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Kruze consulting Blog

Accounting, Finance, HR and Tax for Startups

Startup Financial Planning: Guide and Templates

Startup Financial Planning: Guide and Templates
Posted on Tue, 21 May 2024

Kruze Consulting’s COO, Scott Orn, provides a 9 step guide to creating a financial plan for your startup, given the current financial climate.


How to Manage VC Dollars When Interest Rates Go Down

How to Manage VC Dollars When Interest Rates Go Down
Posted on Sun, 19 May 2024

Over the last six months, inflation has decreased a significant amount (as of the end of February 2024).


Kruze’s clients are twice as likely to be acquired

Kruze’s clients are twice as likely to be acquired
Posted on Sun, 12 May 2024

Kruze Consulting clients are twice as likely to be acquired as the average startup.


Cash bookkeeping can affect your gross profit

Cash bookkeeping can affect your gross profit
Posted on Sun, 5 May 2024

Gross profit is a very underappreciated metric in the startup world. Gross profit is the difference between your revenue and the cost of goods sold.


Can you backdate payroll?

Can you backdate payroll?
Posted on Thu, 25 April 2024

Kruze Consulting’s COO, Scott Orn, explains why you should not backdate payroll and the compliance problems with the IRS doing so will create.


FDIC insurance for startup funds

FDIC insurance for startup funds
Posted on Wed, 24 April 2024

In the wake of the SVB crisis, startup founders with millions of dollars in VC funding are looking for FDIC coverage over $250,000. Here is how to try to get it.


What do Fractional Startup CFOs Cost?

What do Fractional Startup CFOs Cost?
Posted on Tue, 23 April 2024

Kruze’s COO, Scott Orn’s, guide to the cost of fractional startup CFOs and how their billing structure works to ensure you receive the service you pay for.


What Salaries Startup CEOs Earn in 2024?

What Salaries Startup CEOs Earn in 2024?
Posted on Thu, 11 April 2024

Kruze Consulting answers frequently asked question ‘What Should my CEO Salary be?’ by looking at payroll data from 110s of seed and venture-backed startups.


How are Startup Employee Strike Prices Set?

How are Startup Employee Strike Prices Set?
Posted on Tue, 2 April 2024

It’s a common question: Does the startup board have any flexibility when it comes to setting the strike price for options?


Bookings vs Revenue vs ARR

Bookings vs Revenue vs ARR
Posted on Mon, 1 April 2024

At Kruze Consulting, we get tons of questions about the difference between bookings, ARR and revenue.


What are Your VC’s Return Expectations Depending on the Stage of Investment?

What are Your VC’s Return Expectations Depending on the Stage of Investment?
Posted on Fri, 29 March 2024

It is incredibly important that startup founders know what their VCs are going for so that they can be aligned and make smart decisions.


Can You Lose Money if You Sell Treasuries Early?

Can You Lose Money if You Sell Treasuries Early?
Posted on Tue, 26 March 2024

A lot of startups are finding that, with interest rates going up, they have the opportunity to work with a cash management specialist who can then get them into very safe Treasury and corporate bonds, even packages or bundles of bonds. 


What is a Secondary Stock Transaction?

What is a Secondary Stock Transaction?
Posted on Wed, 20 March 2024

Kruze Consulting COO, Scott Orn, explains everything you need to know about secondary stock transactions and why VC firms are buying founder shares.


Should you cap commissions?

Should you cap commissions?
Posted on Sun, 17 March 2024

A question we get frequently from startup founders is should they cap commissions for their sales team? The reason they ask this question is because they get the financials we prepare at Kruze, and they are startled that the VP of Sales or a top salesperson is making more money than anyone else in the company.


Should founders accrue payroll before VC funding?

Should founders accrue payroll before VC funding?
Posted on Sun, 10 March 2024

This particular scenario has happened in startups. You’ve started a company. You were used to getting a regular paycheck at your previous job, but right now there’s no money to pay yourself, but hopefully there will when you get funded. And at that point, you feel that you could “reimburse” yourself for all the paychecks you missed.


✨ AI-driven question and answer tool with Kruze's Extensive Startup Accounting And Finance Knowledge Base
This is an experiential tool. Do not rely on these responses, always consult with your CPA, tax advisor, accountant or lawyer.

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