there. Here we are L.A., New York, D.C. We’re hitting the big markets. You know and the next ones are obvious. The Miami’s, and Dallas’’, and Chicago’s of the world, so I think that every business is different. For me we’re really a first mover in our space and it was important to lock up these big relationships with these big stroller companies and these big retailers and we needed to be where they were doing the best. And that’s not Phoenix and Las Vegas. I think that maybe the moral of that story is that take all advice that you get with a grain of salt because it’s not always applicable to your business. Like if I was opening another sandwich shop or dry cleaner growing my brand locally in concentric circles might have made more sense, but I think that the way we did it actually worked for us.
Scott: Yeah, that makes total sense. And I remember you had some great stories of … I was talking to you a lot when you opened New York and you’re flying out there all the time …
Jennifer: I lived out there for six weeks. The Texan in me hated it. I could never live in New York again, they’re too mean.
Scott: Did you have some observations about New York … It sounds like you had some right there where you’re like, “Oh, I need to be in the places where they’re spending the most money on strollers and things like that”, was there anything else that surprised you about some of the first markets you moved into?
Jennifer: I mean I don’t … I think culturally the markets are so different. So, we even today, we handle most of our customer service out of the Los Angeles headquarters. Even for customers based in New York City. It’s funny, New Yorkers are very direct. And even when they’re not mad at you sometimes they sound like they are.
Scott: Yeah, I noticed that too. I learned that too, yeah.
Jennifer: So, you know, it’s just a different culture. We actually had an office manager for a long time who was a New Yorker and she could have her New York accent and go toe to toe with these New Yorkers. Whereas like me, I’m cowering away like they’re so mean to me. But, we have … The craziest story, I can not stop laughing about this. Is this week we had a customer who was like, we’re bending over backwards to help service these people’s stroller, it’s all rusted out, they can’t come during out normal business operation hours, we’re going to see them after hours. They arrive late even to that. And then, they pick up their stroller and they’re like, “Oh, you slashed our stroller tires. You were mad at us for being late and slashed our stroller tires.” And I’m like, “What? Is that a thing?” So, we get the picture of these stroller tires and they’re like foam tires. They don’t even have air in them. There’s no reason to slash them because it doesn’t do anything.
Scott: Were they … Did you resolve it or what happened?
Jennifer: I mean, yeah, we got them new wheels just to kind of make the problem go away. But it’s one of those times when it’s just like sometimes you just have to fire a customer. It’s like we won’t be servicing them again in the future. The crazy things that come out sometimes in customer service are just wild.
Scott: We have the same thing. We try really, really hard but there’s just some people who honestly don’t know what they’re doing and they’re such a distraction and such and energy suck and it makes people hate working with them. So, you just gotta kind of say goodbye sometimes. Vanessa’s actually really good at that. When we’ve terminated our relationship we actually refer them to three or four of our competitors just so they … Cause we’re like hey, maybe it’s just a personality thing. And they actually like that. That’s part of … Sometimes it’s an eye opener for them too. Sometimes starter founders are kind of learning the ropes, so they don’t quite know how things should be. And so it’s a good .
Jennifer: Yeah. I remember getting fired as a customer once from a startup technology platform that we were trying to use for appointment booking. Basically because our business model is so different from what anybody else is doing we’re not like a spa or a yoga studio where we have one brick and mortar location. We’re at different baby store every day and we need a booking system where people can book at all these different locations. And we’re just kind of going back and forth with these people trying to get them to customize the software for us and help us build work arounds and hacks and eventually they’re just like, you know this is what we got and maybe this isn’t the best fit for you. And he kept saying that, “Maybe this isn’t the best fit for you.” And then I was like, this guy’s firing me as a customer. I’m a thorn in his side.
Scott: But you probably have to do that with people that you’re serving, you know. They want, I don’t know, I can’t … There’s something crazy or ruining the stroller or whatever.
Jennifer: Yeah. I mean, sometimes it’s like they want something that you can deliver. It’s like they come in with a stroller that’s completely stained and soiled and it’s been sitting in their garage for ten years and like no act of God is going to make their stroller look brand new again. It’s just not worth our time because we know we can’t get that result for them. That doesn’t happen very often. Of course those customers can be the most challenging when they really … It’s funny, we charge more for poop and vomit in the stroller for Cheerios logically, so it’s always the people who have the most disgusting ones that are coming in being like, “Oh, I just need the basic, like the Cheerio level package.” And we’re like, “No, no, no buddy. You’re not going to be happy. We can’t fix your stroller on 20 minutes, that’s not happening.”
Scott: We have the same problems. I wouldn’t call … We have poopy financials that come to us and we have to clean them up. It’s usually from bad accountant. I’m going to share that with Vanessa.
Jennifer: I remember this investor once say to me that … This investor once said to me, “I’ve never seen the words poop and vomit written on a PowerPoint slide before.” And I was like, “Welcome to my business.” keeps the doors open.
Scott: Welcome to Tot Squad. Sounds like things are going really well. One of the things I wanted to talk about was your love, your passionate love for the University of Duke, or Duke University some should say. And also Kellogg, but I feel like you’re more of a Dukey. What got into you? What happened when you were there for four years?
Jennifer: Yeah, well it’s really funny. I think Duke is a really great school from the perspective that the kind of personality of people who go there tend to be very much the work hard, play hard people. It’s people who have a lot of fun personality, but also are very smart and driven. So, how can you not love that. I worked really hard to get a scholarship to Duke and .
Scott: Wow, you got a scholarship. That’s amazing.
Jennifer: Yeah, it takes a lot of work. I remember I interned at NASA my junior year. I took off my Spring semester instead of going abroad I went down to Houston and worked at Johnson Space Center. And everybody there was like basketball season in the Spring and everybody there would be like, “Oh my God you went to Duke. Do you camp out for all the basketball games are you a Cameron crazy?” And I would be like, “Heck no. It’s cold, I’m not camping out.” I just got so beat down I was embarrassed. So when I came back for my senior year at Duke I had to be like the most diehard Cameron crazy camping out sleeping on a sidewalk to get tickets to the UNC game. It was wild and I have so many good friends that I still keep in close contact with that were Duke friends. But I think I’m just one of those people that has a lot of loyalty. I love Duke, I love Kellogg. In fact at my office our front office manager has a Northwestern degree, our operations manager has a Duke degree, so I like to hire within whenever I can and build the ranks. We’ve got some people that we let in from Columbia and stuff but.
Scott: You actually do it well. I don’t think this is like … You’re good at levering that into business opportunities or relationships for Tot Squad and things like that. You’ve done a great job with SoFi. SoFi does a lot of promotions of Tot Squad and you because of your relation … You’re just a good, you just connect to Duke and Kellogg with SoFi really well.
Jennifer: I’m a proud … I’m actually one of the first ten SoFi ambassadors. So, for anybody who doesn’t know, SoFi is Social Finance and started out as a student loan company. I refinanced my business school loans through them. Paid those off last summer, yee haw!
Scott: Congrats. That’s awesome.
Jennifer: Thank you. Now have my mortgage through SoFi and I’m excited to try out their new SoFi Wealth Program. But, really great company and I think going through their entrepreneurs program where they kind of let entrepreneurs refinance their student loans with a six month deferral, so you can kind of put the cash back in your pocket. I built a great relationship over there and they actually ended up investing in my company. Which was awesome and opened a lot of doors. Yeah, I think the moral though is I’m good at keeping in touch with my affiliate networks and so to the extent that I know who manages the social media accounts for the Duke Alumni Association and who’s doing the entrepreneur posts. That’s free PR. That’s like even my sorority. We reached out to them and we got like a two page article in the alumni magazine that goes out. If you can stay in touch with those opportunities it’s grassroots PR pounding the pavement. I can’t afford a real PR company yet. We’ve just been able to create our own opportunities. But, I also think that’s just my personality. I love to network, I love to meet people. I’ve got a lot of passion and enthusiasm. I think that has generated a lot of PR for me because people see how excited I am about my business and they want to be excited about it too and help spread the word.
Scott: It’s 100% genuine. That’s what I think is so great about it. I think people pick up on that too and they see how genuine you are and it makes it real and infectious. It’s really cool.
Jennifer: That’s my Texan showing.
Scott: I don’t want to break any news here, but when are you coming to San Francisco? Is it like six months or a year?
Jennifer: No, no. The Walmart deal should be live for Baby Safety Month which is September. And Amazon is able to move very quickly. We’re just in final negotiations with them to get set up right now because Amazon’s already got all the technology built out. It’s a little wild because I’m basically launching nationwide with these big retailers the same month I’m actually having a baby. So, initially I was thinking I was going to try to take two weeks off and now I’m thinking maybe just the two hours when I’m actively pushing. I’m like, I don’t know how we’re going to pull this off.
Scott: Give yourself some time. It’s a big one. I know Vanessa probably … Because we had Zara during tax season so it was a little, it was very disruptive for us. Give yourself some time. That’s my best advice. Vanessa probably came back a little too early.
Jennifer: Yeah, exactly. Until my team is like, “Jennifer, go away you’re like hallucinating from lack of sleep and you’re actually damaging the company by being here go away.” We’ll see how it goes down. But, I’m hoping I have a pretty chill baby. We have obviously a baby friendly work environment. I grew up … My parents used to own the Zilker Park Train in Austin, which a little miniature train ride you could do around the park. And my dad would manage the engineers, and my mom ran the souvenir stand, and my sister and I would collect tickets. So I loved being able to have that family friendly work environment. I think I’ve set a good precedent here. We had an employee who brought her baby to work from six months old to almost nine months old. A couple hours a day, or a couple days a week. So, it doesn’t look like I’m going to be giving myself special treatment or preference if I’m bringing the baby to work. I just gotta hope she’s pretty chill when she arrives.
Scott: People like holding the baby too, that works pretty well.
Jennifer: Exactly. Everybody wants a turn.
Scott: Cool. Well this has been an awesome podcast. Can you tell everyone where they can find Tot Squad and any other background that helpful for them?
Jennifer: Yeah. We’re at on Instagram @totsquad and all the rest of the social media channels you would expect. And again you can look for car seat installation services we call them safety school starting in September. Should be available nationwide. And makes a great baby shower gift even if you’re not expecting to make sure your friends can get their car seat checked by a professional. Thank you so much for having me on Scott. It’s been so fun to connect with another Kellogg guy.
Scott: I would like one of these as a birthday present of anyone’s listening. We already have the baby, but a birthday present for me would be great.
Jennifer: You just want the cleaning.
Scott: Poopy diapers, this is all stuff I can relate to. All right Jennifer congrats on building an awesome company and I’m very excited about your national roll out with three or four of the biggest tech companies in the world. Holy smokes you’ve accomplished a ton.
Jennifer: Awesome. Thanks Scott.
Scott: Cool. All right, take care.

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