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How to Model an Option Pool for Startup Employees

Founders at Silicon Valley style technology startups offer their employees stock options. The percentage of the company available to grant to employees as options is called the “option pool.” Modeling the size of an option pool becomes incredibly important when a startup is raising a round of financing, as the VCs will expect the option pool to be large enough to provide options to all new employees who are hired until the next fundraising.  

We’ve created a free spreadsheet that founders can use to model out the number of options that they will need. This free option pool model is available on our startup financial modeling page here. Click and then scroll down to see the “Employee Stock Options - VC Negotiation Model” file.

Options dilute the founders

Stock options dilute a startup’s founders’ ownership when the options are exercised and converted into shares of the company’s stock. When employees exercise their options, the number of outstanding shares in the company increases, meaning that each existing share represents a smaller percentage of the total ownership. This reduction in ownership percentage is referred to as dilution.

For example, if a founder originally owns 50% of a company’s shares, and the company grants stock options to employees for 20% of the business (and the options are eventually exercised),, the founder’s ownership percentage will decrease by 20% to 40% of the company.

Therefore, when considering the creation or expansion of an option pool, founders must balance the benefits of providing employees with incentives and the potential dilution of their ownership. And that’s why VCs have founders increase the size of the option pool BEFORE their investment happens. 

What about SAFEs and converts? Well, those documents typically have language that have them covert in a way that they are not diluted by the increase in share count from the option pool.

If you are negotiating the option pool size with a VC, check out our article on “the option pool shuffle” which details how to negotiate the pool size. Don’t accidently sell more of your business! 

What is the option pool size?

VCs expect founders to set up an option pool that is big enough to assign to all the employees who will be joining a company after the financing round. Founders, on the other hand, would be better off (from an equity dilution standpoint) if the option pool was ONLY increased as new employees were hired. 

This sets up a pretty serious conflict of interest. This is a hidden decrease to the effective valuation at a venture round, as the existing investors are forced to decrease their ownership by the amount of the increased option pool PRIOR to the new VC investing in the round.

Founders need to pay special attention to this hidden valuation impact, and should be prepared to negotiate around the size of the option pool needed, just as they negotiate the pre-money valuation!

So the size of an option pool is a negotiation between the founders, the new investors (and usually the existing investors and/or board of directors). From the founders point of view, the smallest to get the round done is best. The VCs will think of the pool as setting aside a portion of the company’s ownership to be distributed to new hires. Therefore, the inventors will say that the size of the option pool should be directly linked to the company’s hiring plan, as it provides a solid foundation for determining its size.

This is the best way to negotiate with VCs about the size of the pool - getting them to agree that the size should be based on the number of hires and how many shares they need. Keep in mind that you can add new options prior to the subsequent round, no need to prepare for equity grants that won’t happen post the current fundraise.

Then, a smart founder will show a model that allocates options to each new, projected hire. That’s what our free stock option pool model does - it allows founders to list every new hire, by month and title, and then to estimate the amount of options that they will need. 

How the option pool decreases the effective pre-money valuation

The VCs expect the founders to ‘eat’ the dilution from the new option pool creation. This effectively decreases the valuation that the VCs offer the founder. For example, if the founder has to create a 10% option pool (pre-money), the valuation is 10% less than what’s on the term sheet! So the modeling of the option pool has a real economic impact on the startup’s valuation.

Don’t forget - many startups already have an ungranted option pool when they are negotiating their next venture round. These ungranted options can be used too, so the option pool doesn’t usually need to be made out of NEW shares, you can use ungranted ones as well.

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How to model an option pool

Steps to model an option pool

  1. Get our free option pool model here.

  2. Enter details of your funding round. You’ll need to enter your desired round size and pre-money valuation. This will be used to calculate the dilution impact of the new shares issued in the fundraise.

  3. Create a hiring plan for the new employees.

  4. Assign an estimated number of options that each employee will need - it’s easiest to think about this as a percentage of the company.

  5. Figure out if you need to top off any existing employees with additional shares (again, think in terms of percent of the company).

  6. You now have percent of the company that will need to be granted to new and existing employees after the financing round is completed.

  7. Gross up the percent of the company, taking into account the fact that the new investors will dilute the option pool percentage down to the targeted amount. Example math: if you are raising $10 million at a $40 million pre-money valuation, then you are selling 10/(10+40) of the company, or 20%. If you need a 20% sized option pool post investment, you therefore need a 25% sized option pool pre-close. (20% option pool / (1-20% round size) = 25% pool.

  8. Know the size of your existing, ungranted option pool. The existing ungranted option pool will reduce the amount of new options you need to create.

  9. Subtract the existing pool size from the new pool size needed to come up with the new shares that you’ll need to issue. Use pre-funding percentages. This will be how much extra dilution you’ll get from the new options.

Microsoft Excel Free Option Pool Model

Other stuff on option pools

What are options?

If you don’t know what options are, check out our stock options Q&A. Stock options are a type of benefit that startups often offer to their employees as a form of compensation. They give the employee the option to buy a certain number of shares of the company’s stock at a set price, known as the “strike price”.

The idea behind stock options is to incentivize employees and align their interests with those of the company’s shareholders. If the company’s stock value increases, the employee can exercise their options and buy the stock at the lower strike price, potentially making a profit.

How do you keep track of stock options?

Use a capitalization table - hopefully not in Excel, but instead in a piece of software. We recommend the best cap table software we see startups use here.

Factors influencing option pool size

  1. Stage of the Company: Early-stage companies typically need larger option pools to attract and retain top talent, while more established startups may require smaller pools.
  2. Anticipated Hiring Needs: The number and level of future employees, including C-suite level executives and key hires, will influence the size of the option pool.
  3. Industry Benchmarks: Different sectors have varying norms for equity compensation. Startups should conduct their own research on industry standards.
  4. Funding Round: The stage of funding (e.g., seed, Series A, B, etc.) can affect the option pool size. Investors in each round may have different expectations.
  5. Existing Shareholders: The impact on current equity holders, including founders and early employees, must be considered when sizing the option pool.

Pre-Money vs. Post-Money option pools

When discussing option pool size, it’s crucial to specify whether it’s on a pre-money or post-money basis:

  • Pre-money Option Pool: Created before the new investment round, diluting existing shareholders. This is typically how VCs want to do it!
  • Post-money Option Pool: Created after the new investment, diluting both existing shareholders and new investors. Better for founders and existing team members, because the new investors share in the dilution. Pretty hard to get though!

Investors often prefer a pre-money option pool, as it doesn’t dilute their new investment. However, this effectively lowers the company’s pre-money valuation.

What happens to unallocated options if a company is acquired?

It’s pretty normal for a company to have some unissued/ungranted stock options just hanging out in the option pool. Here’s what typically happens to unissued options when a private company is acquired a generates a liquidity event:

  1. Option Pool Dissolution: The unissued portion of the employee option pool is essentially wiped out. These unissued options, which were part of the company’s equity pool, simply cease to exist upon acquisition.
  2. Cap Table Adjustment: The company’s cap table is simplified as unissued options are removed. This affects the final valuation and purchase price calculations in the funding round or acquisition.
  3. Benefit to Existing Shareholders: The elimination of unissued options actually benefits existing shareholders, including early employees and investors. Their equity stake and ownership percentages effectively increase because the potential dilution from these unissued options disappears.
  4. Employee Compensation: While unissued options disappear, companies often negotiate new retention packages or restricted stock units (RSUs) for key hires and C-suite level executives. These are separate from the previous ungranted stock option pool.
  5. Future Equity Plans: The acquiring company may establish new equity incentive plans or stock option grants for retained employees. However, these are typically created from scratch and are not related to the previous unissued options.
  6. Tax Implications: The treatment of the unissued options can have tax consequences for the company and its shareholders. It’s essential to understand these implications during the acquisition process.
  7. Good Record-keeping Importance: A perfect understanding of the option pool size, what has been issued, what is vested, and outstanding shares is crucial before entering acquisition negotiations to ensure accurate valuation. Take care of your cap table!

Founders, early employees, and investors should be aware that ungranted options do not translate into additional value during an acquisition. Instead, they simply disappear, with the benefit implicitly distributed among existing shareholders based on their ownership in the company stock. It’s very important to work with an experienced startup attorney who has worked on exits - you want to avoid negotiation mistakes and tax issues when dealing with options. For example, if the acquiring company is paying you $50 per share, and they included the unissued options in their calculation, you want to make sure that you are able to capture that value and not have it simply disappear!

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A CPA Firm Specialized in Startup Accounting & Finance

Startups are our niche, and our passion. Our clients have raised over $15 billion in VC funding. We are one of only a few outsourced accounting firms that specialize in funded early-stage companies - we only offer financial and tax services to fast growing startups in the Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A, Series B and Series C stages.

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We know how to de-risk your startup’s next venture capital round. Our team makes sure you are ready to fly through your next VC’s accounting, HR and tax due diligence. And when you use us as your bookkeeper, we set up and keep up-to-date a due diligence folder so you can get that next round of fundraising.

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Our practice is built on best of breed cloud accounting software like QuickBooks, Netsuite, Gusto, Rippling, Taxbit, Avalara, Brex, Ramp and Deel. Technology makes us more efficient, saving our clients money and letting us offer higher value services like FP&A modeling, 409A valuation, and treasury advice. Startups deserve to work with CPAs using modern software.

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Top angel investors and VCs refer Kruze because they trust us to give the right advice. Our clients are portfolio companies of top technology and Silicon Valley investors, including Y-Combinator, Kleiner, Sequoia, Khsola, Launch, Techstars and more. With us, your books and taxes are in order when it’s time to raise another round of venture financing.

What types of startups does Kruze Consulting usually work with?

What types of startups does Kruze Consulting usually work with?

Kruze Consulting works with funded Delaware C-Corps. Our clients have secured Pre-Seed to Series C or Series D funding. We look to partner with our clients, going beyond the typical outsourced accounting relationship and seeking to provide a higher level advisory role. We feel honored to be a part of making the world a better place, even if it’s one debit and credit at a time.

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Accounting, Finance, Taxes, & Payroll all in one solution

Startup CFO services, startup accounting and bookkeeping services, startup annual taxes, expense reports, payroll, state sales taxes: we've got you covered. Our software provides custom tailored dashboards that can be provided weekly or monthly, depending on your preference and plan. Founders are often so busy building their company that they don’t have time to take care of their finances. Traditionally, these companies have had to work with a basket of people to get their work done, including bookkeepers, accountants, AP clerks, CFOs, consultants, and tax accountants. At Kruze Consulting, our founders have one point person, saving time and money.

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Avochato has been growing rapidly in the past year – in fact, too quickly for us to keep up with books, taxes, and budgeting for growth. Partnering with Kruze Consulting has been fantastic to manage, track, and analyze our finances while we continue focusing on building our customer base. Kruze’s team knows what startups need.

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