Posted on: 03/11/2020
Georgene Huang of Fairygodboss - Podcast Summary
Fairygodboss founder Georgene Huang found herself pregnant and out of a job. Here’s how she created a fast-growing business helping other women level up their careers.
Georgene Huang of Fairygodboss - Podcast Transcript
Singer: | (singing). It’s Kruze Consulting Founders and Friends with your host, Scotty Orn. |
Scott: | Welcome to Founders and Friends Podcast with Scott Orn at Kruze Consulting. And before we get to an awesome podcast with Georgene Huang of Fairygodboss, quick shout out to Rippling, our sponsor. Rippling makes payroll software easy. They also make benefit software easy, and they also integrate into your IT stack to make it easy to spin up new team members and also get all the web services up and running. We did a little study internally, and it costs us $420 per person that we hire at Kruze Consulting to get going. And I don’t even know what that number is at Fairygodboss, but I know there’s probably someone’s spending some time and money there. So, check out Rippling. It’s a great service for payroll benefits and getting your IT stack nice and easy. And now, I’d like to welcome Georgene. Thank you so much for being on the podcast. |
Georgene: | Thanks for having me. |
Scott: | So, we’ve worked together for a long time. You are an amazing woman, an amazing entrepreneur. We had a really good time talking to each other. Maybe, you can just kind of give a quick how you were inspired to start Fairygodboss or retrace your career a little bit. |
Georgene: | Well, the beginnings of Fairygodboss are pretty dramatic. Yeah, it all started with me getting fired- |
Scott: | I didn’t know that. |
Georgene: | … From an executive management job. Yeah. It’s like lots of dramatic career stories. Fairygodboss was born because I had a terrible day at work. I walked into the office, found out my boss and CEO was being fired. And two weeks later, I was out as well as part of the management shakeup, but it was at a very bad time personally in my life because I happened to be two months pregnant at the time. |
Scott: | Oh, my gosh. |
Georgene: | Yeah, so nobody knew I was pregnant. I wasn’t fired because I was pregnant. But this meant that I was going on the job market feeling pretty vulnerable and wanting to find out things that I didn’t think I could really talk about honestly. Things like, were there any women in management at these companies I was interviewing at? Did they have parental leave policy because I was about to have a kid, and what was that policy? And what was the culture of the company like in terms of face time versus flexibility, and how results oriented were they? And what was politics like? And I was really surprised that there wasn’t better information. I’m one of 70 million women in the U.S. Workforce, and not all of them have to be pregnant executives to care about the stuff I cared about. |
Scott: | You know what’s interesting about… And that’s incredible that you even have to kind of ask those questions. Because Fairygodboss takes care of a lot of that stuff now, and I’m sure you’ll get into that in a second, but do you feel like there’s a stigma when you’re interviewing, and you start asking questions like that, which are questions that everyone is entitled to? And it’s part of every job, and there shouldn’t be a stigma. But do you feel like people kind of unfortunately look at you in kind of a different way when you start getting into that stuff? |
Georgene: | Yeah, absolutely. I think that if you’re a woman of a particular age especially, you’re going to be looked at as, “Oh, you’re not that serious about your career. You really just care about work life balance.” And in my case, yes, that was true, but I’m so career focused and committed. It’s just that I have other things in my life. And I think typically, men, and this may be generationally changing, don’t ask those questions. It would never occur to them to ask those questions, or it’s not socially appropriate. But I think it’s different and changing. |
Scott: | Yeah, you’re right. And I haven’t asked those questions in the past, but yeah, it’s kind of like an unfair kind of stigma. And I’m so glad that Fairygodboss solves a lot of that stuff. I guess that’s where the inspiration came from. |
Georgene: | Yeah. And before, I had worked mostly with men. You asked about my career earlier. I worked on Wall Street, been on a trading floor at a hedge fund, and was a corporate lawyer. And so, I never really thought about my gender despite having worked in these male-dominated industries until this moment. |
Scott: | Until the moment that this stuff really mattered. So, what ended up happening? So, you did some of these interviews, and you’re like, “Oh, my God, I need to start a company to address this stuff.” |
Georgene: | Yeah. Well, first, I was just trying to solve my own problem. How am I going to get this information? I can’t talk about it openly. And I started using the internet at some point, right? You run out of the personal network that you can whisper around this kind of stuff to. And online, I was really surprised that women weren’t better served with career content. There’s so much fashion and design and makeup and food, but where’s the stuff about how my family and I are going to make money, get ahead financially? |
Scott: | And as you said, there’s 70 million women in the workforce. That’s a very large unaddressed market right there. |
Georgene: | That’s U.S. Only. And if you look at globally, there’s probably 250 million women with LinkedIn profiles that identify as female. |
Scott: | Oh, my gosh. That’s amazing. And so, what happened, you just decided to get going on the idea? |
Georgene: | Well, I was cautious at first and thought, “Let’s just launch an MVP and understand whether women will share this kind of information with each other.” The form of sharing that we launched in our MVP product was really job reviews, anonymous job reviews for women by women. And it doesn’t take a huge amount of investment to do that if you’ve ever done any product. And I was a product person before this. So, got us this site and just really wanted to understand what kind of information you could get women to share with each other and whether it would be of any quality because you can’t build a business model around only negative job reviews, right? It’s going to be really hard to do that and if it’s not quality sort of content. So luckily, it turned out that women were willing to be forthcoming about this, and we now have 1.5 million registered users. And not all of them leave job reviews, but there’s a really healthy mix of job reviews on the site. And one of the things that we’ve really played around with in that MVP period was understanding what prompts got quality content. You can’t just ask open ended questions and say, “What do you think?” |
Scott: | Oh, I never thought about that because I would just do the, what do you think? What’s some of the stuff that you found that triggered a response? |
Georgene: | So, one of the companies in our space is very well known as Glassdoor, and they ask about pros and cons of working at a company. And that’s their way of getting that balanced feedback, right? And it makes a lot of sense. If you ask for a pro, you’ll get some positives. If you ask for a con, you get some negative stuff. Very simple and direct. For us, our market research sort of showed that altruism was the number one motivator of women to leave a quality review. So, our open-ended question, and we have a lot of non-open-ended questions that I’ll get into, our open-ended question is just, what advice would you give to another woman about working here? |
Scott: | That’s fascinating. Yeah. Okay, keep going. |
Georgene: | Yeah. So, that kind of triggers a set of answers that is supportive and constructive because even if something’s not great, the reviews sort of indicate what you should do to manage that. And then, we left a lot of room for structured content because there, you can have an element of control, right? What’s your level of job satisfaction on a scale of one to five? Do you think women and men are treated equally, yes or no? Does your CEO support gender diversity, yes, no, or I don’t know? Did you take parental leave, maternity leave, and if so, for how long? So, these are things that are indications of culture that you can’t mess around with. It’s pretty structured and black and white. |
Scott: | Wow, that’s really smart. So, you get them kind of going in an altruistic nature to help other women, and then you can also get some really kind of- |
Georgene: | Crowdsourced data. |
Scott: | Yeah, that’s really cool. And so, it’s working. You have 1.5 million people just… That’s registered. There are probably way more people using it on a monthly basis because sometimes, people don’t want to register, right? |
Georgene: | Yeah. So, there’s a lot of visitors to our site, and a lot of the parts of our site are available to anyone. So, if you want to look for a job, if you want to look at the high-level review data before applying to a job, that’s sort of there. If you want to just read what’s in the feed every day, we have a feed-centered product now because we’ve gone way beyond just job reviews. |
Scott: | Wow. And when you say beyond job reviews, is that the structured content stuff and aggregating those scores and things like that? |
Georgene: | Yeah, and we have crowdsourced parental leave databases. That’s sort of all the structure data. But we have just the ability to meet other women in the community and ask for advice. And one of the ways… It’s so great to be able to work with a community of women, and I hate generalizing about women because it’s sort of what got us into trouble in the first place. I think it’s society. But one of the things that we realized was that women value anonymity particularly. And I think everyone does when they want to or feel vulnerable. So, everything that people do on our site can also be done anonymously. You can post a question about a bad manager or it’s a bad day at work. You don’t have to attach your member profile to that. |
Scott: | Oh, and that’s so important because you don’t want to have retaliation, right, or retaliation at the next job or people getting blackballed and things like that. |
Georgene: | Yeah. And it’s also a way to really be different than other communities online. LinkedIn and Facebook, it’s your face. It’s your name. It’s your job. And what if you really need advice about how to deal with a bad manager? You can’t put that on LinkedIn. |
Scott: | You’re totally right. And forgive me for not knowing this aspect, but is there a messaging aspect where people can connect, or how do you like… Because I have a nonprofit of patients with rare diseases. That’s all social networks. And so, a lot of times, they’re communicating in a forum aspect. And then a lot of times, they’re communicating to each other directly, or how do you facilitate that give and take, like a rapid conversation? |
Georgene: | So, we have direct messaging. We also have groups for people who have similar interests or industry. So, we have a job seeker group for those who are actively job seeking. We have a women over 40 group. We are new to the workforce groups. We also have just a feed that anyone can participate in. So, think of like your Facebook or LinkedIn feed, it’s public. |
Scott: | Yeah. That’s amazing. And so, you must have some just crazy success stories. Does anything jump to mind where you’re like, “Oh, my gosh, I changed this person’s life”? Or maybe even Fairygodboss using it for their own recruiting, I mean, what kind of feedback have you gotten from the community? |
Georgene: | I think one of the most gratifying things is to see that… We have a social mission. One of the most gratifying things is to see it actually happening. Initially because we were just reviews, we just thought, “You know what? We’re going to create some peer pressure in a positive way and get companies to compete with themselves for better policies and better cultures for women.” And we started getting inbound calls from companies saying, “You know what? We found you when we were researching how to improve our maternity policy.” And that was incredibly gratifying because they didn’t know where to get that information about their competitors before because this wasn’t just employees who couldn’t access it or prospective employees. It was also the companies themselves didn’t know how to benchmark themselves against their competitors. |
Scott: | That’s amazing. So, capitalism actually wants to have better leave policies and things like that. But if people don’t know what’s going on, what the alternatives are, they don’t kind of step up themselves basically. |
Georgene: | That’s right. So, I mean, imagine being a one-and-a-half-year-old start-up, and General Electric reaches out to you because their HR department found you when they were researching what to do. I mean, that’s pretty cool. |
Scott: | That’s super cool. Oh, my God. Was that like one of your aha moments like, “This is going to work,” kind of thing? |
Georgene: | Yeah, I think it was that. That and our first customer was actually an inbound, and it was the CHR of Accenture. And I thought, “Wow, this person found us when we had like 10,000 people on the site,” and said to us the sentence, “Whatever you are selling, I’m interested in buying.” And we had nothing to sell at that point. |
Scott: | That’s amazing. That’s amazing. Well, now, you have… Maybe, talk about kind of the business model, or not even like a business model, but how do customers get involved? And how do they reach a woman who they’re trying to recruit? That is actually something we do. You know us. We have a woman founder, and my mom was an entrepreneur. And we love hiring women and people of color. I mean, how do you make it easy for companies that want to reach folks like that? |
Georgene: | Yeah. So, one of the things that our business model does is help companies tell the story of why they’re a great place to work. And we started to understand what resonates with female job seekers and what doesn’t. And one of the things that they really want to see are things like women in leadership roles. They just want to see people who look like them. I mean, it sounds really basic, but you need to have the picture of, right? And you need to have the story. You need to have the profile. You need to explain how she actually manages, lives, conducts her life, how she changed from being in one department to working at another, or worked her way up in the organization. Without those stories, it’s really difficult to believe just sort of a slogan like, “We’re a great place for women to work.” You have to have the stories bring that reality to life. |
Scott: | The stories and… I’ve also read a lot on this, and that, like you said, kind of the pictures, people of color or women, the proof’s in the pudding a little bit. When you’ve recruited people like that and they’re having a great career at your company, that’s the ultimate validation that it’s going to be a safe and fruitful place for them to work. And that’s kind of what you’re saying, right? |
Georgene: | Yeah. I mean, when I was looking for a job and pregnant, you interview with who you interview with, but I really actually wanted to understand who the management team was because that was the long term, right? |
Scott: | Yeah. And you can see that through Fairygodboss. |
Georgene: | Well, we tell them that that’s the best way to tell the story. Now, every company’s at a different point in their journey, right? So, some companies we work with don’t have very many women, and that’s why they’re with us. So, it’s a little bit of an explanation. We have to say, “Look, no company is perfect. Everybody’s tried something, and if you’re here, you’re basically saying you care enough to try.” |
Scott: | I was going to say I laughed at that, but that’s exactly what it is. At least, they’re making an effort through their relationship with you. And everyone’s gotta start somewhere. If that’s not how it was historically, kudos to the people who are breaking with the past and actually making those efforts to bring those folks into their company. |
Georgene: | And it’s interesting, a lot of these companies actually have done stuff. They’re just not really great at telling the story about what they’ve done. |
Scott: | Interesting. |
Georgene: | Because you have one career page, right, and that career page has to service everybody, generally not a marketing person who’s done it for them. |
Scott: | Yep. It’s so funny. I told you to before we turned the mics on that we were at an offsite in Vegas, and I had that light bulb go on where I was like, “We don’t even have a picture of our team on the career page. It’s literally just job listings.” And I was like, “Oh, my God.” We had a photo session, so I was like, “Let’s take a bunch of different pictures of our team. At the very least, just put it on that page, so people can see who we are and see who they’d be working side by side with.” |
Georgene: | It’s interesting because you’re growing so fast that you realize that investing in this becomes a real competitive advantage and need. It’s just what you have to do as a business just to advertise yourself as an employer in the right way. |
Scott: | You said it perfectly. That’s exactly how I feel. We extended better vacation policies and things. Our kind of benefits and perk package have gone up as we’ve gotten bigger because we realized that you can attract really amazing people with just a little bit of extra effort there. |
Georgene: | Right. And if you were a marketing person looking after a consumer product, you’d be shouting that from the rooftop, but employers [crosstalk] Sort of get the short stick, right? |
Scott: | Totally. Well, luckily, you created Fairygodboss to help solve this. So, if someone like GE or Accenture or even Kruze Consulting wants to work with you, how do they do it? |
Georgene: | So, we charge an annual subscription, and for that, you get unlimited job listings on our site, a profile page that sits adjacent to the user generated employee reviews. So, you don’t get to change the reviews, but you get to tell your version of the story, and then we’ll write a piece of sponsored content for you every quarter. So, there’s some other bells and whistles that you can add onto that, but that’s sort of our basic package, and that costs about $50,000 a year. |
Scott: | That’s amazing. And the cool thing is they get to kind of shape their story and come across as they want to, but you’re helping them shape it basically and making sure that they’re hitting the right notes. |
Georgene: | Yeah, because we definitely see certain things correlate with better job performance, like job application performance. |
Scott: | That’s fantastic. And is Fairygodboss like a site that because your network is getting so big, kind of like LinkedIn and maybe even Glassdoor where… I’d say you guys are… You’re kind of cross the chasm, and now, you’re scaling rapidly. But people know about Fairygodboss. So, are you coming up higher in Google search results and things like that, and so you have organic visibility as well on the internet and just in general? |
Georgene: | Yeah. So, organic search has been one of our key growth drivers, and it’s tricky because I think every consumer facing company has to contend with the two behemoths, right, Google and Facebook. |
Scott: | Yes, exactly. |
Georgene: | And those have been important growth channels for us, but we’re trying to create our own sort of user network effect by creating things like Fairygodboss groups and giving people a reason to invite other people through us as a platform. It’s just really hard to be so dependent on the two monopolistic- |
Scott: | Oh, for sure. For sure. |
Georgene: | It’s just expensive. |
Scott: | But it is also like you’ve reached critical mass now, so I can totally see how it’s working like that. You use them and get them going, and they love good content too. So, you’re really nice, especially with Google, a nice fit with Google. But at some point, you become like a little mini LinkedIn, and all of a sudden, you’re rising up the search results, and that’s what users want to find. It feels to me like you have this really amazing built-in growth loop especially because something I admire about your company is it’s such a content-centric company, and you really deliver value to the users. I feel like you could be a 20 or 30- or 40-year company because that stuff just keeps getting stronger and stronger over time. |
Georgene: | We hope so. It is fun, and I love the user generated content because you can’t create it all. And some of the things that happen and some of the stories that are shared in our feed are just things you couldn’t make up. When they’re talking about their workplaces or something that happened with a colleague, I mean really interesting. |
Scott: | I totally agree. Now, you also have a really cool conference that maybe you could spend a couple minutes talking about as well. |
Georgene: | Yeah, we definitely punch above our weight when it comes to, and all credit goes to my co-founder on this. We have an annual event that connects the leaders of women’s employee resource groups. So, do you know what employee resource groups are? |
Scott: | I don’t, and so maybe, you can explain it. I’m sure people in our audience don’t know it either. |
Georgene: | So, in the 1970s, I think it started at Coca Cola, black professionals there got together and created the first employee resource group. They said, “You know what? Let’s get all the black people working at Coca Cola together and share learnings, advice. Let’s try to network a little bit better and support each other.” And this was something that Coke really sponsored and supported. And so, variations of this have exploded over the last 50 years. And so, there’s employee resource groups for Latinx people or LGBTPQ. Women’s groups tend to be one of the largest at these companies and sometimes, can be so large that they could be little companies in themselves, right? 40,000 people across a company globally could belong to a women’s employee resource group. |
Scott: | Wow, like Coca Cola or something like that. Yeah. |
Georgene: | Exactly. And so, we get the leaders of these women’s networks together because they typically drive a lot of change in terms of diversity inclusion for that group at that company. But they don’t get to come out of the silo of working at that company, and a lot of them do this on a volunteer basis, if you can believe it. They just care that much. |
Scott: | No way. Wow. |
Georgene: | They’re not led by somebody whose job it is to lead this group. |
Scott: | Wow. |
Georgene: | And so, they really care. They really drive inclusion and diversity in corporate America. And so, we get them together every year. And it’s fascinating to hear what kind of policy changes they’ve been able to implement, how they organize themselves to be most effective. Because when you’re that large, you’re running a little company. Some of them get budgets from HR. |
Scott: | Well, they’re running a company, and they’re doing it for free because they care so passionately about the cause. I mean, that’s amazing. |
Georgene: | Yeah. And I think we learn so much because they’re really at the forefront of new initiatives. This year, the theme of our event was male allies because I think it’s become clear that you can’t just have change in terms of gender equality, only women are in the room talking about it, right? The leaders are still men. You still have to get buy in. You have to not alienate them. You need their sponsorship to get promoted at companies. So, that was really interesting because we had a lot of men at our conference this year, including the CEO… The CEO of Deloitte and Nielsen were there, so just some examples of talking about how they mentor women or how and why they have gotten involved with employee resource groups at their companies. |
Scott: | That’s absolutely fantastic. And are you doing one conference a year, or what’s the frequency of the conferences? |
Georgene: | Yeah. This year, we’re going to do two for the first time. |
Scott: | I love it. |
Georgene: | One on the West Coast, one on the East Coast. |
Scott: | Oh, wow. Yes. Where’s the West Coast one going to be, San Francisco or L.A.? |
Georgene: | San Francisco. |
Scott: | Oh, all right. You’re in our neck of the woods. That’ll be great. Are there any moments you reflect back on in your early days and you’re like, “Oh, my gosh, I’m so glad we got over that hump,” or, “I can’t believe we navigated that difficult situation”? Any advice for the founders earlier in their journey? |
Georgene: | I’m a first-time founder, and I think I’ve probably made every mistake in the book at some point. |
Scott: | Me too. |
Georgene: | I think the trick is just… I think it’s okay to make mistakes. I think it’s not okay to keep making the same ones. |
Scott: | Yes, yes, yes. |
Georgene: | And so, you really have to ask quickly sometimes when you… And that might mean really changing the way you operate. So, I think we’ve deliberately slowed down all our decision making as we’ve scaled. And we didn’t want to. We wanted to operate at the same speed as we did when we were just two people in our apartment. But you really can’t and shouldn’t because there’s more at stake. There are more people who have insights to share. There should be more deliberation, and everything you do impacts all your users more and all your customers more. And then now, I think now the trick is, how much time do you take versus act fast? We still are too small to act slowly. And I think that’s kind of hard because you just have to change your mindset every six months. |
Scott: | Yeah. I’m nodding vigorously because just recently, Vanessa and I were both telling each other we just need to slow down a little bit because it’s really… You get that endorphin hit when you figure out a new process or figure out some way of fixing things or a new software tool that’s going to make your life easier. But it takes implementation time. And one of the kind of things we learned, we call this the year of infrastructure, but we learned that we’re slower than we used to be on implementing new stuff. And that’s just because we have a lot more people who have to learn something and convey it to the clients. And I think that’s an example of what you’re talking about. I’m sure there’s been moments where you are… Maybe, that decision to do the second conference in 2020 was actually made in 2018, and you’re just being kind of judicious about how you plan it. But slowing down and making sure everyone is fully on board and can execute something is really good advice. |
Georgene: | Yeah, it’s not for the faint of heart, the start-up stuff, but I think it’s really exciting. It’s like an endorphin heavy. |
Scott: | Yeah. I love it too. And you and I are both in similar situations in that my spouse works and founded Kruze, and your spouse has a start-up as well. And you have kids, and we have a kid. And it’s fun, but it’s hard to balance everything. |
Georgene: | Yeah. It is hard. You need a lot of support. |
Scott: | Yeah, what tricks do you use? And I ask this as a founder, not as a woman CEO because I need advice on these kinds of things too. And before we got on the mics and turned them on, I was like, “Oh, my gosh, you should have heard about my morning.” But what are some little tricks that work for you as just a parent? |
Georgene: | I think that your spouse has to really be supportive, and if you need to, really explicit about the contract, the implicit contract between you and your partner about who’s doing what, when. Because I think without that explicit conversation or a really deep, implicit understanding, there’s so many opportunities for tension and arguments that you could avoid if you just have the conversation, almost like as a business conversation, up front. |
Scott: | Yeah. I think that’s really good advice. You said something to me that really stuck with me where I think we were, probably a year ago, and we were not getting enough sleep because we were one year old at the time. And you’re like, “It’s easy to get in arguments with your spouse when you don’t have enough sleep and you have a little baby. You just got to be careful about that.” There’s been many times where I’ve reflected on that advice, and I really appreciated that advice because it kept me from getting into it when I shouldn’t or just being smarter. And so, that’s something that I’ve always, I’ve thought of. And one thing I learned kind of on your validating what you’re saying is there’s things that Vanessa and I didn’t talk about that we thought each other understood, but because we didn’t explicitly talk about it, as you say, and also mirroring each other and validating what you heard from the other spouse can be super important. And that was a real breakthrough for us where we started kind of repeating what the other person was saying, not in a cheesy way, but in a understanding way. |
Georgene: | Right, I mean, it’s hard because you also work together, so you really have no separation of work and life, right? It’s all one. |
Scott: | We try to separate it now because that’s our kind of way, and I’m sure you and your… Because your husband has a start-up too, right, so you guys could talk about start-up stuff all the time at home if you wanted to, but I’m sure it would drive you crazy. |
Georgene: | We do. We do talk… Yes to both. |
Scott: | I love it. I love it. One kind of quick question and then we’ll wrap it up, but what are some… For Fairygodboss, you’ve come so far and company’s at a really exciting point. What are you most excited about in 2020? Is it the second conference, or is it the traction, or are you doing anything new that’s going to blow people’s minds? |
Georgene: | Well, for the first time in 2020, we are going to launch our employer portal. So, believe it or not, even though we’re a marketplace business, there’s been no software experience for our customers. They’re the beneficiary of our large community that looks at their profiles and applies their jobs, but there’s actually no active way for an employer to source candidates in our site right now. So, they’re going to have access to a job seeker database, private profiles. |
Scott: | Oh, wow. That’s cool. |
Georgene: | And that’ll allow them to be more proactive about reaching out to qualified women that they see in our database. And that also helps our job seekers, right? They want to be contacted. Actually, one of the reasons we did this was because there’s research that shows that because of implicit bias, I don’t think it’s deliberate, sometimes, women get contacted less than men on LinkedIn. And there’s no way to search for women for example. |
Scott: | Oh, interesting. |
Georgene: | There’s no filter for gender. |
Scott: | Yeah, and there probably isn’t that for… LinkedIn’s probably worried about discrimination, but actually, it’s like reverse discrimination or impacts in a way that people didn’t anticipate. That’s really powerful. You’re totally right about that creating more liquidity and that positive cycle of reinforcement because the more women who are getting contacted and having success finding that perfect job will then speed the word of mouth and even bring in more people to the site. That’s really cool. |
Georgene: | Yeah, I mean, I’ve actually seen recruiters do 750-word Boolean searches with common female names as a way of trying to find women. So, there’s effort. It’s just not… You’re right. For discrimination reasons, you’re not allowed to filter by race or gender. |
Scott: | Well, that sounds like a really cool product launch, and I’ll look for it. And maybe, you can just kind of tell everyone where they can find Fairygodboss and how to reach out if they’re interested in becoming a customer or just a user. |
Georgene: | Well, we have a funky name, Fairygodboss. |
Scott: | I love it. Don’t change it. |
Georgene: | Thanks. |
Scott: | I love it. |
Georgene: | So, we’re pretty easy to find. It means anyone who elevates women at work. So, it can be a man. It can be a woman. And we’re pretty easy to find because of our name. |
Scott: | Awesome. Check out Fairygodboss. It’s been a pleasure working with you. I’m so excited about where the company’s going. And I’ve seen you build it over time, and kudos to you and your co-founder, who I know has worked really hard on the company too. And I can see the future five years from now, and companies like this get really, really strong. And you become like the de facto place for this kind of stuff. So, kudos to you, and I’ll be watching your success from afar. |
Georgene: | Thanks, Scott. You too. |
Scott: | Thank you, Georgene. Okay, I’ll catch you later. Thank you. |
Georgene: | Bye. |
Singer: | (singing). It’s Kruze Consulting Founders and Friends with your host, Scotty Orn. |