Posted on: 10/21/2018
Brian Mullen of InfluxData - Podcast Summary
Brian Mullen of InfluxData comes by to discuss the Company’s Open Source Time Series Database for Metrics & Events. Brian is a Twilio veteran and identified InfluxData as another key developer empowering service. Brian shares interesting customer stories on how InfluxData is being used across DevOps and in the Internet of Things world.
Brian Mullen of InfluxData - Podcast Transcript
Scott: | Welcome to Founders and Friends Podcast with Scott Orn at Kruze Consulting and my very special guest is Brian Mullen of InfluxData. Welcome, Brian. |
Brian: | Thanks, Scott, Thanks for having me. Long time listener first-time caller. |
Scott: | No, you’re a second time. |
Brian: | Second-time caller. |
Scott: | Second-time podcaster. So, you’re one of the first ones I ever did. It’s been about two years probably since we’ve talked. |
Brian: | I think so. Couple Warriors titles since then. |
Scott: | We actually have season tickets at Kruze Consulting. |
Brian: | Oh. |
Scott: | I can- |
Brian: | Maybe we should make this a weekly thing starting in November. |
Scott: | Yes, exactly. I should’ve taken you to a couple of games. So, we recap for this year even though it’s infinitely more expensive and Kevin Durant may leave next year. I’m very terrified of that. So, that was a good run. I was actually at the game where J.R. Smith did his weird stuff. |
Brian: | Oh, wow. Okay. |
Scott: | That was pretty intense and awesome. So, you were at Twilio when we talked now you have a new startup. You want to talk about the journey. You’re just tired and ready to do something new? |
Brian: | I was. I mean, I wouldn’t say tired- |
Scott: | Sorry. |
Brian: | Although, we had at my time at Twilio we had … I think our oldest was four months old when I started and then we had another number two Dominic came in 2012. So a couple kids during that long time run and I was ready to do something new. So, I mean, I guess it was in the middle of 2017 first quarter maybe of 2017 is when I joined InfluxData which is the company I’m at now. I was just ready to jump back into it and I’m kind of … The thing that attracted me to Twilio way back when was really just the chance to build a company and who knew we had no idea what it would become and it turned out we kind of ran the gauntlet and turned out pretty good. |
Scott: | Pretty amazing. |
Brian: | But, I also just was really anxious to kind of do it again and set out with a new challenge and a new product and kind of expand basically into a new kind of product area that I hadn’t really experienced that much before and that was kind of what prompted the interest to look around. |
Scott: | And Twilio was a developer-centric software company and it’s kind of the same thing right? You guys have [crosstalk]. |
Brian: | It is. I kind of in Twilio and working with Jeff who’s the CEO and founder of Twilio I got religion about developer tools and developer products even though I’m not a developer myself. And so when I was looking around at new opportunities I was one of the kinds of things I was looking for was something that was really a developer focused product and had a really good following and it’s a little bit later so a lot of the companies I was looking at were open source in some way. Twilio wasn’t open source but in a lot of ways kind of acted like an open source company. |
Scott: | It was a really easy API to use and it wasn’t too expensive to get started right? It was easy to get going. |
Brian: | Free. And so when I was looking around at opportunities I talked to a lot of companies and so Influx was something I hadn’t really heard about previously but got introduced to the CEO and the founder Paul Dix. Who the company actually started as a Y Combinator company. So, it was 2013 it had a different name, and a different product and so, Paul who’s the founder, it was originally called Airplanes it was kind of a monitoring product like Datadog or something or Cystic. And one of the things that people were really interested in was the time series component which is this underlying thing and Paul himself had banged his head against the wall trying to deal with that problem. He ended up taking kind of the underlying time series component which is basically a database engine that he built and rebuilt it, wrote it in Go and put it out in the open source and it just took off. |
Scott: | And time series means monitoring data that comes in over time? So, every second you can see a bunch of data came in or something like that. It reads. |
Brian: | Time series is basically an attribute … It’s a data with certain attributes, which is stamped in time in some way. Every one second, every 10 minutes whatever it might be. And so what happens is there’s kind of a traditional way to deal with it in the big data Hadoop style where everything just gets dumped into one big ever growing depository. And so you kind of have to know what you’re looking for. And so this kind of flips that around a little bit and what you can do is kind of look at the data as it’s coming in and so it’s really the product is really optimized to handle data in real time. Basically, streaming in and it’s streaming out probably as quickly as it’s coming in. So it’s a little bit different way of doing it. |
Scott: | So people are using it to read? What are people … What are some navigations built on it? |
Brian: | So, the two big kinds of use cases are the same fundamental time series kind of probably but one is in a kind of in DevOps and application infrastructure so data coming out from as you scale out with containers or as you deploy VMs. Basically, as people grow the kind of application stack that they have running in the cloud as that grows out each of those kinds of new instances in the apps and services running on them start emitting data. So, it’s kind of a monitoring thing. So, the data as you scale out that data grows and grows and grows, and it’s coming in real time, so you use InfluxDB to kind of handle that. And then the same kind of fundamental technical problem in internet things except instead of being virtual things like microservices and VMs it’s actually devices and sensors and it’s solar panel or something. |
Scott: | And we were talking before to other mics because it’s always a good sign when we at Kruze Consulting see a new startup getting purchased by our clients right. So, I knew the company you were working at and everything and I follow you on Twitter and then I was looking at doing financials for one of my clients and I was like they spent a bunch of money at InfluxData and I was like that’s Mullen’s company. And then that’s what made me reach out to do the podcast. But, it sounds like you guys are starting to get real traction now. |
Brian: | It’s doing well. The open source part of it is doing really well. We’ve got 100,000 deployed InfluxDB instances so that’s 100,000 plus people who are actually running Influx in the open source which is great. |
Scott: | Jesus Christ. That’s amazing. |
Brian: | And then customers people actually buy the product. The people you uncover your client that’s 450, 500 customers, so it’s doing really well. |
Scott: | That’s awesome. |
Brian: | And we’ve only had the paid product out for two years. I think this is month 24 of actually having a paid product. |
Scott: | And what’s your role at the company? |
Brian: | So, I lead business development and that means something different at every company you go to. The number of times someone at Twilio over here there like what does BD do anyway? |
Scott: | The most handsome person at the company. |
Brian: | Obviously. So, the first requirement is to wear a collared shirt. The second requirement is. |
Scott: | We have that rule too. Everyone has to wear a collared shirt at our place. |
Brian: | The way we think about it at Influx is there’s kind of three big buckets. I’ll kind of talk about each one. But one is technology partners so these are kind of integrations and products and services that are kind of in and around our product in the ecosystem. Another is resellers and referral partners who are kind of services-oriented companies who are going to basically do a project and maybe they bring us into that project. |
Scott: | Oh, makes sense. |
Brian: | And finally it’s actually an OEM business where somebody’s building us in and typically we’re kind of under the hood and not necessarily known, but we’re a component of somebody else’s product. The technology partnership- |
Scott: | It’s kind of similar to Twilio right. Everyone was building. Uber was building their car service on it and then used you guys to do the notifications and extending that out. |
Brian: | Your kind of nailing one particular need and people are building you into their workforce. |
Scott: | And then it’s sticky and they never want to take you out and you just get an annuity right. |
Brian: | Exactly. So, on the technology partners its kind of … It was actually one of the things that attracted me to the company in the first place is this product doesn’t work by itself it’s always used in conjunction with, alongside, beneath some other thing. At Twilio convergency is kind of a singular thing you have your own application and then you just hit this API which is great but it’s also not dependent on kind of learning and knowing other things or having integrations. And so with this product, it’s a little bit more useful for the developer to actually have our product with an integration to X product, Y product, Z product. And so- |
Scott: | You guys have already built … You built the integrations or someone else’s built the integrations but then it’s out there on the web and they can just pull from that? |
Brian: | Yeah. So the great thing is open source really accelerates that. And so you have all these open source contributors that’s the beauty of open source is they’re just saying, “Hey, these guys don’t have this product doesn’t work with this other thing or doesn’t have this plug-in that I’m looking for, and so I’ll just go ahead and build it and contribute it.” And so you have 80% of the stuff out there is kind of contributed from the open source community and then the 20% you kind of observe where the concentration of activity and desire is from the customers. And then you kind of use that to guide your partner in the effort. So, it’s pretty fun. |
Scott: | It just makes so much sense. It’s like you can see the activity, you can see what people are doing, you can see what they’re using it for, and you have all this goodwill in the community because you made other peoples lives easier, so they contribute whatever they built back to you. It’s awesome. |
Brian: | Right. And there are some similarities to Twilio in that way too. One of the kinds of guiding principles of Twilio and has been part of Jeff’s pitch in that company from the start is this notion of drawing the owl. So, he has this … Have you ever heard? Okay. So this is actually an old Twilio thing Jeff’s been out there talking about it. So the principle is there’s a meme that you can find on the internet just through a Google search is how to draw an owl in two steps. So, step one draws two circles and it’s two ovals. Looks like a pencil sketch. Step two draw the rest of the fucking owl. And it’s this completely detailed all around it- |
Scott: | The feet and the beak and everything. |
Brian: | It’s perfect. All the feathers are drawn. And the point is hey, there’s no instruction manual you gotta just figure it out. And so the guiding principle at Twilio is that’s how our customers think and that’s how our developers think and so we need to give them all the tools to just figure it out. They can’t be dependent on other people to go to teach them. And so get the docs out there, get the products out there in a meaningful way without having any gates whatsoever. And so in some kind of similarity Paul Dix who is the founder of Influx has this thesis of time to awesome which is basically is he wants to have this product be able to handle the kind of time series data problem in a few steps and as minimal time as possible so that people can go and focus on new things. |
Scott: | And you want the developer, once they implement it, to be awesome this actually works on some. Almost like they’re surprised it works so well. |
Brian: | I don’t have to think about this. And so as we develop the product over time it’s all being guided by reducing the amount of time it takes for somebody to maybe get up and run away. Typically, when you’re dealing with data and setting up databases and running it either on-prem or in the cloud it takes a lot of time. And so having something you can kind of do yourself, get up and running in a matter of minutes and hours is pretty compelling. |
Scott: | I totally get it. I told you before [inaudible] we’re doing a lot of software development now to automate a lot of our process because they can’t be automated. And it’s fucking amazing what is out there and everything can be hosted in the cloud, everything can be this. There’s data everywhere. We’re using everyone’s APIs and even sometimes the APIs aren’t documented that well we can figure it out still. It’s so powerful. It’s making our business … Like I told you we’ve been able to automate some things that took a lot of hours from our team that no one liked doing. It was the shittiest work of all time and we automated it. And everyone’s really happy about it. It’s really cool. |
Brian: | It’s good. It does actually literally make peoples lives easier. |
Scott: | So, have you seen … Is there something super cool that someone’s built with you guys that you’re like, oh shit, that’s next-gen stuff? |
Brian: | Well, it’s kind of mundane for this company but Tesla’s a customer. |
Scott: | I was gonna say autonomous vehicles have to be big right because don’t they spew out a ton of data? |
Brian: | Yeah. They do. There’s tons of data coming off and also there’s this notion that when you get into IoT there’s this notion of hub and edge. So, you have the hub is kind of like the back-end and then the edge is either a gateway or the actual device itself that sits on the unit whether it’s a sensor or a car or whatever. So in Tesla’s scenario is what they do is they have battery data or usage data running on the car and then they have these kiosks that go in the owner’s garage and the car plugs into that at night. And so there’s actually software running on that kiosk that’s dealing with the kind of data from the car at a local level. And so our open source can deal with it on the edge and then there’s kind of a larger aggregate maybe kind of more aggregated workload running in the backend. And so if you look at a lot of IoT software it’s like well, how many devices are you gonna run? How many cars do you have out there sensors or whatever? And it’s just the dollar- |
Scott: | Massive. And all these different cars have many sensors on them right and don’t they have to kind of work in real-time so it’s real-time data that you guys have to monitor? |
Brian: | So you just have to deal with it in real-time and so there’s a couple of problems. One is if you’re being charged kind of per device or per unit or per car or whatever it’s astronomically expensive. The other is its many times not practical to just send data over an LT connection or whatever you have available. Maybe you’re driving out in the wine country and there’s no coverage and your car is trying to connect. So, you have this kind of on connected disconnected type of model very common in IoT but you still need a way to deal with it. And so what a lot of our customers do that are using us in an IoT scenario they’ll actually run our open source which is pretty small footprint and free on the edge as close to the unit as possible and then they’ll run kind of the HA, high availability kind of enterprise service on the back end. |
Scott: | The back end being their data center? |
Brian: | Their data center or in the cloud. Maybe they run their stuff in the cloud. It doesn’t really matter. The point is it is some sort of pay service running it on the back end. |
Scott: | That makes sense. And then we were talking about one of our common friends, Lars intermix, but on the DevOps stuff that’s the make it easy, make it awesome let them build it. Is there kind of cool stuff any web applications you’ve enabled that are just total badass? |
Brian: | The DevOps side is a little bit more about the infrastructure and so there’s kind of two big buckets of what may be three big buckets of what people are doing there. One is a lot of people with containers … Containers are really- |
Scott: | They’re so hot right. |
Brian: | They’re really hot and everything related to Kubernetes which is the new-new containers. |
Scott: | That sounds like a diet. |
Brian: | South Beach Kubernetes. So, a lot of people doing South Beach Kubernetes and you can say Docker is like Atkins which is version one Docker. So, whether you’re South Beach Kubernetes or Atkins Docker basically as you’re building your application and kind of scaling it out people are … A container’s kind of like a blueprint for basically what to set up on each additional instance that you’re standing up. So, each of those new instances is admitting data so a lot of people are … So, our use cases their kind of rides that transition as people is doing that. But what I think is kind of cool is high-frequency trading so we have a bunch of customers that are using us for high-frequency trading. And one of the reasons if you go to our website we have it’s generically called real-time analytics. But one of the reasons is these guys don’t fucking say what they’re doing. They don’t tell you- |
Scott: | So, I’m an investor in a high-frequency trading fund and- |
Brian: | Maybe you can [crosstalk] buddy. |
Scott: | It’s Rick. He’s got some amazing stories. Scary people in the world stories. |
Brian: | So, obviously, these guys are running tons of data, they’re doing a lot of contact things. |
Scott: | They create a lot of custom hardware actually. |
Brian: | They do. A lot of it is custom. And there’s a whole world of providers that deal with that space. We basically- |
Scott: | Because they’re doing something that’s awesome. |
Brian: | We basically backed into it but we don’t have a great marketing story because they don’t actually talk to us about it. It’s a little stealthy. |
Scott: | And then so before we turn the mics on again I was like, how do you make sure the free product isn’t so good that you are unable to monetize down the road? How do guys think of … Obviously, you don’t want to hamstring anything you want to be awesome to get adoption but how do you or what’s your … Maybe a better question is how do you price in your business model how do you make it so that this can be a venture-back company and get a return someday? |
Brian: | So, it’s a tough question and I think a lot of companies have taken real consideration and actually gone a couple of different ways too. So, that was something that … There’s a couple of ways you can kind of have a business model to attach to open source. One is you can just give the actual software itself away for free and then you monetize off of support and maintenance. That’s kind of important work. |
Scott: | That was the old way of doing it right? |
Brian: | Yeah. And there are some people that do that today kind of depends on what your product is. Another way to do it which is what we did which is you have the open source product out there and then you come out but, in our case, it’s a single node so it’s basically a single instance that doesn’t have the kind of cluster, scalable, high availability set-up that you would normally have. Some piece software running- |
Scott: | So, there’s no repentance so the node could go out for a second or something like that. |
Brian: | Right. The single node and the open source you run that risk right. And so for some people running small workloads, that’s okay and we certainly have a lot of people that are actually running their application service and production using just our open source. But most the time when people move to production we have this model where they kind of come out of the open source they kind of raises their hand their like, hey, I’m ready to buy which is great for our sales guys. |
Scott: | Let me take the order. |
Brian: | So, I mean, there’s certainly challenges but the difference is there’s not the discovery has already happened and so when they talk to the people in our sales team and our lead gen or our lead development kind of qualification team it’s much more about configuration and understanding your use case and workload and helping you kind of get set-up for the production set-up that you need. So, it’s still challenging it’s just a different set of challenges. And so what we did was basically monetize the cluster kind of high availability production version and so from a development perspective, you have basically the same API, same kind of deployment. The only difference is they’re a little bit different architecture beneath. So, if you’ve built and kind of run your discovery and experiment on the open source there’s not a whole lot of major change to go from that to the paid because basically set-up a different architecture underneath but you’re hitting the same kind of API except a different- |
Scott: | That’s awesome. A very kind of flip the switch kind of sale. Oh, great we can enable that for you. |
Brian: | Well, I’ll tell our sales guys that you said it was flip a switch pretty easy thing. |
Scott: | They should be telling you that. |
Brian: | Let me just conference them in right now. |
Scott: | Telling the clients that. It’s that easy. |
Brian: | So, it’s good. I think there’s … And what that does is allows people to kind of scale-out properly. And typically what people will do with a product like this is they’ll run in multiple regions even if they themselves are running the cloud they’ll run in one of the two AWS or AGER data centers here in the U.S. and maybe they’ll run one in Asia and one in Europe and so they’ll have kind of the production of deployment of our stuff in each of those regions and kind of growth based on kind of sites and the workload on top of that. |
Scott: | It’s a really good business model. Have you seen it where it compounds? More and more and probably they’re recommending to each other right? Oh, we had this problem this is what you should do. |
Brian: | The growth within accounts is pretty astounding. So, what happens is you typically have kind of one group and our customers typically like a software lead or architect or something like that. And so they’ll deploy maybe a small cluster for one particular problem that they have or one thing that they’re dealing with and then somebody else gets wind of it. Or, sometimes they’ll build services attached to it and then the workload grows beneath it. Or, they’ll say basically a recommendation or referral, “Hey, you guys should use this too,” and then it grows that way. |
Scott: | They’ll land and expand and in a big enterprise encounters something like that. |
Brian: | So, when you sell to somebody that’s doing … We have this customer Oracle and they’ve gone out and kind of talked on their behalf a few times. They have a DevOps team who basically create a monitoring service in-house for their development teams and as new development teams come up and need to monitor the stuff that they’re working on they basically provision new influx every time from the central service. So, it’s pretty good. |
Scott: | So the more software that Oracle writes better for you guys basically. |
Brian: | In that case yes. And also it’s pretty good to tell people we actually sold the database to Oracle so that’s good. |
Scott: | That’s pretty good. Larry Nelson didn’t see you. |
Brian: | And so it’s been pretty cool to see the growth and then over on the IoT side we have a lot of … The cool part about that side is probably the new applications and services. New products that you see, so we have a bunch of kind of renewable energy customers that are using us directly. So, there’s one company BBOXX who does solar deployments in the merging markets, and they’ll go into a residential complex or office complex, and they’ll put up a bunch of solar units, and those units are admitting data, and they’ll use our stuff. |
Scott: | Those are the pay to play kind of solar units? I’ve heard a ton about those in Africa where it brings power to these villages that don’t have power and also amazing things can happen. |
Brian: | Sometimes they run it as a backup because the regular power grid is so unstable. So, 35% of the time you’re actually running off of the backup. Which is amazing if you can imagine being in a place where 35% of the time your powers out. |
Scott: | What’s the game plan going forward? Are you in we figure it out now we just keep doing what we’re doing and just keep getting bigger? Or, is there something around the corner you guys need to figure out? |
Brian: | We’re about 100 employees. |
Scott: | No way. Didn’t you join there was 15 or something like that? |
Brian: | No. It was 40 something. But still in one year. I’ve been there just over a year and we’ve added 50, 60 people. |
Scott: | That’s amazing. |
Brian: | Doing pretty good. And we raised series around in I guess that was January of this year. And so for us I think it’s really about scaling out the organization and maturing the commercial model. So, when I joined our commercial products the enterprise kind of softer product and then we have a cloud service that’s basically the same product running in AWS. That was only 12 months old, so we’re still kind of figuring out what people were doing. We had a little … This happened before I joined, but the decision to go introduce this paid product that was the production version versus the open source there was a little bit of blowback from the developer community. Paul was basically responding to people in real time. But, we kind of whether that and it’s pretty good sense and so it’s really about scaling out. So, we just hired a few folks in Europe and so we have about a third of our customers are in Europe and so we’re serving that market now and just building out the rest of the organization. |
Scott: | That’s the kind of stuff you like right because you did this at Twilio? |
Brian: | It’s fun. I think my focus has typically been commercially oriented and so when I think about a company and joining two early if your focus is just as an individual contributor is commercial sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes it’s too early and so there’s a sweet spot that you have to kind of look for which is like is their kind of product market fit and then is now the time that you can kind of accelerate that and build in some leverage a little bit throughout whatever it is product integrations or distribution. |
Scott: | That’s what I like about your business model is that everyone is taking you to all these other accounts and building on top of you and kind of doing the work for you. Whereas if we had to have … I’m sure you have a great sales force but maybe only 25% of your opportunities are coming from your sales force and 75% are coming from partners who’ve led them to you or something like that. Sounds like it’s a network business model. |
Brian: | We do the open source really serves our sales force and then we do have kind of a growing partner network there where people are bringing us in. And also there’s also times where people are playing around with us in the open source and when they are ready to go buy they’ll be from a big company and pretty recognizable enterprise name and they’ll be like, hey, can you guys just set up a reseller agreement with these guys who we already buy all our stuff from so there’s a little bit of that too. |
Scott: | Awesome man. You’re kicking ass. This is really cool. Let’s do two minutes on Warriors and Cal. |
Brian: | All right. |
Scott: | What should we expect things from the Cal Bears? |
Brian: | I don’t know. |
Scott: | Brian’s a huge … We’re both huge Cal fans but I’ve kind of been fatigued by losing for all these years. You’re still a diehard. |
Brian: | For anyone who knows Cal I’m also forever loyal to Jeff Tedford. But I still feel like we broke up a few years ago but I’m still not over it. So, we’ve had two coaches since then and Justin Wilcox, who’s the coach now, he was on Tedford’s first staff. |
Scott: | He was the defensive coordinator wasn’t he? |
Brian: | Or secondary or something like that. So he’s great. But, I don’t know I mean,- |
Scott: | They were lucky last year. I went to a game they were playing great it’s awesome. |
Brian: | I also just love the fact that he’s a good match for the school and for the kids and that sounds cheesy but after the Sonny Dykes experience who was a previous coach. Came in from Texas didn’t really get California basically got shut out of recruiting and northern and southern California. |
Scott: | This was a terrible hire. |
Brian: | It was just so bad. Super nice guy seems like a nice guy but just not the right fit. |
Scott: | I heard some backstory stuff where there was a lot of cleanup that Sonny Dykes had to do. So, we shouldn’t bash him because you’re a guy the guy you love may have not done some things the right way. Let’s put it that way. It’s not like I’m mister connected but I just heard a few things. |
Brian: | I love Bill Clinton too. |
Scott: | Okay, so Cal no Rose Bowl. |
Brian: | Rose Bowls not happening in my lifetime. I’ve conceded that. |
Scott: | I’m 41 now and I would be surprised if it happens. |
Brian: | There used to be a website you and I used to read it was called |
Scott: | It’s probably to depressing. |
Brian: | I feel like they need to bring that back. It’s just the reality we’re all living in. |
Scott: | I’m sure they need some time series data you could probably sponsor that. |
Brian: | Otherwise, I’m feeling good. I’m psyched on Boogie. |
Scott: | I’m a little nervous to be honest with ya because he’s not … Not the best personality. |
Brian: | It’s a flyer. |
Scott: | What are they gonna do release him not or what? |
Brian: | Two years ago they signed Matt Barnes who is like NBA bad boy and he was great. He fit in with the team. His good side came out. I’m expecting that. |
Scott: | I think the same thing will happen. And he’s got a lot to play for. I just don’t … He’s actually really fun to watch. He’s a really skilled player. For those who don’t know the Warriors are able to sign an all-star center for nothing because he blew out his Achilles at the end of last year. So, he’s in rehab but he should be okay come playoff time. But he’s known for getting the most technical fouls in the league and he’s not the best teammate. |
Brian: | He’s also known for destroying a franchise. It’s like we’re in Chris Weber territory. So, hopefully you can have the backend of his career like Chris Weber. |
Scott: | I actually think that’s not really fair to him because I think they were so incompetent running the Sacramento Kings that … Imagine if you’re InfluxData and they keep drafting the worst known players and you can’t go anywhere because you got a contract and you’re like, I’ve gotta be here for five years and you guys can’t hire anyone who’s decent. |
Brian: | Exactly. |
Scott: | It would be very frustrating. |
Brian: | I think this particular setup he’s on a one year deal and he’s not gonna stay past this year because if everything works out he’s gonna get a massive contract which the Warriors can’t match anyway. And so, as long as … The incentive for both the Warriors and Boogie is perfectly matched. |
Scott: | It’s good. And they’ve got Curry and Thompson and Durant. I wouldn’t be surprised if he killed Draymond Green though at some point in the season. |
Brian: | Possibly. |
Scott: | Draymond’s probably gonna yell at him a lot. |
Brian: | I also like that they have moved on from a lot of the veterans and they’re young and because they have this core group of guys who are now 29, 30 and they should be developing for the next wave. |
Scott: | I mean, Curry is the oldest guy on the team. Old guy that plays now. But he’s only 30 years old I think or 29. |
Brian: | Of the core. |
Scott: | Of the core. |
Brian: | Excluding ancient- |
Scott: | He’ll be devastating for a long time. They could probably just draft someone to kick the ball to him and then he’ll be able to make three-pointers until he’s 40 years old. |
Brian: | I’m really hoping that Macaw ends up coming up and being what we thought he was gonna be. |
Scott: | I like Macaw but he’s … This is kind of a raw second or third year guy who … He’s a little tough to watch sometimes because he can’t shoot and it’s frustrating for me to watch someone who can’t shoot. He tries very hard. |
Brian: | He was a young guy. He was a rookie two years ago and had this really phenomenal year for a rookie that was kind of unheralded and everyone’s like he’s gonna be the next [inaudible] last year and it just didn’t happen. |
Scott: | And a fluke accident. I was watching the game where the guy undercut him and it was terrible. So, prediction Warriors win the champion again this year? |
Brian: | I do and then I think it’s over. |
Scott: | I don’t know. I think they could win a couple. Depends on if Durant stays or not. I don’t know if he’ll stay. LeBron doesn’t scare me anymore though with the Lakers. LeBron at the taping of this podcast LeBron just went to the Lakers. Talk about incompetent they see the people they see to sign that play with LeBron that are better. They’re terrible. |
Brian: | Okay, he’ll be busy making Space Jam two. |
Scott: | He’ll be good. He’s happy. All right. Brian Mullen InfluxData thanks so much for coming by. You want to tell everyone how they can find you guys. |
Brian: | or if you’ve ever heard of the open source project InfluxDB that’s kind of our flagship open source so you can find us by looking for either of those two. |
Scott: | Awesome. Thanks man. Bye |