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With Scott Orn

A Startup Podcast by Kruze Consulting

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Scott Orn

Scott Orn, CFA

Evan Meagher, VP of Finance at Logikcull and aspiring rockstar, on switching to enterprise accounting software

Posted on: 03/04/2020

Evan Meagher

Evan Meagher

VP of Finance - Logikcull

Evan Meagher of Logikcull - Podcast Summary

Evan Meagher, who is not only the VP of Finance of Logikcull but who also wrote, performed and recorded the theme song to this podcast, talks about the challenges needed to upgrade a late-stage SaaS business to enterprise quality accounting systems.

Evan Meagher of Logikcull - Podcast Transcript

Singer: (music) Founders and Friends with your host Scotty Orn.
Scott: Welcome to the Founders and Friends podcast with Scott Orn at Kruze Consulting. Before we get to an incredible podcast with Evan Meagher of Logikcull, quick shout out to Rippling. Rippling is the newest most advanced payroll product on the market. Not only do they payroll, but they also manage your HR benefits, and they also integrate into your tech stack to make spinning up someone with a new laptop and all the web services really easy. Who handles that at Logikcull?
Evan: Oh, it’s hilarious.
Scott: Or do you use Rippling?
Evan: So, we don’t use Rippling. It’s hilarious that I keep pushing to try to get our CTO and founder to not provision laptops.
Scott: Exactly. So, that person’s probably 1,000 dollars an hour.
Evan: Oh, that’s exactly, the most expensive computer set up ever.
Scott: Our IT services firm is 140 bucks an hour and it takes them three hours.
Evan: 400 bucks.
Scott: So, it costs us $420 to spin up someone. Probably costs you $3000 if your founder’s doing it.
Evan: Oh, it’s terrible. Yeah. I keep like-
Scott: So, this is the impetus to use Rippling for payroll benefits and your IT infrastructure. All right. That was Evan who answered a question before he’s even introduced. God bless him. You probably know Evan, he can give his professional background, but he wrote and performed the theme song for the Kruze Consulting podcast. Thank you so much.
Evan: Well, thank you. That’s correct. Actually, this is my fourth time? I think I’m on the four time count now.
Scott: God, is it really? It might be three.
Evan: It’s three or four, because I did want a tigfig.
Scott: I don’t know.
Evan: I think this might be the fourth timer’s club, but this is not actually just our annual customary podcast. This is actually a collection call.
Scott: Oh, is it?
Evan: That’s right, yeah.
Scott: That’s right, for the booze for the song.
Evan: Where’s my money, man?
Scott: I’ve tried to pay you in booze many times and you have not accepted. The joke is that for writing that theme song, I said I’d buy everyone in the band, which I think is five people.
Evan: Five bottles of okay booze.
Scott: Five bottles of pretty good booze. I will deliver on that. But actually, if people really like the theme songs and I love it. So, thank you.
Evan: Now, one last thing before we get … We got a lot to talk about and we’re starting a little late. I know we can’t dither and dally. I know that your marketing guy said, “Oh, we’ve got to shorten it, because otherwise we’ll have drop off,” and I think that’s probably smart. However, I’m requesting that for this one.
Scott: Oh, put the whole song on.
Evan: Full one on, because I figured, who’s going to listen to this?
Scott: It’s basically a one-minute song and we shortened it to 20 seconds or 25 seconds, but it’s incredible.
Evan: It’s like 40 seconds, it’s not that long. I will say one last thing, we put more vocal overdubs on that than we put on any song.
Scott: Any of your songs.
Evan: There’s like five vocal tracks, we put way more.
Scott: It’s really good. I love it.
Evan: It’s all right.
Scott: Okay, so you give your professional background and then we have a couple of hot topics to talk about.
Evan: Yeah. My name’s Evan Meagher. I am the Vice President of Finance at Logikcull, we’re an eDiscovery software company that big companies and law firms use for litigation need discovery, internal investigations, third party subpoenas, legal holds, that sort of thing. Modern legal teams doing risk and compliance or litigation use us to find the smoking gun inside huge, just piles and piles of documents.
Scott: It’s a SaaS service.
Evan: That’s right.
Scott: It’s real, super innovative for the legal market.
Evan: Yeah. Yeah. That’s a good spot.
Scott: You guys have been doing really well. It’s been three … You’ve been there for three years?
Evan: Three years, coming in Q1 it will be three years, which is actually, believe it or not, that’s the longest I’ve ever had any job.
Scott: Wow.
Evan: Isn’t that crazy?
Scott: No, I’ve had a few more. So, Logikcull’s a great company. You run finance.
Evan: Correct.
Scott: You’ve had a banner year in the finance department. You actually did something that-
Evan: We did.
Scott: Tell them what you did.
Evan: Yeah. My mandate, when I came in three years ago, was like, Hey, we’ve got to get off this really lousy accounting software, that will go unnamed. We don’t need to-
Scott: It’s called Xero. God bless the people at Xero.
Scott: It’s great for a three person or five-person company.
Evan: It’s not enterprise grade, you’re not going to go public.
Scott: So, our companies all run QuickBooks.
Evan: And Xero’s public and I’m pretty sure they use NetSuite.
Scott: So, NetSuite is what you want to be on when you’re a company your size.
Evan: And we migrated away. It took, there were always a lot of blockers in terms of bad, the revenue database we lived in the CRM, which is Salesforce and that was totally mucked up and we had a ton of really bad misfires on the hiring of people to fix that. And we finally just, it was a joint effort. The engineering team, God bless them, snaps to you guys, finally put in the effort to pay it on a ton of backend technical debt so that we could automate more billing and start to have that information flow properly. A guy on my team, I’m going to buzz market, two of them actually, Sean Will, Willevone is his name, worked really hard on just kind of cleaning up a lot of the mess. Finally, the accounting team, which is led by a guy named Dan, our accounting manager, in the absence of our controller who was on leave for a little bit, really pulled together, pulled a lot of all nighters and huge implementation in October. Pulled together, just really couldn’t have done it without anybody. Andrew, our FPA guy, James on AR and Kimberly, the gunner, who we just hired as a staff accountant. They all really pulled together and we accomplished more in Q4 than we had in any quarter since I’ve been here. Transitioned into NetSuite, a painful process, but at the end of the day you come out the other end of the tunnel.
Scott: Cool. So, congrats on NetSuite.
Evan: Thank you.
Scott: For folks that don’t know, typically a company will go from QuickBooks to NetSuite.
Evan: Often.
Scott: Usually it’s around the 10 or 15-dollar million mark. We have companies that are doing over a hundred million dollars that are still on QuickBooks. QuickBooks online is getting stronger and stronger.
Evan: It’s still a pretty good product.
Scott: Yeah, it is and they keep improving. It’s a little bit of a rite of passage for a series C company, that’s probably what you got. Are you guys Series C?
Evan: We’re Series B, but we’re effective.
Scott: Later stage. Yeah.
Evan: It was a profitable services business and they basically did it. They basically self-funded for four years to skip at least one, probably more like two funds.
Scott: Yeah, but it’s a really big deal. It’s a lot of work. We help a lot of clients do it. You guys used … We can’t touch Xero so we couldn’t do this. But, so you used, you actually have a really good recommendation for a group you liked.
Evan: I’m going to buzz market the heck out of … You actually referred them to us.
Scott: I figured.
Evan: They’re called CEBA Solutions, Zabe and Josh, I actually just got to iron this Bayer’s operators’ group, now it’s called the operators Guild, but I still call it BAL. And, I buzz marketed them out of nowhere. Literally, was unsolicited like, “Hey guys, if you are transitioning to NetSuite, use these guys. They are literally the best vendor that I used all year.” Every year I look back and I’m like, it was the best money we spent. The money we spent on that was without question, the best money we spent. So props, I’m going to buzz market you Zabe and Josh.
Scott: That’s awesome.
Evan: That’s not always the experience. We had a horrible experience with a sales ops vendor who were nice people and said all the right things and had the right approach, but then when the … If you’re in consulting you’re in professional services, right? Your product is only as good as the quality of the people you have. The work product was just junk. I’m not going to go out of my way to slag that consultant, but CEBA, man. Look, call me, call me if you need help. I will introduce you to CEBA, they’re great.
Scott: I love it. What are the three, for folks listening at home, that conversion over to NetSuite, what are the three high level big things you got to worry about and do well?
Evan: In our case we had a unique one and that was that we had started to use it but then were blocked by a couple, of the things I mentioned earlier, bad data in the CRM. We’d started to use the payroll, but so we had payroll and AR but no other accounts and the driver capita. So that was just like, I mean my head’s up. [inaudible] payroll.
Scott: When you say payroll, you mean running payroll or you mean accounting for payroll?
Evan: The payroll module for NetSuite, HR has decided they don’t want to use it anymore. So, I’m going to hopefully shift that spend to something else in NetSuite. Because I liked the NetSuite team. Good company, good software. I joked for two years, I’ve been paying for it for 18 months. I’d really loved to use it. So, that was number one. You know what often people are maybe unique to us, but I’ll bet you it comes up a lot. I’ve actually seen it before. It’s like we had a foreign sub, three UK-
Scott: That’s actually a very common reason to convert to NetSuite because of the consolidation of a foreign sub. So, folks that don’t know when you have a foreign subsidiary, they’re like their own little company running in another country, but you as the parent company apparent, Delaware C Corp have to either incorporate them, their financials on your tax return at the very least, which we help do. Oftentimes as a company gets bigger and that subsidiary gets bigger, you want to incorporate them in your regular financials. NetSuite actually does that pretty well. That’s actually the number one trigger for us, for upgrading our clients.
Evan: Yeah. So, I mean, a lot of companies, I’ve seen this before, like they’ll try to skate like a US employee moves to the UK or somewhere and they’re like, okay, just make me an independent contractor. People will do that and they’ll get away with it for a little while. Ultimately, you’re not really right with the Lord.
Scott: Yeah. Getting away with it means that the payroll tax collector in whatever country hasn’t figured out that you’re operating there. Government’s really like payroll taxes. That’s actually like really how they run. They figure that stuff out and then they hit you with a late.
Evan: The penalty ultimately like you know, one of our core values is do the right thing. And so-
Scott: In your legal tech company.
Evan: Exactly. The reputation is doing the right thing’s kind of important to us. We had to form this UK shop and Xero, you know we were already trying to move away from Xero but Xero couldn’t do it. When we did a migration, I mean you can think about this like you know when you have intercompany transactions upstream or downstream, those effectively wipe, when you consolidate, right? They’re like net to Xero. One person’s credit is another person’s debit, but when you don’t have a subsidiary to be set up in Xero, you only have one side credit and debit. When you import that stuff into NetSuite, everything gets reversed and you’re like, Oh my God.
Scott: Yeah, yeah.
Evan: That was an issue. The third thing honestly is I know I’m buzz marketing CEBA here but like higher up, unless you. I’m the VP of finance type that comes from the MBA CFA side of things. I’m not a classically trained accountant, but even the classically trained accountants, the big four types typically don’t have project management experience. Some, because they’ve run audits and they had to manage resources. Like I said, the money we paid CEBA was the best money we spent all year because that’s someone who’s done it 50 million times, not twice. They could just architect and quarterback the whole thing and be like, okay, now you’re going to have to do this before you do that and then you have to do this. It’s just putting out a Gantt Chart and I love me a good Gantt Chart. Not anything I’ve ever built, but they’ll do that and just having someone to, you just know that like we’re all reasonably smart people, right? I’m very capable of screwing stuff up but just knowing that they were there to be like, Hey what, what’s the right order of operations here, worth every penny.
Scott: Yeah. Also, NetSuite is often a new software for a lot of accountants, so it’s actually pretty complex and it’s hard to use at first. It’s very powerful. That’s one of the reasons it’s hard to use. My other 2 cents would be if you’re going to do that conversion make sure your VP of finance has used it before or is willing to have a coach like you did with a contractor. You don’t want to hire a VP of Finance just because they have NetSuite. Because that’ll probably, yeah, exactly. It does help to have someone who knows what they’re doing.
Evan: Frankly, a lot of VPs of Finance like me, like I’m going to live in Excel no matter what.
Scott: Yeah.
Evan: Honestly, when we did the bake off, everyone does between Intacct and NetSuite and ultimately, I looked at both of the visualizations, they’re both awesome. Both are super powerful. Like, oh, where’s my collection module look like? Oh, that’s great. You know, but, ultimately, I turned to my controller and was like, which one do you want to use? She was like NetSuite.
Scott: That’s really good.
Evan: That is the decision.
Scott: That’s great advice for probably any executive on a management team, what system they want to use. Go with it.
Evan: Going to live in it.
Scott: We just upgraded our tax software. That’s exactly how I made the decision. Vanessa and Lorena got together and like, what do we really want to use here?
Evan: That’s the way to do it, man.
Scott: That’s awesome. Well congratulations. I actually, there is some, you sent some messages online that I was like, we did it, we got it, we got past it and I was very happy for them. It’s a lot of work. It’s just a serious, and people, sometimes some consultants or even NetSuite, God bless them, will say like, Oh, this is a two-month thing or you know, it’s not a two-month thing, it takes like six months.
Evan: We’re still in the aftershocks of getting our arms set up, advanced revenue module and it’s just getting reports like the way I want them, which I could go into detail, but basically you do the cut over, but then you’re still cleaning up messes. Here’s the good news. You’re always going to have this zipper point. Where you zip together you’re off Xero and into NetSuite, and that’s painful. The metaphor I’ve used is it’s like a bad breakup, as time goes on-
Scott: You forget.
Evan: You have to revisit those painful moments less and less frequently.
Scott: Yeah.
Evan: We’re not going to go public in the next two years, so it’s fine.
Scott: Also, when you do that cut over, we always recommend doing the cut over like January 1st.
Evan: Yeah, I would have liked to. We did -
Scott: Retroactively. So, you don’t want to do it like you don’t want to be working the holiday week before January 1st on this. What you want to do is basically create some redundancy between the two systems. Ideally you do this in February or March or something like that and then cut over and as of January 1st period.
Evan: Run two sets of books for a period, and you just gotta make them.
Scott: I’m very happy for you. Okay. Other, because we’re in the software mode, what other software tools do you like right now?
Evan: Well, because we were making this big switch and finally the whole company had kind of ignored back office architecture for a long time. There’s a ton of tech like that.
Scott: You also had Xero, which isn’t great for that is like you’re not going to upgrade a bunch of stuff.
Evan: Exactly and decisions were made about literally how we use Salesforce, based on the limitations of Xero, it’s like, Oh, those decisions were made before I was there. I wish they hadn’t been made. But, but you know, you play it as it lies, right? We made a bunch of investments in clean operational sheets. That was get rid of Xero use NetSuite, get rid of Avalara, use TaxJar. One of the biggest ones, which I mean shame on me honestly because we’d been pinged a hundred times, you know was very aggressive with their SDR drip email campaign. I’d always resisted it because it’s like, we talked about this in the past, I have often in my career made the mistake of like, Hey, like we’re trying to ask the company to tighten their belts. I’m going to set what would be an example and tighten my belt the tightest and that’s a mistake and the message doesn’t translate. People just still think, Oh, but I want to spend this on that software or that one. Ultimately all you do is you set up the company for failure by under investing in accounting. I’m not doing that anymore. That’s over. But it was like, Oh, should we really use like we don’t have that many stupid, it was stupid and I shouldn’t, it’s not expensive. For us it was five grand plus $1.40 something per transaction. I was so penny wise and pound foolish for so long, I feel like an idiot. I’ve seen the light, I’ve learned the error of my ways, Scott.
Scott: Our biggest issue with like that, because what you should be using for is like all your contractor/vendor payments.
Evan: Absolutely.
Scott: It’s mostly contractors or startups because they usually have offshore development teams or even onshore development teams that they’re not full-time employees. Or you have people who are creating content for you or aggregating content or whatever it is and not the power of is it takes that invoice, turns into a bill and sinks all that stuff into QuickBooks or NetSuite. You have a permanent record. There’s a couple of things people don’t know, contractors tend to be disorganized because they’re running their own small business and so they’ll always get their billing wrong and pinging and be like, you didn’t pay me when you actually did pay them. You can see in very clearly that you did pay them and here’s the date the check was cashed or the payment went through. You also have those invoices for life so you can reconcile that if you ever need to. There’s like bulk bill payment. It’s exactly what you want if you’ve got to pay like a hundred contractors or 200 contractors, which is a lot. That’s a lot of contractors. That’s what you should be going for.
Evan: Yeah. I’m always reluctant to like buzz market huge companies, is a huge company.
Scott: Yeah, they just went public actually.
Evan: Right? It was so stupid, I should have used them years ago, and for the de minimum cost. I just want to go back and apologize to our previous staff accountant, she wasn’t even pushing for it but I could’ve saved her so much time.
Scott: Yeah, and people try to do wires all the time but you don’t have the invoice detail. They try to use Gusto or their payroll to pay contractors, which you don’t have the invoice detail. It’s a total mess. You probably just put like using you save so much time, it’s incredible.
Evan: Again, I hate buzz marketing, big successful companies because they don’t need my help. I’d rather buzz market the small-
Scott: You’re just helping the people who are listening.
Evan: Seriously. It was just a no brainer. I should have done it years ago.
Scott: Anything else you’re using that you like?
Evan: What other good …
Scott: What’s your credit card and stuff? What are you doing on your credit card?
Evan: We’re still on STB our bank and we get pinged. This is an area for exploration that we’re currently looking at like Divvy but that doesn’t integrate with NetSuite yet. They say it’s going live but I’ll wait.
Scott: I don’t even know if Divvy integrates with QuickBooks yet. It’s been a little …
Evan: I’m curious about that. And then Airbase, other real time [crosstalk]
Scott: I’ve heard really good things about Airbase actually.
Evan: We’re checking them out and, we always get pinged by Brex, so far, the juice just hasn’t been worth the squeeze.
Scott: If STB is working for you, then stick with it. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.
Evan: That’s kind of where we’re at, but there are certain advantages. What’s tough, I’ve told them this, look, using something like Airbase is kind of a disruptive organizational process. You need to train like to train people to do things in different ways. And guess what? No one ever wants to listen to accounting. They just want to spend stuff on their corporate card and then not do any work. That’s not how it works. I get it, you need to retrain user behavior.
Scott: I don’t know if Brex integrates in NetSuite. It probably does, but oh they did. They just came out with that a couple months ago, I forgot. We use Brex a lot because it integrates with QuickBooks really nicely, it actually speeds our reconciliations. You can spin up like a new card for someone pretty easily. That’s the use case as CBs. Customer support used to be for the credit there. It was an interesting STB; their bank customer service was phenomenal. The credit card customer service was outsourced or something. It wasn’t very good. That’s why there was this hole in the market for a good credit card.
Evan: It makes sense.
Scott: I think I’ve actually met with STB about this recently. They’re really putting a lot of resources in their credit card because they realize what’s happening.
Evan: If you wanted to say the corporate cards were the weakest part of their platform.
Scott: Yeah, that’s basically what I’m saying.
Evan: Well then, I would object and say try opening a UK bank account.
Scott: Oh, no.
Evan: Oh, six months.
Scott: Really?
Evan: Just unresponsive.
Scott: Oh, they actually have good people in the UK because some of my friends have gone out there.
Evan: It was back office operations and [crosstalk] it was a nightmare going back and forth. It was like, guys.
Scott: If that ever happens to you again just email me and I’ll talk to some folks. We are a massive partner with SUB.
Evan: I believe it. I love SUB, I’m very happy with our banking relationship. One of the reasons I’m reluctant to move to something like Brex, but that was painful and it’s not entirely SUBs fault. A lot of it is just the UK banking laws.
Scott: And that subsidiary and all that kind of stuff. Stripe has a credit card coming out too. I actually just got access.
Evan: Stripe’s a great company, we’re using Stripe for processing.
Scott: We use that quite a bit. They actually have some good automatic revenue rec they’re coming out with too.
Evan: Yeah, we’re, we’re going to, we’re probably have [inaudible].
Scott: NetSuite will probably do that for you.
Evan: We’re relying on them. Our billing, we have to, there’s a lot of change that has been happening and will continue to happen because billing has always been something we did just badly because we had bad data in Salesforce. We have bad, it’s just a lot of technical debt but the team has really worked on it.
Scott: You have another big change, changing gears here, which is you guys came out with a new pricing structure.
Evan: That’s correct.
Scott: It sounds like it’s working pretty well.
Evan: Yeah, the whole eDiscovery industry has for decades really kind of been hooked on this really rich per gigabyte per month. We were charging that.
Scott: Because it’s like document storage pricing structure?
Evan: Yeah.
Scott: Because the document’s so big and you got to scan documents.
Evan: You have to process it.
Scott: Yeah.
Evan: People just were charging per gigabyte per month over time. That’s just frustrating to the customer. Because the whole point of Logikcull is right in the name. It was like logic call. Like you’re supposed to call out, the other side gives you 100 million documents hoping that the haystack is so big you can’t find the needles that you need.
Scott: The other side meaning the people who are suing you or you’re suing, the opposition.
Evan: Absolutely right. There’s literally 0.1% of the documents that you need but you’re paying for the 99.9 on the same price. That doesn’t make sense. So, we switched to, you know, above the law called it the, the most disruptive pricing model we’ve ever seen. Any documents, maybe that’s, well I mean thanks but it saves me a one-time processing fee cause you do incur a real cost to process stuff, but then a flat per matter fee was 250 bucks, which is why 250, well because that’s the average attorney charges that if we can’t save you an hour a month, then seriously.
Scott: Wow.
Evan: We save three of our biggest corporate customers I won’t name, their annual savings from using us is in the seven figures. Even on one matter, we can probably save you five or ten hours a month, but we’ll just charge you one hour that we saved.
Scott: Wow, that’s it. It’s like a five X return for a client.
Evan: Or higher and in a big matter.
Scott: Wow, that’s crazy.
Evan: You know, so there are matters that are like a terabyte which would cost you 30, 40, 50 grand a month and we’re charging you 250 bucks.
Scott: No, oh my God. Holy cow.
Evan: We made this real push to be the easiest to use and the easiest to buy. In order to do that, everything towards user adoption needs to be like a greased skid, super easy, frictionless. Previously trying to charge the way the industry charges, which is like, Oh, it’s easy, it’s like 40 or 50 or 60 dollars per gigabyte. That’s simple. Then there’s all this fine print, based on high watermark, note that like downloads actually increased storage. So, like when you do a production according to, and by the way it’s on the post duplicated, expanded amount. We’ve talked about this in the past, but like, you know, kind of a backup thing is like a PST file, but that’s compressed by its nature. Then that can be zipped. Then inside the PST, someone’s emailed you a zip that has other PSTs in it. You might have a one gigabyte PST that is a Russian nesting doll of data that turns into 10 gigabytes. So, like, and that surprise, which by the way, like you just didn’t know how much data you have. That’s not like the software’s fault, but you can imagine this customer, you’re like, I thought this was going to be 500 bucks a month and in accordion to like 2,500 a month. You feel terrible.
Scott: Yeah.
Evan: It was like, no, no, no, we’re not going to do that anymore.
Scott: That’s incredible. So, have you seen adoption just go crazy.
Evan: It’s gotten pretty wild. Yeah.
Scott: That’s awesome.
Evan: That’s awesome. Yeah, it’s been cool.
Scott: Wow. How does the industry respond? Are people just kind of …
Evan: Yeah, this is going to be hilarious to compare this to like a huge company like Schwab, but when Schwab says burger trees are free now, you know, it’s like, well what? We’ve had some real high profile wins just literally in the last two weeks, one this morning against some pretty entrenched competitors and that’s exciting. It’s not winning on price is a road to nowhere, that’s just race to the bottom. But what we found is really fascinating to me is that a lot of our customers are huge corporations and their legal teams and they have one set of budgetary and decision-making levers. Then a lot of them are our law firms, right? Their attitude is like, well I’m going to pass it through to the client. Yes, there is value in the price being low, but that’s using OPM, other people’s money. You could just gouge them a ton because they’re like, Oh, it’s not my money. But there’s I would say even more value than in the price being low in the price being predictable and when you just go flat, like it’s not going to go up, it’s not going to go down. Even if you do a ton of production.
Scott: Yeah, yeah.
Evan: There’s value in having a low price, but if there’s even more than having it predictable.
Scott: We did the same thing with our fixed fee 18 months ago or two years ago. And people love it. Yeah, they didn’t, they actually don’t mind paying whatever it costs to do it right. They just don’t want to get crazy fluctuations.
Evan: Yep, exactly.
Scott: Actually, it was a great learning for us. That’s amazing. Cool. So, you’re, you’re killing it.
Evan: It’s, it’s been a great Q1, man. It’s been great. And now you know that pricing …
Scott: Your blood pressure is probably down a lot because NetSuite is in.
Evan: Yeah, and my team, I’m really proud of him. We’re actually going to our year-end dinner tonight. Orangery Lounge. I’ll buzz market Orangery Lounge. I like that salt and pepper crowd.
Scott: I hope you’re getting paid for some of these buzz marketing.
Evan: No kickbacks whatsoever. I put it out to the universe. I hope someday it comes back.
Scott: We’ve got to wrap up here, but any other big, big pieces of advice for VP’s of finances or pricing structures or just because the company, the cool thing about Logikcull now is the company is really kind of maturing. It’s like you, you joined as like a fresh face, young, young kid, and that you’ve been through. But now it’s taken off and see what’s happening. Maybe one of those lessons is just patience. There’s a lot of people who bounce every year or every two years on jobs. You’re in year three and you’re just kind of seeing it go now.
Evan: I know one really respected guy that is in this SBAO group with us and you know, he said, Oh, some of the best advice I’ve ever had is if you’re out of place, the most precious asset you have in your career is the years of your life. Right?
Scott: Yeah.
Evan: If it’s not doubling every year, leave. We intentionally spent 2019 with this disruptive price change and paying down technical debt such that growth, which had been about a hundred percent year over year. Slow down and we set it up for growth in the meantime. I think seeing it through. Patience I think is important, loyalty is important. But on the other hand of at that, I probably should’ve been more impatient with paying down this technical debt. I was raising the alarm bells about how bad our billing process was two and a half years ago. But there was just no interest in fixing it until the customer cried, how frustrating it was.
Scott: But you’ve gone through it now, so next time it happens, you’ll be more. That’s kind of like life. That’s the cool thing about hiring someone who knows what they’re doing in finance. You actually get all the benefits of all the lessons. Thank you for coming by. Tell everyone where they can find Logikcull, how to reach out and also your band, plug the band.
Evan: Three things I can say, number one, you can find us at, it’s If you enjoy the melodic strains of the Kruze Consulting Founders and Friends theme song, you can see us. We are headlining the bottom of the hill.
Scott: Oh, no way. That’s real. Wow.
Evan: Yeah. January 29th comes on. 40 Feet Tall and Modern Monsters are playing with us. It’s a rock show or the kind that they don’t do that much anymore. As we were talking before, shout out to my wife Rebecca, who is pregnant with our first child.
Scott: Huge congrats.
Evan: Thank you. Thank you.
Scott: That’s going to be so awesome. I can’t wait to show you pictures of my daughter right when we get off the phone.
Evan: Every time I come. This is my fourth time, by the way, I did the math.
Scott: It must be.
Evan: Am I the first fourth timer?
Scott: Yes. So, you get certain perks when you write the theme song.
Evan: Membership has its privileges.
Scott: Awesome, Evan, thank you so much and check out Logikcull and thanks for all the lessons learned. Boom.
Evan: Boom.
Scott: All right buddy. Thanks, bye. (music)

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