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Jason McKinney, co-founder and CEO of startup Truffle Shuffle, discusses the company's origin

Posted on: 01/18/2022

Jason McKinney

Jason McKinney

Co-founder and CEO - Truffle Shuffle

Jason McKinney of Truffle Shuffle - Podcast Summary

Jason McKinney, co-founder and CEO of Truffle Shuffle, discusses how the company began and shares some of the programs and successes.

Jason McKinney of Truffle Shuffle - Podcast Transcript

Scott: Hey, it’s Scott Orn at Kruze Consulting. And thanks for joining us on Founders and Friends for another awesome podcast. Let’s give a quick shout out to the Kruze Consulting accounting team. We’re very fortunate, we have a ton of people at Kruze, who work on the monthly books for our clients and get them all set up, due diligence ready, rocking every month, answering all the clients’ questions, making all those adjustments. And there’s no better moment for a founder and for us really, when the founder says, “Hey, I think I’m going to get a term sheet. Are my books ready for diligence?” And we get to say, “Yes, they are. Fire away. Send them, over, give them access.” That is a great feeling, it’s the feeling that lets us know we’ve done a job very well done, and nothing is better than watching that cash at the bank account. So, if you are a venture backed startup, you’re going out the fundraise, maybe check us out, check us out We love what we do. At taping here, I think we have 575 clients. Clients raise over a billion dollars this year, so we know what we’re doing and hopefully we can help you be successful in your fundraise. All right, let’s get to the podcast. Thanks.
Singer: (singing) It’s Kruze Consulting. Founder and Friends with your host, Scotty Orn.
Scott: Welcome to Founder and Friends Podcast with Scott Orn at Kruze Consulting. And today my very special guest is Jason McKinney of Truffle Shuffle. Welcome, Jason.
Jason: What is up, Scott? How are you doing today? Thank you for having me.
Scott: Oh, of course. This is a very exciting one. We work together, but I’m also a consumer of your product, and I couldn’t be more excited. Well, maybe tell everyone a little bit about Truffle Shuffle and your background, and then we’ll talk about all the things that I will be using Truffle Shuffle for, which is super cool.
Jason: Incredible, incredible. And so, I can keep it kind of short to start, but essentially I am a chef turned entrepreneur. And so, I most recently was a chef at The French Laundry. And then I actually left and I cooked for a couple wealthy individuals, Peter Thiel, Sean Parker, Jony Ive for a little bit. And then while being a private chef, I had this crazy idea that if I could sell enough truffles, I could use the profits from that to open up my own restaurant. And so in between lunch and dinner, I started hustling truffles to restaurants in San Francisco, and then that grew very quickly. In the first 90 days, we made over a hundred grand and I was like, “Wait a second, this is crazy.” And we started 2018 and kind of kept hammering it. And when the pandemic hit, we pivoted to start doing these virtual cooking experiences. And so, we basically took the inventory truffles that we had and put them into little ingredient kit boxes, and then started doing these live interactive cooking experiences. And that’s grown, from our first class we did about 70 people to just recently we tallied all the numbers up and Truffle Shuffle’s cooked with a quarter million people now.
Scott: Oh my God. It’s kind of reminds me of the Airbnb story where they were selling like Obama O’s to finance the development of the website and things like that. So, you were selling truffles to finance this amazing virtual cooking service that you’ve now hit scale on. Right? That’s kind of it, right?
Jason: Yeah. It really was this kind of a, overall, it’s this idea of like, why aren’t chefs better business people? So, it was like, why do as a chef that we have to go and try to raise all this money from investors during the period of opening up a restaurant, when you’re trying to write the menu, teach the cooks. And so, I went to Tyler, my business partner and who was a sous chef at The Laundry. And I was like, “What if we started a business, and we made that business very successful?” And so, the journey’s just kind of trying to find what our right niche is and right offering is. And we’ve landed on these virtual cooking experiences through the pandemic. And it’s just been absolutely incredible.
Scott: It’s amazing. So, I’m scheduled to do one, we’re recording this right before Christmas in December. And I’m scheduled to do one in two days with my wife as her Christmas present, and I couldn’t be more excited. But you talked about the truffle, like hustling the truffles around San Francisco. We’re not fancy people, but that is like something we really love, but it’s actually hard to find at a restaurant, even in San Francisco, or it’s like exorbitantly expensive. And so, that was what I was originally drawn to with you guys. I was like, “Oh, I can get her a truffle for Christmas. And that’s a big Christmas present.” And then I was on the site and saw all the virtual cooking classes and that… But that’s like the business now. Right? You had a crazy step before we turn on the mics of your adoption within the fortune 500. Do you want to share that?
Jason: Yeah. So, that very first class we did, we partnered with The Battery in San Francisco.
Scott: Oh yeah.
Jason: And basically, and I’m sure at some point I’ll get in trouble for saying this, but they reached out and they’re like, “Hey, would you guys want to do a virtual cooking class?” And Scott, I mean, in the moment, I kept thinking about the end of the movie Blow, right? Where it starts with the kids sitting there, the parents arguing about money and it ends with the parents arguing about money and his kids sitting there. And basically, he just repeated his same mistake. And my backstory to that is, I watched my dad build a successful business, my grandfather build a successful business and I watched my dad literally lose everything in 2008. And so here I was kind of feeling like I had repeated the same mistakes that my dad did. Right? And The Battery called and wanted to know if we’d do a virtual cooking experience and we needed something, we just needed something to be able to sell the 20 pounds of truffles that we had, otherwise we were going out of business. And-
Scott: Oh my God. So, it was that close? Like you had to… That’s why I tell the Kruze team is like, oftentimes there’s always a moment for every company we work with where they’re close to going out of business and the founders are ingenious people and figure something out. So, that was like the lever to help you offload those 20 pounds of truffles?
Jason: 100%. We had just signed a global deal with Whole Foods. And so, we put all of our money into inventory for this rollout, and they wouldn’t bring anything onto the stores because they were trying to figure out the pandemic. And then every restaurant we worked with that we had all these accounts receivables with, they all shut down in the same day and I had just hired three people. And so here we were, 20 pounds of truffles, nowhere to sell them in a global pandemic. And-
Scott: Oh my God.
Jason: …I literally just got off a call with one of the girls who I just brought her into the team and her husband ran an entire restaurant group in Denver and got let go with no salary. And she’s like, “Are we going to get furloughed?” And I said, I will do whatever it takes to make sure no gets furloughed. And to be honest, I didn’t know what furloughed meant at the time, I just knew we needed to make sure everyone got a paycheck.
Scott: Yeah. That’s basically what it means, keep the paychecks going. Oh my God.
Jason: Yeah.
Scott: So, The Battery called you, you did the virtual, did you have like… What’d you use for… Do you use Zoom or what how’d you do everything? What’d you use?
Jason: So basically, they called and they’re like, “Hey, would you guys want to do a virtual cooking glass? YouTube lives? We’ll send everyone a shopping list.” But this is at the time where it was so hard to go to the grocery store. Right? So, I was looking at these truffles and I’m like, “Well, what if we put a truffle into each ingredient kit and we’ll use something like black truffle risotto?” And they agreed to it. They said, “Make it private. Like don’t make it a public listed page,” you know?
Scott: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Jason: And I said, “Okay.” And I put it on the homepage of our website. Right? And made it publicly listed, so everyone could see it. And they sent an email about it and it just blew up. I mean, literally, we were sitting down with our accountant at the time and as we’re there, Shopify has that little thing that cha chings every time you get a order.
Scott: Yeah. Yeah.
Jason: So, we’re on with our accountant trying to figure out like what to do, what the triple P loan even means. And it was like…
Scott: You’re like, “Wait a second. I hear a noise in the background. Maybe I don’t need to worry about the PPP loan so much.”
Jason: And it literally just wouldn’t stop.
Scott: Wow. That’s amazing. What a great story. Were you able to execute? Like it went pretty well and everything? I guess, it had to have gone pretty well if that’s the birthing point. But were there any curve balls when you’re doing a virtual cooking class? Or how do you experience it?
Jason: I mean, there’s a massive amount. You’re trying to get perishable ingredients, two people on time, to be ready for a cooking class that’s going to happen. And so, to answer your question about the stat, basically we did that class, and it just… They sent the email to everyone that was at home and ended up being our highest sales day. And I went back and looked at some of the first purchasers, right? The people that bought it first and it was like, Tom Lee, who’s the vice president now at, he was at LinkedIn. And then now he’s at the one with the O, Larry Ellison something [inaudible]
Scott: Oh.-
Jason: Oracle.
Scott: Oracle. Yeah, yeah.
Jason: Yeah. Vice President of Oracle, Doug Camplejohn, who just started Airspeed and got funded by [inaudible], Susie Boeing, the granddaughter of the Boeing family. And the list just goes on. So, there’s all these incredible people that The Battery helped bring attention to for Truffle Shuffle, and we were a very, very small company at the time.
Scott: That’s amazing. That’s amazing. And so, all of a sudden your business just like went virtual. And maybe walk people through like the experience online, because I’ve actually through and purchased it, and it’s very easy to do, and I’m super excited about having our cooking class in a couple days, but maybe just walk them through the experience.
Jason: Yeah. So, we’re always doing our best to update it, really listen to what the consumers want to say. And so right now, basically we have myself, Tyler, my wife Sarah, who does cocktail classes, and then we got a couple other guest chefs and different chefs that come on. And truly what we do and the difference between what we do and something like MasterClass is that when you do an experience with us, one, you truly learn how to make that dish, and then two, it’s an experience, right? So, people go on and if there’s anything you’re looking to do, even if it’s just a fun date night activity, or like we have protege series classes, where we’ll teach you knife skills, we’ll teach you how to cut a fish, we’ll teach you how to make all the Julia Child sauces.
Scott: Oh, that’s cool.
Jason: And then we send all the ingredients. Right? So, I love people, I just truly love people in general. And I always want to make sure that anytime we do anything, we just make it amazing for them, where it’s easy, it’s not going to create more problems, there’s no arguments leading into it, that it’s fun for the kids, it’s fun for the family. So, we literally sent everything, absolutely everything. And then I got a 24/7 hotline that you can call at any point and be like, “I don’t have this, or what’s up with this? Or how do I do this?” And then you get the experience and then you log on and then you get walked step by step through the dish in 90 minutes, and then you finish and you got a beautifully cooked dish, two portions, a cocktail. And then we actually do it with a group. Right? So, it’s not a one on one experience, so you’re cooking wrong with, it might be anywhere from 20 to a couple hundred people and it actually makes it funer, right?
Scott: Oh, for sure. Well, there’s probably like a lot of laughing, or someone who spills the ingredients, or things like that too. Also, like for normal human beings like me, I don’t get to interact with a former French Laundry chef very often in my life, let alone use the ingredients that you would use at a place of that pedigree. So that’s what’s exciting for us too, is like get the whole combo. Vanessa and I went to… Her sister and brother-in-law took us to The French Laundry for her 30th birthday. So, you may even be working there, seven years ago. And it’s just this incredible experience, but to be able, in the company as someone like you and be guided by someone like you is really exciting.
Jason: And a people come and they think it’s going to be really stuffy, they think it’s going to be like… And there are, I have heard there’s cooking experiences like that, but what we do is we try to make it a lot of fun. And I think it’s a lot because we had this necessity to figure something out.
Scott: Yeah.
Jason: And so, when everyone else was like, “I don’t do virtual,” we were like… I mean, we were there in our kitchen with laptops, and webcams and I had to buy bootleg webcams from people because you couldn’t find them anywhere.
Scott: Yeah. You couldn’t buy webcams during the pandemic. I remember that because I needed one too. Oh my God.
Jason: And one of the things that we do that, even to this day people still don’t do, that are trying to be in this virtual experience world is we run it low tech, high energy. And what I mean by that is, a lot of people are like, “Okay, we’re going to do virtual experiences.” And they go out and buy these red cameras, these 4K cameras, and then they go broadcast on Zoom. And it’s like, congratulations, Zoom downgrades all the video quality.
Scott: Yeah.
Jason: So, what we do is we actually put a, what we call a DJ, a digital jockey. So, we have these guys that will produce the class along with you, with the chef. So, you can do little things like, “All right, you want to season from as high as possible. And then we play the heaven like sound effect where it’s like, oh.”
Scott: Oh my God, that’s amazing. That’s amazing. I can’t wait.
Jason: And we’ll be like, “All right guys, get on up out there. And then we’ll play James Brown, Get on up.” And then we’ll spotlight people, and then at home we’ll have people across the nation, standing on their kitchen counters, standing on their little stools in the kitchen, kids get on the parent shoulder and that’ll be like a little three-minute segment. And then we’re back to the recipe.
Scott: Oh my God. I love it. Now you also have a pretty cool setup because you’re running these all day long. Right? So how did you… How is the virtual kitchen set up at your facilities?
Jason: Yeah. So again, back to like just starting in the middle of the pandemic and just figuring it out, having no information out there to like go learn about any of this, just constantly figuring it out. The one funny story I’ll tell you is, one of the first people that ever bought a class was Jim Scheinman, who was the first investor of Zoom. And well, the first one [inaudible] Facebook, and then he told me, he called me directly and told me I had to use Zoom. And I said, “Yes sir.”
Scott: He’s like, “I can’t be seen on Facebook. Come on.”
Jason: Yeah. He’s just like, “Look, it’s better. You know?” And I’m like, “Okay.” And I have no clue how Zoom works. So, the next one we do on, and then he’s texting me during the class being like, “You have to…” He’s telling me how to use the settings on Zoom to figure it out, to unmute people and things like that.
Scott: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Jason: And so, we’ve grown a long way from there. And so now if anyone wants to ever come by, we have VIP tours, just like you got at 3 Michelin star restaurant at our headquarters right in the ghetto of Oakland. And we’re about five minutes from the airport, and we have a, we took over an old school noodle factory, right? 10,000 square feet, they shut down in the pandemic. We were massively growing, and so we moved in and we have an entire assembly line and distribution center where we can ship out three to 5,000 kits a week right now. And then you walk outside, and we actually have all these shipping containers stacked on top of each other. And each shipping injector is hooked up with its own fiber optic internet, has a DJ, has a chef, has the studio kitchen built out and then we have four cameras.
Scott: Wow. Wow, amazing. Hey it’s Scott Orn, and we’re going to take a quick break from the podcast to give a shout out to the Kruze tax team. Gosh, it’s so nice to have an in-house taxi team, I can’t even tell you. We have some really amazing professionals on team, it’s over, I think it’s 13 people now. And we do everything from your federal and state income tax return, state franchise tax filings, R and D tax credits, those are pretty popular these days. And guess what? They’re there for you when you go through diligence. A lot of people don’t know realize, but you actually go through tax diligence, not just operational kind of financial diligence, but you do go through tax diligence. So, it’s nice to have Vanessa Kruze on the phone with your VCs and with the accounting firm they hire to diligence all your stuff, and the law firm they hire to diligence all your stuff. Vanessa knows what she’s doing. She’s done this a million times. And it’s not just Vanessa, we have a really great team of tax professionals that will do those calls too. It’s kind of sometimes the difference between getting around clause, or having to take another two weeks because something was disorganized and the tax compliance wasn’t done correctly. We hear those horror stories from clients that come to us. So, hey, if you want Kruze’s tax team on your side, we’re here for you, check us out Thanks. Bye. The other thing that really caught my attention, we were just chatting before we turned on the recording here is how empowering it is for charities to do fundraising through Truffle Shuffle. Do you want to share it a little bit about… I have a nonprofit, I had never thought about that. And we definitely need to do something next year, but maybe have a couple examples of how charity institutions are using Truffle Shuffle to raise money.
Jason: You know, it’s been absolutely incredible, Scott. And we sorted this and we were like, “Hey, we just need to sell these shuffles.” And then after the first one we did, people are like, “Wow. Hey, I could do this for my nonprofit,” or basically any anyone that had a need to wine and dine, whether it’s their spouse, their kids, obviously they’re not lining their kids, but bring anyone together through food, people have started to use Truffle Shuffle as the platform for that. And so, one of the things that’s come up that I’m super proud of, and when 2008 hit, it completely took my family out, foreclosure notice on the door, I started working-
Scott: Oh, God.
Jason: …two jobs. And so, and I was the recipient of getting a food donation as a young kid. And so, I’ve been on a mission to be able to make sure that I could give back. And now this year, Truffle Shuffle will help raise about $3 million-
Scott: Wow.
Jason: …in total. And then we directly worked with the Alameda County Community Food Bank and we’ve donated a hundred thousand meals. And so, the way that works, and the way this is transpired, I’ll give you one example is through, there’s this lady, Laura, who has a nonprofit called Little Wishes, nurse Laura, and basically, what she saw happening in the hospitals was kids would be terrified to go to the hospitals to get the treatment they needed to fight cancer or to fight these different diseases. And she started a nonprofit where every time they come to the hospital, they get a little wish. Might be a pair of Nike sneakers, might be a little video message from someone from Hamilton, might be… Things like that. And then the kids became excited to come back to the hospital to get the treatment they needed. And so, she’s been doing this for about two years now. And she found Truffle Shuffle and asked if we could do a nonprofit event with her. And so basically, we’ll sell the [inaudible] to her at a set price and she’ll double or triple that. And then that’s where she’ll get kind of donations coming from there, give people an opportunity to donate even more. And then what I just started doing, right? They would give me kind of the number like, “Hey, we’ve raised $50,000 thus far.” And in this I’d be like, “Well, do you have a donation link that people can still donate?” And they just sort of say, “Yes.” And then during the event I would just start, I would just keep hyping it up. I’d start it up and be like, “All right, listen, I need to see everyone’s wine collection. Okay. Pull out the two bottles you’re going to drink for this event, because I have found the more that you drink, the more generous you will be, the better this will be to everyone.”
Scott: That’s very true. That’s actually how those fancy fundraising dinners work too. They definitely encourage that. It also makes a ton of sense with you as the host and the DJ, because that is like you’re the… This is why I thought it was so cool is you’re recreating that same peer pressure, but also fun energy.
Jason: Yeah.
Scott: That happens at like you go to like some dinner and everyone pays 250 bucks and that kind of thing, and then there’s stuff auctions. It’s really cool. I think, I mean, you have a lot of personality, I’m sure you know that. But having a DJ there too, to highlight those people and give them recognition and make the whole event fun along the way-
Jason: Yeah.
Scott: …that I love it. That just adds so much to it. And so we’ll, if you donate, we’ll see it come up on the feed and then we’ll spotlight you and then cheers, and then I’ll be like, “All right, hit it up in the chat. Tell Scott, thank you. Who’s next? Who’s going to match Scott? What have we got out here?” And just keep hyping it up all along the way. And then there’s also something that happens when, because I’m the chef and I’m telling them how to make the dish. And so, they’re like, I think part of the ran is like, “Okay, listen to the chef, listen to the chef.” And then I’m like, “All right, you want to stir the risotto at a half cup wine? And then you want to go ahead and put a thousand dollars into the link.” And people are like, “Okay, all right, honey, grab the credit card. All right.” Boom. Boom, boom, boom. I love it. It’s also like, I’m not sure this is more of like a branding question for you, but did you have that, like… I have such a positive association with truffles and maybe it’s because like you can’t find them everywhere, or they’re a high price point item or something. Was that part of your rationale? Or you just happened to be selling truffles? And so, walk me through the branding of the company.
Jason: Yeah. So, we started, my wife takes credit for naming the company and I honestly don’t remember at the time, but if she says she did she’s right. It all really came from high… Like, restaurants would use the hashtag truffle shuffle whenever they posted about truffles.
Scott: Yeah.
Jason: And so, I think a little bit was like, maybe they’ll think those are our truffles if they use hashtag truffle shuffle. And then, we really love The Goonies. And there’s that section in the movie where the kid has to do the truffle shuffle to get in.
Scott: I was going to ask you about that. Because The Goonies, I’m probably a little older than you, but The Goonies was like a seminal movie for me growing up. And chunk, the chunky kid, they make him do the truffle shuffle dance. And so, I was like, that’s the first thing I thought of, but then I have like this, so it’s fun, and it very kind of on brand for the way you’re running the experiences. But I don’t know, man. It just seems like a great match, especially with like the corporate, people who are doing it for business development, or rewarding a team or something like that. Just that having the truffle so tightly integrated and having the dishes be truffles is really exciting. Maybe I’m just a truffle fan, I might just be a super fan, I don’t know.
Jason: Yeah. And so, we love truffles and what is actually cool is Jeff B. Cohen, the guy that plays chunk, actually has done the classes and we have [crosstalk]
Scott: No, that’s amazing.
Jason: Yeah. We have a signed thing from him hanging in each studio. And so that’s a cool little fun fact, but yeah. So, thus far Truffle Shuffle works with 25% of the fortune 500 companies, whether its client facing events, team building events, helping them accomplish anything that they want to, that they… I have actually, a lot of them have told us directly that they found doing it with Truffle Shuffle, one, is more cost effective and then two, it actually gets better results.
Scott: Yeah, I can see it. I can see it. You talked about the, I forget what it’s called, but it’s like building your cooking skills stuff. Like you mentioned the knife skills and some other stuff. Can I put a request in for like a barbecue skills class? Because I got a barbecue for my birthday and it’s been winter, so I haven’t really used it yet. But I’m super are excited about come springtime, that would be an amazing… Anything from the marinade, to the barbecue sauce, to how to cook it, how to do the coals or natural gas, I would love a class on that.
Jason: Yeah, you got it. We got a meeting on January 8th. I’ll tell the team, we got to get that lined up. And that’s part of, going into next year, we got a new logo that’s coming out. Right now, our logo has a truffle dog on it, we’re dropping the dog, adding a chef hat. And that’s a great example of, we want to move into the world a cuisine, right?
Scott: Yeah.
Jason: And so, we’ll still have dishes with truffles, but we want to be able to teach someone how to set up that barbecue perfectly, how to grill their chicken, how to make that brisket amazingly, and not having to have to have the truffles. And that way we can also offer things at vary in price points. Because a lot of our dishes are kind of on the high end right now, but we’d love to do things like apple galette class, right? That we can charge a little less for, and really just bring that experience to people.
Scott: Yeah. Oh man, it’s exciting. You really got something here and I love how grassroots it is. And you said something about yourself, which I could totally identify with about how you love people, and you want people to have such a great experience. Because for us at Kruze, we’re in similar businesses, we’re a service business, there’s a lot of people interacting with other people, and you really about how the client or in your case, the mini chefs, the newbie chefs are doing. And I can just feel it coming across the video. And I love that 24 by seven phone line that someone could call, because I told you before when we started recording, I actually got a notification from UPS that my stuff is coming for a couple days from now. And I could totally see how people could have anxiety, or maybe something’s not there or whatever. So, having a phone number to call, and that’s like just amazing customer service. And I really respect that. It’s really neat.
Jason: Well, thank you. And what’s cool is when you call that, you’re actually talking to some of the top talent across the US. So, when the pandemic hit, we hired pretty much everyone that we knew. We were a team of six, they were a team of about 50, and about 50% of those people, the guy in charge of our shipping is Daniel who used to be a [inaudible] of The French Laundry.
Scott: Wow.
Jason: Ivy, who runs our entire customer service team, she used to be a captain at Benu. And then, the guy running the kitchen right now used to be at a Alinea. The girl that does all of our copy actually used to be an expeditor down at Manresa and then helped David Kinch write a cookbook. And so, we have all these people that we’ve been able to find a parallel in the restaurant world. And believe it or not working at a high-end restaurant is actually excellent training ground for keeping a startup successful. And this team, we went from $400,000 in revenue in 2019 to $3.5 million in 2020, with pretty much no funding. [crosstalk].
Scott: Yeah. Well, you know what’s crazy? Vanessa and I talk about this all the time, because I worked as a waiter and a busboy in a bunch of restaurants growing up, and Vanessa was the same way. And that level of customer service and being face to face with the customer in the restaurant really teaches you like how to interact with people, how to handle different difficult situations, how to multitask and make sure you’re getting everything done. So, we always kind of joke that we love hiring people who worked in the restaurant industry. And really there’s no more difficult business, probably in the world than running a restaurant. So, you’re right, it’s probably restaurants one, startups, number two, as most difficult businesses in the world. So, it’s a real testament to what you’ve developed and the people you brought together. I mean, and you quoted the 2020 numbers. I haven’t looked at 2021, but I’m sure it’s going to be a barn burner. So, I’m super excited for you. Good for you and good for the team who’s made this happen.
Jason: Well, thank you. And thanks Scotty, and we’re super excited to have Kruze on. I could tell just right off the bat, the email communications, the disciplines, everything like that, that you guys had something really special over there. And we brought you guys on, and no one has dropped the ball and the service that you guys offer has only increased. And-
Scott: Ah, thanks, man.
Jason: …that’s been incredible [crosstalk].
Scott: That makes feel so good. And we’ve got the equivalent of your… I mean, we’re like you. Yeah, there might be a time where like an ingredient doesn’t get shipped or something like that in the box or… We’re right there, because I’ve also learned that like owning that and being quick to make things right, is like the key to success too. So, thank you for the kind word, really appreciate it. We got to be respectful of your time, so we’re going to wrap up. But can you tell everyone, give the URL, give the quick, just reiterate the quick pitch. And I think the charity thing is a really great idea too. If you’re someone out there who has a nonprofit or is affiliate nonprofit, and it’s been tougher to get together with people, and we’re taping this in late December where the new COVID variant is starting to get its legs. So, if you’re a nonprofit, this could be a really great way for you to bring your advocates together and also let them have a great time and raise some money. I really can identify with that.
Jason: Yeah. So, to find Truffle Shuffle,, our Instagram handle is @truffleshuffle_sf. And then anyone is welcome to email myself directly, And any idea that you have to put an event together, right? For 20 to, the largest event we did with 10,000 people.
Scott: Wow, that’s crazy.
Jason: Let us know, we will get it completely handled for you. We have an incredible team. Or if you’re just looking for an awesome experience for yourself and someone else, your kids, a partner, whoever it is, then we have experiences ready to go on the website. And so, we got a lot of awesome things coming up and really excited about it, really excited to roll in the 2022.
Scott: That’s great, Jason. Well, give my best to everyone at Truffle Shuffle, and I can’t wait to experience it. And thank you for taking time to tell us about it. It was really, really cool.
Jason: And while I have you here, I just want to shout out Jim and Brian at Kruze, and let you know that they have been doing an awesome job.
Scott: They’re great. And we’re very happy that they’re with our team, and all right, man. I can’t wait, I’ll see you on Thursday on video.
Jason: Awesome. Yeah, it’ll be really good.
Scott: All right, buddy. Take care.
Singer: (singing). It’s Kruze Consulting. Founders and Friends with your host, Scotty Orn.

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