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Robbie Mitchell of on building a business intelligence stack for customer communications

Posted on: 07/10/2019

Robbie Mitchell

Robbie Mitchell

Head of Operations -

Robbie Mitchell of - Podcast Summary

Robbie Mitchell, Heads of Operations of, discusses his founder journey - and explains how companies are integrating their customer conversations and using machine learning to create a business intelligence stack for important customer communications.

Robbie Mitchell of - Podcast Transcript

Scott: Welcome to Founders and Friends Podcast with Scott Orn at Kruze Consulting, and before an excellent podcast, quick shout out to our sponsor, Brex. Brex is a credit card for startups, the first one ever. It’s fantastic. They don’t require a personal guarantee by the founder. That is a huge, huge deal. Also has great integration with QuickBooks, which makes life easy for your accountant, and finally, they have really good rewards. They do startup-centric rewards, so like bonuses on ride-sharing and travel and eating out and things like that, all things that’ll appeal to the whole team at a startup, so check out Brex. If you go through their signup and type in Kruze, you get a discount. Hopefully you enjoy Brex, and thanks so much, guys, for sponsoring the podcast. Thanks. Welcome to Founder and Friends Podcast with Scott Orn at Kruze Consulting, and my very special guest is Robbie at Frame, Robbie Mitchell. Welcome, Robbie.
Robbie: Hi.
Scott: I introduced you as Robbie because you look like a Robbie to me, and actually, my best friend growing up was Robbie, so still one of my best friends. So, I love actually… It gives me a lot of joy to write you an email and be like, “Hey, Robbie. What’s going on?” So, you have been a client two or three years now, and Frame is doing some amazing stuff in online customer support technologies, and so it may be a curse, but you are my go-to person for whenever we’re trying to do something at Kruze, to how do we do this, how do we make this better? So, maybe talk about your career, retrace it a little bit, and then about Frame.
Robbie: Sure. Yeah. I’m glad we made it here. By the way, Kruze I think was the first vendor we adopted after we raised VC funding, because-
Scott: Wow. That’s awesome.
Robbie: … I was like, “We’re going to have books in order, first thing we’re going to do here,” having been an entrepreneur before.
Scott: That was a smart move because you’re not going to wait until the M&A term sheet comes in to try to do your financials, which we will not let companies do, but I have a lot of companies coming to us because they are a complete mess, and they got a term sheet, or Series A and Series B term sheets. So, smart move by you.
Robbie: I had observed in the past, let’s say, Series C cleaning up stuff pretty massively. I didn’t want to get there. All right. Tracing where do they come from, let me see how quickly I can do this. It helps to actually mention college. So, in college I switched majors a few time. I went to this commuter school in Ohio. I did business and information systems and comms, and settled on law in economics, but I also worked part-time the whole time in a cubicle on a laptop, living in Excel for four hours a day, and then full-time during the breaks, and that sort of set me up for later.
Scott: What were you doing?
Robbie: Well, I was a financial analyst at a tech company in Dayton. It was the big tech company, and they needed somebody to reconcile… They thought it was going to be a summer project, and it turned into a four-year job, and I got really good at… It was basically reselling broadband at a time when that was really a big deal, and I ended up not only doing that, but writing scripts that did my job for me, and that turned into a whole another level of, well, what else can you automate around here? So, I sort of got a taste-
Scott: That’s amazing.
Robbie: … Of that kind of work, and anyone who knows me knows that’s a pretty big obsession of mine, automating rote stuff.
Scott: We share that passion for that, too, and that’s actually one of the things we’re really good at, and I love it. It actually makes me feel so accomplished, and our team, because it’s a group thing. It’s not just like one person can automate stuff, but I didn’t even know that, that you have a passion for that.
Robbie: Yeah, yeah. I’m a big [crosstalk]
Scott: We’re two really big dorks, by the way, but keep going.
Robbie: All right. So, after school I went and actually worked for a professor at Harvard for a few years. I thought I was going to go do trade negotiation, because that’s what I had studied, law and economics and stuff. I after three years decided not to do that, but the thing I was actually most interested in what that I had built this HR portal, because everything was distributed over email, and I was like, this is silly. Let’s build a website. So, I actually learned more coding in order to do that, and again, set the stage for later stuff. So, I left that job to start an educational rap music company with a really good friend of mine. We were sort of like, how can we hack music to teach stuff for middle school kids? We weren’t the only people to do this, but we thought of it as Schoolhouse Rock! for modern kids.
Scott: That’s awesome. It was rap, or rock?
Robbie: Yeah. Yeah, it was rap. We hired producers and rappers and lyricists and put together a pretty cool song machine, I was the business guy, so I did business stuff. I ended up focusing on SEO and customer support once we got going, and accidentally found the next set of jobs there. So, I moved to New York while I was doing that, from Boston, sort of was like, all right, I’m done doing this solo educational thing with my friend, and got a marketing job at Newton, which at the time was a really hot, well-funded, important education company here in New York. It’s basically building an adaptive learning machine that helps kids learn better. So, I got great experience from the person who was running marketing at the time on especially paid marketing, performance marketing, and then when that business shifted to more of a B-to-B enterprise thing, we did this huge effort on PR and brand development, and it was basically two or three jobs over the course of five years there, eventually running a pretty big marketing team that was cross-functional, had development and design and stuff on it. So, five years there. I was kind of done with education, which at that time had been 10 years.
Scott: I think we looked at that company at Lighthouse.
Robbie: Oh, really? Yeah.
Scott: I remember it. It was a little older in the tooth, I think. It wasn’t our kind of company, but no judgment on the company. I just remember it was a later stage company at that point.
Robbie: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think it’s Series F now, but it was at C when I joined. So, then I left there to go do… I just wanted to do something very different, so I joined Cover here in New York, which was a mobile payment app for restaurants so you could sit down, and then when you were finished, just leave, and all the tip would be handled and stuff.
Scott: That’s my dream.
Robbie: So, that was an amazing group. That was an amazing squad of product and design and engineering leads. We’ve all stayed in touch. That was a killer crew. It got bought seven months after I got there, so I joined… We were going through all of this crazy acquisition stuff, and then we all placed out. It was bought out.
Scott: But who bought it?
Robbie: It was a competitor in the UK that sort of consolidated all these fragmented payment products and then quietly shifted to something else.
Scott: Oh, okay.
Robbie: So, basically, it’s tough to make money in payments, it turns out, especially if you’re a niche player. So, after that I did consulting for a while, really focused on the technology side, acquisition, helping teams run experiments, stuff like that. It was pretty cool. Then I joined Frame from there, and Frame at the time was… Well, I should say I joined Frame to run operations, which was a euphemism for sort of, again, the business side.
Scott: Do everything.
Robbie: Well, in marketing, what are we going to need here? I don’t know. You run admin. I actually liked running the admin side. I was like, I’m going to run admin the way I think it should be run. It should be easy for everyone to do stuff. It should have sensible policies, all the dreams you have when you’re like, I’m not going to be like my parents. We’re not going to be corporate. So, I’ve actually really enjoyed that part of it now three years in, and yeah, so now we’ve found the business, and I continue to run ops and marketing success and admin as part of that.
Scott: There’s a lot going on in that job description. That’s a lot of stuff to cover.
Robbie: Yeah. I should say that in retrospect, what felt like a winding rote at times through these different jobs really was sort of, I think it’s a little cheesy, but like a switchback of a mountain, because what I kept doing was trying to help other people do their jobs better. I really get satisfaction out of that, and sort of arming people with tools to do it, just like I arm myself to do it. So, I think I accidentally kept taking opportunities where I could do that, and-
Scott: Yeah. It also sounds like you kind of did your… It’s almost like getting a master’s degree in business while getting paid, because basically, it’s like a COO role. It’s a lot like my role, and no one expects me to be the master, incredibly knowledgeable about every single thing, but I need to be able to kind of problem solve and make recommendations or see parallels in other things. So, the fact that you’ve done all those different jobs allows you to do that, in the same way that I’ve kind of had that experience over the last four years, too. Now I can just know… I know enough about how a company runs to tackle anything, pretty much.
Robbie: Yeah, yeah. It seems like you do basically everything, coming from a [crosstalk]
Scott: I mean, we just do a lot of stuff. We’re a services company, so we don’t have the luxury of a huge backend team, although we’re actually starting to build that now. We have a CFO. In the same way we provide accounting and CFO services for you guys, we have that external CFO who focuses on accounting firms, and he’s also [crosstalk]
Robbie: Oh, I see.
Scott: … Those kind of things we’re putting in place.
Robbie: Nice.
Scott: I’m with you. I think this is… Having done a lot of different things, to me, actually this is a really fun job. I know, because we’ve talked about it, that you feel the same way about your job.
Robbie: Yeah. Actually, I’ve always had this weirdly broad span of skills and interests, and so I guess I’m lucky that I’ve been able to keep building on them, so very broad, and deeper over time.
Scott: [crosstalk] When Frame IPOs in five years, everyone needs you. That’s the awesome thing about having that skillset.
Robbie: Well, I think that it’s become more typical over time. Everybody needs to be kind of tech-savvy, and if you’re not, you’ll be really reliant on other people because so much more of any job requires you to understand tooling and collaborating online and stuff. So, I don’t know. It’s worked out for me.
Scott: It’s been good. Okay. Now, talk about Frame. What do you guys do?
Robbie: Sure. So, Frame is a business intelligence stack for customer conversations, and it helps people understand what’s being said in these conversations with customers and do something about them. Whenever I say that the question is, why do you need special BI tooling for conversations? Well, a few reasons. One, conversations, especially chat and email, have just become a much bigger part of doing business. It used to be, of course, you provide email support, but now it’s like, oh, you’re chatting on a website, and oh, we have some shared channels in Slack with these teams over here that are really important to us, and oh, our whole business runs as a concierge business on Intercom, stuff like that. So, we keep running… This has just become a bigger part of doing business, especially VC-funded businesses, and nobody’s really doing much with that data except telling you the fact that you had conversations. Meanwhile, application data, really events, has over a decade of maturing that ecosystem. So, if you’re tracking page views or clicks, that stuff is heavily processed and fed right back into a sales and marketing machine. But we have increasing support, success, et cetera teams, and there just isn’t that same feedback loop.
Scott: Even to take another step, the savviest companies I know are actually want to drive the conversations online, because you can get that business intelligence out of it. Instead of having a conversation over the phone that cannot be… Voice recognition and transcription is getting better, too, so that’s actually changing quickly, but even having a phone support conversation, no one in the entire organization benefits from learning off of that, or you can’t build a process to solve that structural problem that was addressed in that phone call. When you do it over chat or email in a support thing, you can actually get better, and that’s what’s so exciting about what you guys are doing. You’re helping companies get better at all these conversations they have, and me-
Robbie: That’s exactly right.
Scott: Yeah, and it goes back to that passion for building processes and fixing things for me, is that… We’ll talk about what you guys do exactly, but I look at what you’re doing, and it’s like, oh, my god, you’re giving me the keys to the kingdom. I can see the things that are going well and the things that aren’t going well, and how do I fix the things that aren’t going well?
Robbie: Yeah. That’s ultimately what we want to do, is help you… So, when we’re doing a sales conversation, it’s something like you think of conversations as a cost, but you should really be thinking of them as an enterprise data asset. You’re just not using it.
Scott: Yep, exactly. [crosstalk]
Robbie: All of the information, instead of using it, you survey your customers every so often, which is useful, but they already told you what they care about when they chatted with you over the course of three months. So, it’s a compliment to other things, but we just see a really big opportunity to make better use of it, and not even just have it, but then float to the top the stuff you should really care about. So, that’s what we’re focused on.
Scott: Yeah. So, you guys plug… I don’t know if the plugin is the right word, but most companies use Intercom, Zendesk, Front, what, Salesforce, whatever. Are those the big four or five?
Robbie: Yeah, Help Scout, Freshdesk, but yeah, these are the main systems people use.
Scott: Yeah. So, everyone’s using that. We use Zendesk, and we just started using Zendesk probably six months ago. We’re probably, I’d say, halfway to full adoption. We need to get to full adopting very quickly now, and it’s become one of our biggest priorities, but we used to use email from everything, and we realized that we didn’t have visibility, and the classic things about people had a hard time going on vacation because they would go on vacation, and all the clients’ needs were in their email, and no one could pick up the work, which Zendesk makes very, very easy to do. Then we kind of secondarily realized the stuff that you were doing became another benefit. So, for us it was like, how do we just make these conversations visible so that other people can pick up the work? Then it became like, oh, my gosh, we now have three tickets that are problematic every week that we need to really look into, or the tone of these conversations is not very good. How do I dig into that and figure out what’s going wrong?
Robbie: Yeah. You’re talking about some of the sentiment annotations we’re adding to conversations. So, going back to the connector’s piece, what we ended up with is this stack that is all-in-one for conversation data, and then it can hand off to something like a data warehouse if you’re a bigger team. So, you have prebuilt connectors. We can also do custom stuff, be you have a one-click to Intercom, Salesforce, et cetera that collects new data and then replays old stuff, actually, so you can kind of instantly have… I just snapped my fingers. I don’t know if you can hear that. You instantly have a bunch of stuff in Frame, and then we have a layer of sort of data management, so you can have custom field mapping and rules for fixing misattributed roles, like customers and agents, and cleaning up tags, which is a perennial… This is one of the biggest problems people come to us with, is tag cleanup. Then there’s a processing or enrichment layer where we could do things like auto tag and automatically add these sentiment moments we’re talking about. We look for not just positive/negative, but what’s a substance of it, and what’s the emotional affect of it. So, you’re looking for substantive high-emotion, good and bad, statements that people make plucked out of these long back-and-forth threads, and then finally this presentation layer, more of a typical BI query builder, reporting tool, and then at the end you can export to CSV, set up alerts for it, or sync it back to a warehouse, like I said, and then combine it with a CRM and other data sources.
Scott: I think that the sentiment analysis is the thing that I mostly gravitate towards, because I’m just very visual, and I can click on that. But the exciting thing for us is that we have 140 positive messages every month, about. I’m just kind of… I remember the general, and we’ll have like two or three that are problematic, which is an amazing ratio. So, I actually look at the ratio, just the ballpark ratio, and I’m like, that means we’re doing things well. The other cool thing about the positive sentiment is that it helps us recognize team members that are providing excellent service, that probably would go unrecognized if we didn’t have a tool like to service it. Right?
Robbie: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Scott: So, it’s like, “Great job, Amir,” or, “Hannah, thanks for getting this done so quickly,” or things like that. It actually really pops out at you. So, I think one of the things I’ve kind of learned is that sometimes people fear tool systems like this because it has the potential to be… They feel like, oh, this data could be used against me somehow in my career, but actually, what it really does is it demonstrates or pulls out who the superstars are, and it actually is like a multiplier on providing terrific support, because then once everyone kind of learns that they’re getting recognized, it makes everyone else want to participate, and like you heard me say, we’re probably 50% usage on Zendesk. I watch our Zendesk usage every week, and it’s moving up steadily. So, what I see in our organization is people getting more comfortable with this, and one of the reasons people are more comfortable is we give shouts out every Monday-
Robbie: Oh, that’s great.
Scott: … Of all the people providing great service, and a lot of that data is actually coming from Frame, my little click in conversation [inaudible] awesome.
Robbie: Yeah. On that sentiment stuff in particular, that’s why we actually lead with wins that you’ve seen. It’s like, wins, issues, and risks are the three moments there, and the risks are important for making sure stuff got followed up correctly or resolved or something. They’re just stuff you want to look at. But the wins are great coaching opportunities and recognition opportunities, so the emails that go out and the dashboards lead with those. Your role, there’s a couple main things that people do. They do things like report on what’s happening in general. They look for understanding but product feedback very generally, like what are bugs, how do we organization this stuff. That’s a huge class of activities we help with, but then this other thing is just overseeing what’s happening. So, you have these roles where the support team cares about some stuff, but then CEOs, other executives will poke in and do the kind of thing you’re doing, like, let me just drop in and focus for 20 minutes and stuff, fire off some emails, and go about my day. I know from personal anecdotes at other companies that this is something CEOs and other leaders already do, except they just kind of randomly read through transcripts rather than have something that’s set up for them.
Scott: I remember actually… On the transcript thing, you’re totally right. The CEO spoke at a bunch of conferences I’ve been at, and he does do that, and they forced everyone to do instant message instead of phone support, precisely so they could get those transcripts, so they could find that. So, you’re totally right. Actually, when I first saw your kind of… You have this really pretty dashboard with a bunch of visuals, and then you have the listings of the conversations or the key terms that are positive or negative. I was like, holy cow, this is amazing. I actually am super bullish on your company because of that one view I can look at. It’s exactly the kind of dashboard you want if you’re running a company.
Robbie: That’s what we’re going for.
Scott: Yeah. I didn’t know until you mentioned it, you can actually automatically do ticket routing and things like that, because that’s one of the problems we have, actually, is if someone leaves or if we change a client manager or something like that, we have to really go in and manually change who’s getting those tickets. Does Frame actually automate that?
Robbie: Not exactly. I think what we’re focused… We’re not trying to go back into the operational side, at least the operational in-the-moment side of things. So, when I say I think you’re talking about adjusting the roles, what happens is people, especially in Salesforce, but even in Zendesk with a lot of the automation they run, who said what gets really confusing. Who said this ticket? Who sent this message? Did you send it on behalf of a customer, but using your own API key? Did you map this Salesforce field correctly? Is it authored by or created by… There’s all this weird stuff we found, and we’ve gotten really good at, in some cases, automatically fixing that if we’ve seen it before, or just making an adjustment, and once we make the adjustment at our data management layer, all the data is reflected differently in the UI, and in some cases, if we adjust a message from being unknown or an agent to a customer, now all of a sudden it goes and gets those sentiment annotations within a few minutes, so [crosstalk]
Scott: That’s really cool. Yeah, because managing, in your same analogy of how the marketing or search or SEO or whatever attribution is very well understood, the people don’t… I don’t feel like they know the cost of actually operating like a Zendesk or sale… It actually takes a lot of manpower and time and money to continually tweak the stuff and make sure it’s updated, and if it’s not updated, then tickets sit there not getting processed, and customers are not getting served the right way. So, we actually have a consultant who does a lot of stuff manually for us. It’s just kind of the cost of doing business right now, but the automation you’re talking about are… It’s almost like email marketing automation. Of course, there should be some automation that checks who’s assigned where, and that things are getting captured in the CRM correctly. You know?
Robbie: That’s right. Yeah, and actually, I guess it’s helped at least me personally in the product feedback that I give internally. Coming from a marketing background and very heavy tech marketing background, I’ve seen the evolution of those tools. Segment is an example of how that feeds into things like Heap, which can then virtually create different events that you hadn’t instrumented before. We’ve taken some of those analogies and built them into Frame so that you can, after the fact, rewire how things are represented.
Scott: Very cool. Because I’ve seen your customer base, because I have the advantage of seeing your invoicing, do you have some great… You have a great customer base. Do you have any good gotcha moments, or not gotcha, aha moments of the CEO or head of support or things like that seeing what you guys are doing and just being blown away?
Robbie: Yeah. I mean, surprisingly, actually, we’re a relatively small team, but we already have public companies and HIPAA-compliant deployments underway because the bigger teams tend to need this kind of stuff. So, that’s been, for or better or worse, forced to deal with some of this enterprise sales process and deployment, but inevitably, well, there’s two big ones. I mean, the first is when someone sees that they can change their tags after the fact, especially if you’re in Zendesk, because you can’t change old data. Tag schemes always shift over time. As soon as they start fussing with it, they’re like, “Oh, man. We’re all in. We’re going to spend two weeks cleaning this up,” and that gets them, the operators in particular, excited. But I think the single biggest is the CEO, like, “Oh, my gosh. I didn’t know about this one conversation that’s sitting there, the risks you’re talking about.” Those get the biggest reception immediately, because we’re taking literally a sentence from a huge email back-and-forth two weeks ago and just putting it at the top of a dashboard as something that had some emotion around it, and it was probably dealt with just fine, but they didn’t it yet. They get really excited about it.
Scott: The first time I logged in, I saw a… We call the zingers, and it was a zinger from someone who really had no idea a client was pretty new and pretty new to the accounting and finance game, who was just so off base. It was actually scary how off base they were. I felt like I almost needed to call the CEO and be like, “Hey, you have something happening here in your organization that’s…” We ended up working it out, and I had actually been on the… I basically had worked it out by the time I saw the dashboard, but when I saw it I was like, oh, my gosh. Frame captured… It pulled that one out, and that was like a company threat for this company. It was a company-threatening event that someone wasn’t doing their job properly at the company. It was getting back to us because there was a question of whether we should have been doing it or not. It wasn’t in our realm, but it was like the ultimate validation, that you pulled out the biggest zinger of the week for us. It was right at the top of the dashboard, and I had already solved it, but I was like, oh, my god, this is amazing.
Robbie: I mean, something we haven’t covered much, just to mentioned it, is that a lot of companies use multiple systems. So, right now they’re usually not pulling the data in any one place. So, you haven’t experienced this exactly, but if you have Intercom and Salesforce, and maybe Slack shared channels, to have those pulled into place and all adjusted to be coherent conversations is pretty magical, so that’s another… When we pull those stuff in, those kinds of things multiple [crosstalk]
Scott: That makes total sense. Actually, I was wondering about that because in the Slack thing, could be really big, because we’re starting to do more Slack sharing things like that. Tell me kind of where you guys are going. What’s on the roadmap, or is it just now you’re in the block and tackling to sign more customers, raise a big fundraising round? How are you guys thinking about the company?
Robbie: What we’re doing right now, we’re pretty excited about the Salesforce connect to the… We’ve released it sort of quietly and have companies using it, but we’ve gotten really good at making it all make sense. It’s very customized when you get in there. So, I’m pretty excited about what that’s going to lead to for these bigger teams, but in general, we want to keep doing more of what we’re good at, so we want to get more connectors built. That’s sort of on the easier side. We’re seeing a lot of value in these automatic annotations that we add, so I can see us doing… We’re thinking about things like detecting surges in activity that people aren’t aware of on the ground, and other types of industry-specific moments. Right now we have sentiment-oriented things, but there are lots of common situations that arise in conversations we can detect and raise for you, and then-
Scott: What’s an example? What’s an example of that?
Robbie: I mean, people send us… We’ve seen people develop common tagging schemes around things, for example, like if you’re an e-commerce business, you’re tracking all these kinds of things. So, they’ll end up doing a lot of the same work on tagging returns as an example, or a company tagging password and account problems, and we are getting good at… Even though we don’t mix any data between customers, it’s all per customer ML models, but we’re getting pretty good at figuring out, all right, well, this looks like it’s a password issue, so maybe we should just do that for you and just automatically annotate it, or this is going to be a return, something like that. Those are just examples.
Scott: Makes sense.
Robbie: Then the action space is… I think I’m most excited about it, making it easy to, for instance, get alerted when there’s a new match on a low sentiment. If it’s one customer you’re monitoring, to be alerted when something bad happens in a conversation so you can jump in and help, or that’s just an example.
Scott: That’s really smart.
Robbie: But I know that other companies, other CEOs have had people build that for them internally, and so I think we can make that something available to everyone.
Scott: That’s kind of the thing that makes the system sell itself, too, because retaining one client that’s in trouble or something like that pays for everyone for the year, probably for a lot of companies. So, it’s a really simple… Aside from the toy-ish factor, or the make you feel good because you got a cool visualization, the hard math actually supports you guys really well, because if we lose one client because of a mess up on our side, which hopefully doesn’t happen very often, being able to correct that very quickly is a huge revenue. It’s basically like signing a new client, not losing them, and then also for us, the ROI and reduced stress and reduced kind of three people working on something to figure something out or fix something is pretty high. So, I just feel like you’re in a high-ROI game right now.
Robbie: Yeah, that’s been something we’ve learned. I mean, since we first built it and then started selling it, the ROI on it is dramatic, and you have a team of 30 people, and you really don’t know what they’re talking about. You’re relying them to sort of self-tag in the moment, which is really, really different to do. Then you’re kind of randomly queuing tickets. These are really important people, and the conversations are important. So, like I said, it’s a huge opportunity to make better use of that stuff, and it doesn’t take much to do it.
Scott: I’m excited where you’re going. I actually look forward to getting my dashboard email every week. This is real dorkiness, but I’m very excited for you guys. Well, cool. Well, maybe you can tell everyone where they can find you and how to talk to Frame and how to reach you over email, and if they want to take the next steps.
Robbie: Yeah. So, it’s just It’s easy to get started there. It takes about 30 seconds to sign in and start pulling your data in and make use of it. You can reach me directly if you want, Robbie, that’s R-O-B-B-I-E,
Scott: It’s been a pleasure working with you guys. I’m so excited where you’ve landed, and we’re using the product. It’s really cool. That’s the ultimate validation I can give you.
Robbie: Exactly.
Scott: So, thank you for making my life better and Vanessa’s life better, and also our team members’ life better, because when we do those shout outs on Mondays, a lot of that stuff’s coming from the Frame dashboard, so thank you for the positive impact you’re making on Kruze.
Robbie: Excellent. I’m happy to help.
Scott: Awesome, man. Thank you so much.
Robbie: Thank you.
Scott: Hope you enjoyed that episode of Founders and Friends Podcast. Quick shout out to Brex, the first startup credit card. Brex is our sponsor, and we really appreciate their support. Brex has no personal guarantee for founders. That’s a really big deal. It integrates really nicely with QuickBooks, great rewards that are startup-centric. It’s a really nice little tool, and we are seeing it all across the Kruze portfolio of clients, so check it out. Again, if you go through the signup flow and type in Kruze, you get a discount, so hopefully you’ll check out Brex. Thanks again for the support on the podcast, guys. Take care.
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