Posted on: 01/25/2022
Lauren Dai of Cocoon - Podcast Summary
Lauren Dai of Cocoon explains how the company started, Cocoon’s mission, and how Cocoon helps employers more effectively manage employee leave time.
Lauren Dai of Cocoon - Podcast Transcript
Scott: | Hey, it’s Scott Orn at Kruze Consulting, and thanks for joining us on Founders and Friends for another awesome podcast. Let’s give a quick shout out to the Kruze Consulting accounting team. We’re very fortunate. We have a ton of people at Kruze who work on the monthly books for our clients, and get them all set up, due diligence ready, rocking every month, answering all the clients’ questions, making all those adjustments. There’s no better moment for a founder, and for us really, when founder says, “Hey, I think I’m going to get a term sheet. Are my books ready for diligence?” We get to say, “Yes, they are. Fire away. Send them over, give them access.” That is a great feeling. It’s the feeling that lets us know we’ve done a job very well done, and nothing is better than watching that cash at the bank account. If you are a venture back startup, you’re going out the fundraise, maybe check us out. Check us out at We love what we do. Taping here, I think we have 575 clients. Clients raised over a billion dollars this year, so we know what we’re doing, and hopefully we can help you be successful in your fundraise. All right, let’s get to the podcast. Thanks. |
Singer: | (singing). It’s Kruze Consulting, Founders and Friends with your host, Scotty Orn. |
Scott: | Welcome to Founders and Friends podcast with Scott Orn at Kruze Consulting. Today, my very special guest is Lauren Dai of Cocoon. Welcome, Lauren. |
Lauren: | Hi Scott. So happy to be here. |
Scott: | Yeah. Great to have you. I remember when you were thinking about starting Cocoon, and I’m so excited, it’s like a living, breathing company and kicking butt. I really wanted to have you on the podcast, and you help solve a really important topic for companies, especially startups. Maybe you can just start by kind of retracing your career and telling everyone how you had the idea for Cocoon, and what Cocoon is. |
Lauren: | Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Well, Scott, first of all, thank you for being an early supporter. I remember we talked to you in early days of thinking about Cocoon, and what we’re are up to in solving leave, and making it as instant and simple as possible. In a nutshell, at some point in our lives, many of us, whether it’s having a baby, or caring for a sick family member, or going in for a surgery, we’ll need time off from work, and need to be able to support ourselves during that time and get paid. A lot of times that can be really, really hard, stressful, anxiety creating, especially when you’re dealing with all of these different governments and insurance sources of pay. What Cocoon does, in a nutshell, is make it instant and simple, and big hearted to get your time off and your pay during your leave, automate your claims to these different sources to pay, like insurance and state, and then really support our customers’ HR teams in making that experience both really supportive for their people, and also take all of the really complex work, including compliance and payroll, off of their plates. That’s what we do in a nutshell. It’s actually a fascinating kind of roundabout way, in some ways, in how Mahima and Amber and I landed on Cocoon and leave as the problem that we set out to solve. Maybe before I go there, I can back up a little bit, and share more about kind of how we all met each other as co-founders [crosstalk]. |
Scott: | Totally. Totally. I know the story, because I remember the first time we talked, but go. Share it with the audience. It’s great. |
Lauren: | Yeah. Yeah. Kind of funny because, so I’ll start with how Mahima and I know each other. Mahima and I actually met when we were sophomores in college. I mean, we were 19 years old. |
Scott: | I didn’t know that. Wow, that’s crazy. |
Lauren: | Yeah, it is crazy. We’re fresh 19-year olds. We were interns at Bank of America Merrill Lynch at the time, and on the mortgage back security trading desk, very sexy. Most of that summer, we actually didn’t do much MBS trading. Maybe Mahima did more than I did, but really, what we were super excited about was this business plan pitch competition, that at the time, Bank of America was hosting. Mahima and I entered that together as co-founders, and we won our first $10,000 dollar check from that competition. |
Scott: | Oh my gosh. That’s amazing. |
Lauren: | Yeah. It was my first taste of this concept of a startup. You’ll kind of laugh when I tell you what our idea was, but basically, we’re working in banking, so one of the things I personally hated doing was creating pitch decks and printing them out and all of that. We [crosstalk]- |
Scott: | I’m old enough to remember, I think a lot of banks now have a team, document management team, but when I was doing investment banking in 1999, I had to do the pitch deck, like what you’re saying, and then go downstairs at three in the morning, and pray the color printer didn’t break, and print and bind every single one of those things. It was torture, it was torture. It sounds like you figured out a better way for that. |
Lauren: | Truly, truly torture. That was like 90% of my internship. |
Scott: | Yeah. Yeah, totally. Yeah. That was definitely an intern job for sure. |
Lauren: | Yes, indeed, indeed. Long story short, Mahima and I had this idea, day of the iPad first coming out, what if all of this could be totally seamlessly presented over iPads. That was our kind of hot startup idea at the time. It was fascinating, because I tell this story, because it was really my first ever exposure to start ups. I grew up in New Jersey on the East Coast. I went to Harvard, I was in Boston, East Coast person kind of my whole life, and so wasn’t really exposed to startups in the same way that folks who grew up in the Valley are. That was really my first exposure to it. Because of that experience meeting Mahima that summer, the two of us from then on forward were like, “This could be something that we do together.” It’s been in the back of our minds for a decade, plus, and kind of here we are. How this snowballed was really that- |
Scott: | Well, if I can jump in there for one second. |
Lauren: | Yeah. |
Scott: | -you also kind of learned maybe the most important part of a startup, which is finding a great partner- |
Lauren: | Yes. |
Scott: | -and finding someone who’s going to be through it with you, thick and thin. Vanessa and I used to joke that we’d have these conference room now moments, where the world’s falling apart or something’s happening. One of you doesn’t know what to do, and the other one figures it out for that person or vice versa. That’s really cool that you found your co-founder at age 19, and that you’ve stuck together and matured together. That’s really cool. That’s a real testament to your guys’ relationship. |
Lauren: | Thank you. Yes. I think that’s definitely one of the biggest takeaways. Really, because of that experience, meeting Mahima, I, later that year, at the time I was an undergrad at Harvard, and I raised my hand. I told the business school, I was like, “Hey, I’m really interested in starting a company. I want to go on this Harvard Silicon Valley trip with you. Let me come with you.” |
Scott: | That’s awesome. I remember those from my business school trips. That’s crazy that you were aware enough to insert yourself into that process. That’s awesome. |
Lauren: | Yeah, so I got myself out here. It was my first time in the Valley. I remember visiting some incredible companies, a lot of them started by HBS grads, whether it was Cloudflare or WildFire and so on, and all these venture capital firms, and meeting some incredible mentors, and being totally blown away by just the environment that I now get to live in. |
Scott: | I know, I know. |
Lauren: | I think the biggest thing for me was just, I was so enamored by the way that Silicon Valley thinks about failure and creation, where I would meet all these founders, and they would tell me how they started companies. It didn’t necessarily work out, but here they were at Facebook or Google doing really amazing things. To me, I was like, “Wait, but didn’t you just fail? Why are all these companies wanting you even more?” It was just a totally fascinating insight, which is, wow, this is not something that is unbelievably risky that nobody should ever do, but actually something that can be really, really valuable regardless of the outcome. |
Scott: | Totally. |
Lauren: | Also, the ability to create something, to change a problem that you are passionate about and that you had that initiative, that was an attitude that what was something I was personally inspired by. |
Scott: | Yeah. Well, and it’s amazing, because if you think about Cocoon, it has a real social benefit. It makes people’s lives better, and like Cloudflare, very cool. We have 600 startups. We always say we’re helping entrepreneurs change the world for the better. That’s part of the crew’s mission. For Cocoon, you’re right there. You don’t even know this, but we’ve talked about Cocoon at our Monday morning meeting for the whole company, because we highlight, every week, a company that’s changing the world for the better. I mean, that’s one of the reasons I want to have you on the podcast, frankly, is you’re doing something, it’s not just about making money or doing an IPO or something like that. It’s actually making a positive impact in the world. We see the importance of what you’re doing, both for people inside of our company, and how hard it is to get the insurance companies to handle stuff and things like that. Then on behalf of, we have 600 VC back clients now. They ask us questions about leave and how does this work, or people are nervous or they don’t know. I think it’s really cool what you’re doing, and it’s just going to get stronger, because there is that mission, and people are going to gravitate to where you’re going to be able to find awesome people to work at Cocoon, in signing up customers. It’s such a no-brainer, so kudos to you for having that insight and for taking action on it. |
Lauren: | Thank you. One of our company values is built for impact. Truly, that’s one of my personal values, which is, we’re here not to not just to build a financially successful business, but if we actually achieve our mission, what this means is that leave, and ideally some of these big topics that have come up on the national stage, like paid family leave can be transformed, for not just individual customers of Cocoon, but nationwide and perhaps even internationally. |
Scott: | I totally agree, and I think in a way, you’re making it easier, which makes it more accessible for people. You can have a cocktail hour conversation or conversation over dinner, but if people don’t know that there’s a solution … All I could think about when you were describing what Cocoon does at the very high level was the red tape involved. |
Lauren: | Yes. |
Scott: | Maybe get into the nuts and bolts, help people visualize exactly how it can make their life a little bit better and simpler. |
Lauren: | Yeah. Yeah. Well, in a nutshell, the way Cocoon works is that today when you want to go on leave, it can be extremely difficult, surprisingly, to get paid, which is the most critical thing, because if you’re going to have a baby, for example, and have all of these new expenses in your life, not to mention paying rent and your mortgage, the last thing you want is to be going with half your paycheck while you’re waiting for, for example, your check to come from your insurance company or your state. The reason that Mahima and Amber and I started Cocoon is because we just saw a lot of our own friends go through that experience where … We come from incredible places. Stripe, one of the most amazing things that happened to me in my career was that I met Amber at Stripe, our unbelievably talented CTO and co-founder. At Stripe and at Square, we had some of the most amazing benefits in the world, and yet even at these incredible companies, we would still hear stories. One of our friends was sharing how she was being wheeled into her C-section, going into the hospital room, bringing her laptop with her to try and apply for disability insurance. |
Scott: | Oh god. |
Lauren: | In the midst of, literally, having her baby. It sounds insane, but the way that this world has evolved in terms of, for example, things like disability insurance and so on, makes it so difficult for folks to get what they need during this really, really critical time in their lives. |
Scott: | Totally, or even after giving … We’re talking about giving birth, but your body’s beat up, and I mean, we have a baby. She’s not a baby anymore, but I remember how vulnerable Vanessa was. Even I was like, “What we doing here, and how does life work now?” and things like that. There’s just so many curve balls thrown at you at one moment, both physically and mentally. To make it easy and not have … That visual of someone being wheeled in for a C-section with a laptop breaks my heart. That’s not how life should be. It’s a very special moment. A C-section might be a little scary. I’m not a woman, but that’s really cool. No, I think I interrupted you there, but just keep going. |
Lauren: | Yeah. I mean, that’s the reason we started Cocoon really, is to take that experience, that incredibly stressful and anxiety creating experience, and make it as instant and simple, and hopefully even delightful as say, Apple Pay, for example, which is in and out of our app in under 10 minutes. You’ve got your time, you’ve got your pay, and you fully understand what’s going on. All you’re doing is focused on whatever’s happening in your life, whether it’s your family, whether it’s having a baby, whether it’s your own health, and then your return to work and career. The checks are coming to you from your state, from your insurance. Cocoon is taking care of that for you. Meanwhile, we’re helping your employer support you through that experience. Right? |
Scott: | Yeah. I love that. |
Lauren: | That is critical, because at the end of the day, the employer is that key piece of the equation, which is the additional part of making this something that could be a really stressful and anxiety experience, where you either feel more supported by our employer, and fall more in love with your team, or you feel like the floor fell out from under you. Maybe it doesn’t actually, you start to fall out of love with your employ. Right? |
Scott: | Yeah. They don’t care. Yeah. Well, I mean, there’s many different forms of disability that Cocoon helps with, but the most immediate for me is the parental leave. We’re a woman founded company. My mom was an entrepreneur. My wife is an entrepreneur. There’s a lot of juggling that happens for women after they have a baby, and whether they’re the founder of the company or someone who just started a month ago. You want to make it a safe place, and your company culture should make it a safe place for women to live a full life, and for dads to take leave if they need to take leave and things like that. That’s how you create a positive culture. It’s worth having a positive culture and having continuity and people come back after having a baby and sharing that joy with other people in the company is literally, it’s what it’s all about. I really just respect what you’re doing. Hey, it’s Scott Orn, and we’re going to take a quick break from the podcast to give a shout out to the Kruze tax team. Gosh, it’s so nice to have an in-house tax team, I can’t even tell you. We have some really amazing professionals on team. It’s over, I think it’s 13 people now, and we do everything from your federal and state income tax return, state franchise tax filings, R and D tax credits. Those are pretty popular these days. Guess what? They’re there for you when you go through diligence. A lot of people don’t know this, but you actually go through tax diligence, not just operational kind of financial diligence, but you do go through tax diligence, so it’s nice to have Vanessa Kruze on the phone with your VCs and with the accounting firm they hired to diligence all your stuff, and the law firm they hired to diligence all your stuff. Vanessa knows what she’s doing. She’s done this a million times. It’s not just Vanessa. We have a really great team of tax professionals that will do those calls too. It’s kind of sometimes the difference between getting around close or having to take another two weeks, because something was disorganized, and the tax compliance wasn’t done correctly. We hear those horror stories from clients that come to us, so hey, if you want Kruze’s tax team on your side, we’re here for you. Check us out at Thanks. If I can shift gears for a second, as an accounting firm, we get a lot of questions about parental leave from our clients. One thing about Cocoon, you ladies have a lot of resources on your website that actually can help. I hadn’t even really thought about this until we started talking, but we should be pointing people to resources on your website, because for us, being efficient and being thorough and getting our clients the right answer is very important. You are the experts on this, way more so than we are, and so you can actually make the Kruze’s life a lot easier on behalf of our … Make our clients happy, and make our life a little easier, which I really appreciate. |
Lauren: | Yes, absolutely. That’s something that we love doing, which is, a lot of times when our customers come to us, it could be that they’re even just creating their first policy ever, when [crosstalk]. |
Scott: | Yeah, yeah. |
Lauren: | A good example of this is [Versell], who is an amazing customer of ours. When they first came to us, it was the first ever parental leave policy that they were rolling out. They wanted to go big, and they knew that this was going to be critical for them as they were scaling from 50 people to hyper scale, and that it was a big part of who they wanted to be and how they wanted to recruit their people. Especially, [crosstalk] you wanted to start families. It’s a signal. It’s like a green light to say, “Hey, we care about not just the work you do, but you as a person.” A lot of what we did was work with them in saying, the questions were things like, “Hey, what even is competitive? How are we not going to have a park there? What are some of the other strategies that we can … Levers we can pull when it comes to recruiting?” Something that I share a lot recently when I talk to people leaders is there’s all this old stuff around leave. For example, it used to be common to have a tenure requirement, where you have to be at the company for at least a year to qualify for the 12 weeks of paid leave, for instance. When I see that, I tell people leaders, “That can go away,” and [crosstalk], this is going to supercharge your recruiting, because you’re going to find that people who are considering the next adventure, there’s a lot of people who want to start families out there, who are going to gravitate to your company because of that and what you stand for. |
Scott: | I totally agree with that. I hadn’t even thought about the feedback loop into recruiting until we start talking here. You’re right, at Kruze, we have a lot of young family people. Part of that’s because we have a remote work culture, and so there’s that extra flexibility if someone needs to go pick up their kids from the school or whatever it is, but you’re right. I mean, even us, we had a baby four years ago, almost four years ago, in the middle of the startup. You need that kind of stuff. That is one of the reasons why I like being a family-oriented company, is because it helps us recruit people who are here to stay, and who like stability, and who also are good mentors and have a bigger picture on life, instead of just grinding it out and working a hundred hours a week. For lack of a better word, sometimes you need parents inside of a company, too, people who can mentor other people or give advice or just look with an empathetic view. That’s some of the stuff you develop as a parent too, even more. Yeah. You actually see people like the HR people teams you’re working with are like, “Oh my gosh, this actually is something we can list out in our recruiting job specs,” and things like that, and it has that feedback loop? |
Lauren: | Oh yeah. I mean, it’s actually really funny. I was recently on a conversation with one of the marketing leads at Carta, Carta’s one of our customers, who was at Carta for maybe six months. When he met me, he was like, “Oh, I heard about you during my recruiting process. My recruiter told me about Cocoon.” |
Scott: | That’s awesome. |
Lauren: | I was like, “Oh wow. That’s awesome.” Amazing job, Carta people team for not only making this incredible for your people who are currently at Carta, but also using it as a talking point for your recruiting team to go out and get the best people. |
Scott: | Totally. Well, on your website also, I noticed Benchling, which is one of Vanessa’s original five clients. |
Lauren: | No way. |
Scott: | Yeah, nine years ago, nine and a half years ago. It’s always fun to see … If you can talk about it from a customer example, what was the relationship with Benchling like? What are they using you for, and how’s it working? |
Lauren: | Yeah. Yeah. My gosh, Benchling is so near and dear [crosstalk]. |
Scott: | Is [crosstalk] the CEO there still? He’s a super nice guy, super smart guy. I mean, it’s a huge company now, but yeah. Keep going. |
Lauren: | Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I think we were very lucky. It’s funny if I back up a little, even further, the first leave that we ever supported was Chauncey, one of our investors over at XYZ. We were lucky because Chauncey, she introduced us to Meg, who is the head of people at Benchling. Meg previously was at Zinga. At the time, Meg was, I think, still pretty new at Benchling. Benchling has been going through this absolute, unbelievable hyper scale mode. |
Scott: | Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. |
Lauren: | I think when we first started working with Benchling, as one of our first customers, they maybe were two or 300 people, and now they’re probably six or 700 people. [crosstalk]. |
Scott: | Oh my god, that’s crazy. That’s crazy. |
Lauren: | [crosstalk]. Yeah, it’s unbelievable. When we first kind of talked to Meg about this idea, and at the time, Cocoon was in a lot of ways, still an idea. She totally got it. I can tell you, when we were kind of talking to Meg about being one of our first customers, and [Vivek], who is on the leads people ops at Benchling, all we really had was some mock ups at the time, and this vision for how something so anxiety creating, so stressful, so risk creating for HR teams, whether it’s in the compliance and getting people paid during this really vulnerable time in their lives correctly, could be instant and simple for the people taking it, and taken off the plates of a company like Benchling, that’s scaling like crazy. |
Scott: | Yeah. You mentioned the risk part of that too. I hadn’t even thought about that, but the risk of doing it incorrectly is … I mean, there’s the anxiety creation if you do it incorrectly, but there’s probably litigation or exposure if you don’t do it correctly. Those people, sounds like they were pretty brave and worked with you through the process, and took a chance on you too, when you were a little baby company. That’s really cool. That’s generous of them. |
Lauren: | A hundred percent. I mean, could not be more grateful to Benchling and Carta and Notion, Abstract, and a lot of our earliest, earliest customers, Snapdocs, Chad over there and team. These were companies who believed in us from the very beginning. A lot of it is just going back to your kind of earlier focus area, Scott, around risk. It’s really two things. When we think about what is it that really caught Meg and Vivek’s eye at Benchling, it was two things. One is that we really need these moments for people, to be moments where they can fall more in love with Benchling and feel so supported that they’re going to shout about how amazing Benchling is from the rooftops. In someone’s career, there are only a few of those moments. I think pre COVID, there was this mindset of all the things that keep people with us are going to be the little things, like the snacks, and the lunches, and the ping pong tables and so on. I think that has completely changed now. People, I mean, for other reasons, don’t care about in office lunch or commuter benefits anymore, et cetera, as much. Really, people have realized that what matters is how their company acts and works with them in times of adversity. Right? |
Scott: | Yeah. Substance, substance matters. |
Lauren: | Exactly, exactly. |
Scott: | Yeah. [crosstalk]. |
Lauren: | I think Meg and Vivek recognized that and brought us in to make out experience something for their people. That’s number one. Then number two is exactly what you’re saying, which is when you’re a company in hyper scale growing from two or 300 people to six or 700 people, and going from maybe two or three states to potentially dozens and dozens of states, not to mention- |
Scott: | Oh my god, I didn’t think about the state complexity. Yeah, you’re right. Yeah. |
Lauren: | Right. I mean, just imagine the regulatory burden that you have to think about, around, especially leave, which has hundreds and hundreds of regulations on a federal level, on a state level, even on a county level, and the risk of not getting it right is both, as you were saying, lawsuits. There’s a legal and financial risk to that. I think the average FMLA lawsuit is 600K. |
Scott: | Oh my gosh. |
Lauren: | Which is really scary. Right? |
Scott: | Yeah. |
Lauren: | But then also, there’s a risk of just losing your best people. I think that comes down to some of the critical, mission critical pieces, how do we get pay right, how do we not leave someone hanging during a critical moment in their lives without their pay. |
Scott: | Yeah, that was beautiful. |
Lauren: | [crosstalk] at scale. |
Scott: | But also navigating all that regulatory. I mean, you’re doing God’s work, so to speak here, by navigating all that red tape and all the state regulations. It actually makes the company so strong, because it’s hard to replicate. It’s something that people really do want to work with someone who’s an expert in it. I got to be respectful of your time here, so I’ll wrap it up here in a second, but before we wrap it up, can you talk about, can you point people to some resources on your website to get smart about? I imagine the first, someone’s going to listen to this podcast, and then they’re going to be like, “Okay, what do I do next?” Where on your website can they get smart about leave and how Cocoon handles it and maybe best practices, things like that? |
Lauren: | Yeah. The biggest thing I’ll point folks to, especially, I know a lot of your audience, Scott, are hyper growth startups, are venture capitalists and so on. The biggest thing I’m going to point folks to is to our blog, We recently actually shared a really, really amazing piece on how our peers are managing leave in today’s [crosstalk] world. In that, we have a lot of tips around not only what should your leave benefit even be, whether it’s a parental leave, a medical leave, a caretaker leaves, a bereavement leave, and so on, benchmarking, whether you’re a series A company and 50 people, or whether you’re pre IPO or public company, what is even competitive out there. |
Scott: | Benchmarking is such a great, yeah, that’s super valuable. Thank you for doing that. That’s awesome. |
Lauren: | Yes. Yeah. I can send that to you afterwards, Scott. Then also just some tips around things like, hey, first of all, a lot of times you, we all know that having a generous leave policy is an investment, but it also doesn’t have to break the bank. Something that we do at Cocoon that is really, really unique is we help companies automatically recover funds from these insurance and state sources that we’ve already been paying into. |
Scott: | Oh my gosh. Yeah. Yeah, that makes total sense. Yeah. |
Lauren: | Yeah, I mean, imagine, we look at our paychecks, and we see that we’re already paying into California disability insurance and [crosstalk] through them, or Washington State or Massachusetts or New York or New Jersey, or what have you. Also, probably as a company you’re paying into your private disability insurance, whether that’s a Prudential or a Guardian or MetLife and so on. A lot of the stories that we hear from people leaders is, “Gosh, this is something, it’s traditionally so hard for my people to apply for all these different sources, and frankly, for us to manage that, that maybe we’ll just pay people out of pocket.” That can feel really expensive, especially for a startup, but it doesn’t have to be that trade off between money and people. Part of what our philosophy is is that, a generous leave policy does not have to break the bank. You can have an amazing lead policy. In fact, it can be largely funded by the state and by insurance [crosstalk]. |
Scott: | On taxes you’re already paying basically. Yeah. Yeah. |
Lauren: | Exactly. You don’t have to trade off this really rough experience for people doing all these crazy claim applications, because that’s what Cocoon is here for, to automate that for them. |
Scott: | That’s beautiful. I love it. Check out the Cocoon website and the blog specifically for … The benchmarking sounds amazing. The peer, kind of peer tips sounds amazing. Obviously, you probably check out a demo while you’re there. We got to wrap up here, but tell everyone how to reach out to you, how to reach out to sales, if they’re interested, what they should do if they want to take the next step for Cocoon. |
Lauren: | Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, I think the thing that I want to leave folks with is that one, next year in 2022, is really going to be the year of the empathetic employer. This is something that we’ve been chatting a lot about going into 2022, because I think in the past two years, that’s what we’ve realized, is that it is just crazy out there with the pandemic. What the future is, is people are looking to their companies to step up for them in these biggest moments in their lives. That’s really what we stand for. When I think about what I want folks to take away from this conversation, it’s really that, and also, come join us in building that, which is, we’re hiring in a really, really big way next year. I think the way we think about it is we’re here to build for impact. What that impact means is it’s employer by employer or customer by customer, transforming lead benefits, transforming the experience for the people taking leave, but also it’s macro, which is how do we start having influence on a state level, on a national level, even with Biden and Harris on their paid Family Leave National Policy, for example. The people that we’re looking for are people who care about that kind of impact. Where I want to point folks to is Check it out, speaks a lot to our values as a company too. Reach out to us there, reach out to me personally,, find us on LinkedIn. That’s where we want to chat, and we want to meet you and we want to help out. |
Scott: | I love it, Lauren. I’m so proud of what you’re building and please thank your two … Is it Amber and Mahima? |
Lauren: | Amber and Mahima. |
Scott: | Yeah, please thank them on my behalf too. Super excited, and also the best part about this podcast is now every time someone asks me this question, I will send them the podcast, and they will be so much better off. It’s really exciting, just normalizing leave and making it easy for people and taking the anxiety out of it. Also, for all you finance, accounting types out there, making it easier for you too. It actually is a really great, it’s a win-win all the way around. Thank you so much. Really appreciate it, and looking forward to see what you do in 2022. |
Lauren: | Thank you. Likewise, Scott. |
Scott: | All right, Lauren. Thank you. |
Singer: | (singing). It’s Kruze Consulting Founders and Friends with your host, Scotty Orn. |
Find out why Kruze Consulting is one of the leading accounting firms in San Francisco and the US, serving funded, early-stage companies. Kruze clients have raised over $15 billion in venture capital and seed financing, and our research and development tax credit work has saved clients millions of dollars in burn rate and payroll taxes. Contact Kruze to learn more.