Posted on: 10/08/2019
Curtis Coleman of RVillage - Podcast Summary
Curtis Coleman, founder and CEO of RVillage, joins Scott Orn of Kruze Consulting to talk about growing a niche social network.
Curtis Coleman of RVillage - Podcast Transcript
Scott: | Welcome to Founders and Friends podcast with Scott Orn at Kruze Consulting. And before an excellent podcast, quick shout out to our sponsor, Brex. Brex is a credit card for startups, the first one ever. It’s fantastic. They don’t require a personal guarantee by the founder. That is a huge, huge deal. Also has great integration with QuickBooks, which makes life easy for your accountant. And finally, they have really good rewards. They do startup centric rewards. So like bonuses on ride sharing, and travel, and eating out, and things like that. All things that appeal to the whole team at a startup. So check out Brex. And if you go through their sign up, and type in Kruze, you get a discount. Hopefully you enjoy Brex and thanks so much, guys, for sponsoring the podcast. Thanks. |
**Speaker | 2**: [Singing 00:00:00:43]. It’s Kruze Consulting. Founders and Friends with your host, Scotty Orn. |
Scott: | Welcome to Founders and Friends podcast with Scott Orn at Kruze consulting. And today my very special guest is Curtis Coleman of RVillage. Welcome, Curtis. |
Curtis: | Hi, how are you, Scott? I’m glad to be here. |
Scott: | I’m doing great. So, we’ve worked together for three, or four years now. And you are one of my favorite clients. You’re hilarious. I still remember you sent us a delicious jar of pickles when you found out my wife Vanessa was pregnant. And we love those pickles. |
Curtis: | I was super surprised to hear that you went through all of them, because that jar was ridiculously huge. |
Scott: | She likes pickles, she does. Actually, I bought some yesterday. But you are the founder of RVillage. And it’s a really cool site. Maybe you can tell people what it is and how you had the idea to start it. |
Curtis: | Yeah, so RVillage, which is spelled R-V-I-L-L-A-G-E, it’s a … So, the RV is … it’s a play on words. It’s about RVs, recreational vehicles, right? So, RVillage is an online social network for RVers that are traveling. The unique thing about it … Think of like Facebook for RVers. It’s a complete social network with groups, and subgroups, and feeds, and all of that stuff. But the unique thing about is that it’s a location aware social network, which makes sense because these people are on wheels, and they’re traveling around. And it’s hard to meet people and forge important relationships when you’re bouncing around and you’re in places for short periods of time. So, the idea is that you can land someplace in a town and get on to RVillage and take a look and see what other RVers are around you. And people are getting together all over the place. They’re hooking up for dinner, and at the campground, or wherever they happen to be. And so, it’s- |
Scott: | I love the idea from like the mom you told me… And I have the background of the Ben’s Friends Patient Networks, which is a different kind of group, but I understood how a kind of vertical group of people … It just makes so much sense. And oftentimes those people are underserved by other social networking platforms. And so, having something dedicated to them is just incredibly powerful. It’s really cool what you’ve built. |
Curtis: | Thanks. Thanks. We’re excited. It’s getting a lot of attention right now, which is a very exciting time for us. |
Scott: | Well, I get to see the numbers, which is awesome. |
Curtis: | Yeah, you do. |
Scott: | The other thing I like about the … Is the actual map. I’ve seen different incarnations over the years, but just seeing all the RVers on the map really gives you a sense of the scale of what’s happening out there. What are some of the key features, like in the early days where you’re like, “Hey, this is going to work. I need to nail this, this, and this.” |
Curtis: | Well, I think the biggest key feature was when we installed the idea of groups, right? So not everybody wants to connect with everybody. Everybody’s got different likes and things that they’re into. Some people are craftier, some people are cooler, whatever it is. And so everybody’s trying to find their tribe, their peeps. And so, we created a part in the platform, which was the whole groups area, which you can create any kind of group you want. There’re over 3,000 crowdsourced groups in there. |
Scott: | Oh my gosh. |
Curtis: | Everything from full time Rvers, to weekend warriors, to people who do what’s called boondocking, which is kind of camping off the grid in public lands and stuff like that. There is a 420 group on there now. And there’s a large LGBTQ community that’s using RVillage to connect with each other. |
Scott: | That’s great. |
Curtis: | So it’s kind of everybody’s finding a home. But the groups definitely have become the lifeblood of it. And the interesting thing is that they’re able to find, with just a click of a button, you can locate people within your group around you. |
Scott: | Oh, no way. |
Curtis: | It’s completely isolated from everything else. Yeah. |
Scott: | That’s amazing. And now are people writing in to you, or sending you pictures, of like, “Hey, I’m playing cards with another RVillage person or how- |
Curtis: | All the time. All the time. |
Scott: | What kind of feedback do you get? |
Curtis: | Oh my gosh, they’re constantly posting on the home feed, or in a group feed or something, “We’re hanging out with this couple, whatever, at this RV park. Or at this brewery.” There’s a lot of people that, when they’re traveling around, they go and try to find the cool microbrewery around them. And so, they’re connecting with people there. And yeah, people are posting pictures constantly. Connecting with each other, which is nice. |
Scott: | And when we first met I got the social network aspect of it, but I don’t think I fully appreciated the demographic trends, and money spent trends, by people who are RVillagers, or RV people. Maybe kind of explain it to the audience. It kind of blew me away, actually. |
Curtis: | Yeah. So RVillage, the people that come and use RVillage, we are a direct mirror of the demographics of people that are RVing out there. So, it’s not like for Millennials, or for older people. It’s a veritable cornucopia of … But it does mirror the entire industry. What’s driving the industry, and what’s been driving the industry for the last decade or so, are the 70 million Baby Boomers that are retiring at the rate of, I don’t know, I think it’s something like 16,000 per day right now. |
Scott: | Oh my gosh. Wow. |
Curtis: | And those are people that are having a 65th birthday. And the reason why Baby Boomers have been so important in the RV industry is not because of their age, it’s because of who they are. So, these people were … They were age appropriate during Woodstock, right? So they were in their early 20s. And so, they’re an adventurous bunch, right? They’re different than our grandparents’ retirees. Our grandparents’ retirees were more interested in getting a condo in Boca Raton for their retirement. These guys, they want to get an RV and travel around and go to the National Parks. They want to go on the Blues Cruise. They want to go on the Nude Cruise, you know? |
Scott: | Live life. They’re also healthier as they get older. |
Curtis: | They want to go to Burning Man. They’re just a different group. So, RV is a really interesting thing. Now, that being said, there are the Millennials that are starting to enter into the space. They’re a little young right now to be driving the industry, right? So, they just haven’t amassed any equity in their homes to be able to buy a $100,000 vehicle. But they’re buying used RVs like crazy. They will absolutely be owning this industry in 15, 20 years from now. So, they’re searching out for online platforms that make sense for them to be able to find their tribe as well. And so, we’re getting … Our demographic is every day getting younger and younger and younger and younger, which is a kind of a nice … It’s happening organically, which is the way we want it to happen. |
Scott: | Well also, I know from my Patient Support Networks that like sometimes people make the assumption that older people aren’t technologically adept or aren’t … But that’s actually not true. I saw it on our social network. It was like just a huge … It was actually like the Baby Boomers. It was Baby Boomers there for support or to reach out. If people … Where there’s a will, there’s a way. People figure this stuff out, especially when it makes their life so much better. And especially when they’re touring and meeting awesome people. So, have you seen any of those demographic splits or is it like the stuff I experienced, where it was like tons of people? |
Curtis: | That’s a great question. Thanks for asking that. What we know is that the fastest growing segment of people that are adopting social networking are older people, right? Younger people just kind of grew up with it. It’s route for them. But for older people it’s kind of a new thing. And especially when they’re traveling, it’s like how do you keep up with your family? How do you stay in touch with people? So, they’re adopting social networking in droves. We have some older, older people that it’s a little trickier for them, and so it takes a little bit of handholding. I’m very, very proud as a founder that our customer service is ridiculously good. We pay very close attention, if anybody has a problem with the site or doesn’t know where these buttons are, or is having difficulty using it. We’re really good at helping people and helping them walk through it, instead of being some other social networks where there’s really no help, you know? And we do have a pretty robust help desk. |
Scott: | That’s awesome. So, you help them get online if they ever are on RVillage if they need it, basically. |
Curtis: | Yeah, absolutely. They just click the help button and send us a message and we help them out. |
Scott: | Do you see any Millennials at the campfire showing the older, older people how to do it? Like holding up the … Those would be amazing pictures, you know? Almost like a crowdsourcing support. |
Curtis: | So, the interesting thing about the RV living … And this is just talking a little bit about if any of the listeners have ever owned an RV, they’ll understand this and agree. Buying a recreational vehicle, another home that’s on wheels that has bedroom and kitchen and everything, it is akin to buying your first house, having a baby, getting married. It’s right in that Rolodex with those things. It’s a big deal. You do a lot of research in advance, you’re extremely excited about doing it. So that breaks down all of the kind of demographic barriers, right? Religion, age, all of that stuff. Because it’s not lost on the people that have come before you on what a big deal that is. So newer people come into the space and they’re actually looking up to people that are older, that have gone before them- |
Scott: | Yeah. Who’ve done it. |
Curtis: | … And getting ideas. And so when you go to some of the gatherings that are happening organically through the RVillage platform, you’ll see people of all ages. And it doesn’t even matter. And there is no discussion of politics, or religion, any of that stuff, which is really refreshing too within a social platform. |
Scott: | That’s a great point. As someone who doesn’t log onto Facebook anymore because of that stuff. |
Curtis: | Yeah, right. |
Scott: | I love that. |
Curtis: | It’s a crazy world out there. |
Scott: | You know what the other … Just to talk business for one second. |
Curtis: | Yeah. |
Scott: | The other thing I thought was really smart when you started developing this was the sheer amount of money spent on RVs. And how that opens up the opportunities for RVillage because you’ve got advertising on the site, you’ve got people trying to reach some of the Rvers. It just made sense to me from a business perspective. |
Curtis: | Sure. So, our model is we follow the Facebook, Google, Craigslist business model. There should be no barrier for entry, right? Google says, “There should be no barrier for information. You should be able to get information without having to pay for it.” Ask Jeeves went away a long time ago, right? And Facebook says, “There should be no barrier for finding each other, finding the people that you’ve known in your life.” And so, we followed that model. RVillage as a free platform to join, to use. It will always be free. There is no barrier to find other RVers around you and make connections with people. That being said, if we get a new user onto the site right now, currently, I looked right before we did this call, we’re getting a new user on average about one every two minutes. Which is we’ve hit, like a viral coefficient. And which is wonderful because nothing really is going to stop that growth other than the site not being accessible or something like that. And so that’s a good problem to have. That being said, we’re generating just a ton of really usable and important data and information, not about people, but the conversations that they’re having about Rving. And the RV industry is a, some people say, it’s a $50 billion a year industry. Some people say it’s an $80 billion year. It’s a big industry. |
Scott: | Yeah. It’s huge. |
Curtis: | And the amount of revenue … There was a report that just came out in the RVIA, the RV Industry Association, did a report that over $720 billion was generated last year from recreational RV travel. |
Scott: | That’s amazing. Amazing. |
Curtis: | Which is amazing- |
Scott: | Because they’re spending money on the road and gas and entertainment and all that stuff. Right? |
Curtis: | Right. And the companies, though, that serve the RV industry, the RVers want those companies visible to them because they’re things that they need. Their RV parks, you’ve got to dump your tanks, you’ve got to plug in and juice up your batteries, you got to do laundry, whatever it is. And parts and repair and all of that stuff. So, our viewers are what … We refer to them as what’s called a self-identified user. They come into the platform saying, “I want the information, show it to me.” So, we have the ability within our village for advertisers to be able to create ads, and then we can aggregate the data so they can show an RV park near Orlando, Florida to people that are going to be near Orlando, and that are going to that area. |
Scott: | That’s amazing. |
Curtis: | And that’s the cool thing about it. And so, we don’t sell the data, we don’t sell it to any third parties, which is super important. We’re a trust-based platform. And we’re also RVers. We don’t want our data being sold out on the Internet. And it’s very valuable. There’s a lot of companies that would pay us a lot of money for it, but there’s another way to do it, which makes a win situation for everybody. |
Scott: | That’s amazing. Yeah. There probably was a temptation early on to follow the Facebook way. |
Curtis: | I don’t think there was a- |
Scott: | And really good- |
Curtis: | There wasn’t a temptation on our end, but there’s always a temptation on the advertisers’ end to see if they can- |
Scott: | Get a little more. |
Curtis: | Get a little more. Right, exactly. |
Scott: | That’s awesome. What are the revenue streams for the site? Is it advertising and sponsorships? Or how do you do it? |
Curtis: | Yeah, so we have several funnels. So, there’s advertising on the site, which is healthy, right? So, you can place an ad, you can target it, who you want to see the ad based on demographics or based on the user’s activity, what keywords, that sort of thing. We also have a very unique program for RV parks, which is called a Charter Park Program. So, an RV park, for a subscription fee of 65, I think it’s like 65 or $70 a month right now, they can subscribe to the platform and they get a tool where they can create a promotion. Like, “Hey, come visit us a Sunday through Thursday mid-week and get 20% off on your RV site, first time visitors, whatever.” And then that will … When someone updates their location, they will get, “Hey in your new location, there’s some promotions available for you.” And so, we have that. We also have- |
Scott: | That’s really smart. That is like a total win-win too. That’s the kind of stuff you’re looking for when you hit a new location. |
Curtis: | The most valuable information that we have, and data that we have on the users, is we know where they are. And that’s super important for anybody who wants to reach that ever-changing audience that’s traveling through their area. But it’s super important for the end user too, because when they’re going through areas, they’re looking for a deal. They don’t want to spend a premium dollar for something that they happened to make a last-minute booking at. |
Scott: | Yeah. They also trust your site. |
Curtis: | They do. |
Scott: | And so, they know that if you’re recommending something, or letting something be recommended, it’s probably really good. |
Curtis: | Yeah. Part of that trust is that it was built by RVers for Rvers. And so they do trust that. Yeah. |
Scott: | So, it’s those location promotions which are one of your big ways of monetizing? |
Curtis: | Yeah. And like anything … Listen, being an entrepreneur, you learn pretty quickly with your successes that your successes came from not having that be the target. The target is to build a wonderful platform that people will use, and then the rest will kind of follow, you know? So how the whole thing started with building RVillage was really a very … It’s like if I tell the story to people, the first thing they say is, “Oh right. Of course, that’s how you started it.” |
Scott: | Yeah. We’ll tell the story. And you also have … You assembled a really nice team. So maybe kind of tell the story and also how you picked up some of your team members. |
Curtis: | I need to have your job. I can ask myself my own questions. So yeah, that’s a good segue into that. So, I’ve been an avid RVer since 1992. I’ve owned all different kinds of RVs. I love the lifestyle. In 2013 I was in Santa Fe, New Mexico in an RV park. And I woke up at 2:00 in the morning. I walked outside and I’m looking at all these RVs in this park with me and I’m thinking, “I wonder if there’s some website that I don’t know about where all these people are connecting with each other on the road.” Because seemed to make sense, because we all have phones, we have location aware services. So, I got on the Internet and I started googling RV your social network, and the only thing that was coming up were these forums where people were talking to each other, but you wouldn’t know if the guy you’re talking to is three blocks away. You’d have no idea. And I thought, “That’s just crazy.” And where I became the perfect founder for this idea is that luckily, I’ve got some very dear friends, very, very, very close friends. One in particular, Casey Fenton, who was the founder of, which was the very first peer-to-peer sharing platform on the Internet. It’s the largest social travel network in the world. And I think there was like 20 something million people on it now. And I called Casey, I called my friend Cam, who was the project coordinator, Hillary, all the people that worked on that team. I had known them. And I said, “Listen, I want to build this thing for Rvers”. Their first question was, “Are RVs a thing?” And my answer was, “Yeah, but you’re a little bit younger so you wouldn’t know that yet, but it’s a huge thing.” Anyway, we assembled a team of amazing people that know how to do social engineering and can do this. That’s highly attributable to our success. I came with the knowledge of the industry and the knowledge, the personal knowledge, of the user and what their journey is. And we built it. And it was raw in a … We put it out beta to the world in a terrible format, but people loved the idea and they gave us permission, and a lot of patience. And over the last five years, it has grown to … We just this morning or last night, crossed 160,000 users. Which for a niche social network is a lot of people? |
Scott: | Yeah. That’s awesome. It’s a really inspirational story. And you said it right. You got it out there in a raw format, but the demand was so strong. People were looking for this. |
Curtis: | Yeah. And I bootstrapped the whole thing by myself at the beginning because I kind of figured if I’m not in this thing, all in, I’m not going to be able to find anybody else that’s going to be able to kind of follow the vision with me. You know? I need to be [crosstalk 00:20:13]. |
Scott: | That’s a real pearl of wisdom there. I really relate to that, because Vanessa and I are all in too. And there’s something to be said for kind of burning the boats and just not looking back and just having to figure out how to make something work. And I’d say people like you or Vanessa, I’m not as … that doesn’t come as naturally to me, but now I’ve done it for four and a half years, I’m like that. But it’s this amazing transformation you go through in your career where you just become like a problem solver. And don’t let anything stand in your way. |
Curtis: | I think it’s really important to the success. This is more of the like what I would say to other entrepreneurs that are building things. What it does is it keeps you accountable to yourself, because you can’t walk away from it. You have to make it work. Because if you don’t, you’re going to be in trouble. And it’s too easy to walk away from using other people’s money, and much harder to do it when your feet are to the fire. And so you’d be up at 4:00 in the morning and making it work, you know? |
Scott: | I love it. |
Curtis: | And that’s what it takes. |
Scott: | That’s a really good pearl of wisdom. So then, so you got Cam and the Couchsurfing people were helping you. And then you kind of went through another growth phase where you brought on some people that do things, like some other web development, customer service. Maybe talk about those folks and the role at RVillage. |
Curtis: | The team actually that’s in place right now is really the team that was in it at the beginning. Our sysadmin, we scaled RVillage from the beginning the smart way, and got it onto AWS on Amazon, so that it’s scalable. That took a bit of time to be able to tweak it so that it’s scalable. And as far as our development team, it’s the same development team that we’ve had since the beginning. We’ve iterated on it and expanded on it, but our key developers are people that know the platform really well, they know the code really well, and that’s super important. We’re in the process right now of rebuilding it into a different language so that it’s going to be a little bit broader, more into the 21st century. And so, we are, as far as technology goes, we’re what is referred to as a agile scrum methodology shop. So instead of putting a whiteboard and saying, “This is what we’re going to build,” and then building that, we go, “This is what we’re going to build right now.” And then throwing it out there and then- |
Scott: | Keep building. |
Curtis: | … Constantly throwing clay on it and doing different things. So, right now we’re- |
Scott: | Well, the video of that … Oh, sorry. I’m sorry. Keep going. |
Curtis: | No. So right now, we’re in a pivot where we’re taking it off of the … It was built in PHP on the Zen framework, which was probably a decent thing to use five years ago and now it needs to be in things like react and JavaScript and all that. So, we’re rebuilding it on that. |
Scott: | But the nice thing is you did two things. You prove people wanted that before you did a crazy rewrite. |
Curtis: | Yes. |
Scott: | And two you, through that agile methodology you built … You only built things that people wanted. You could actually be really … You could listen to what people wanted you to build and then execute on that, instead of trying to build the Holy Grail right away. |
Curtis: | Yeah. So, the great thing about data is that it informs your decisions, right? So, we built a lot of things on the original platform that people never used. And we know what it is that’s important that needs to be on the new one, and the other things that can go by the wayside. You never know that unless you build it, unless you throw it out there. I gave up guessing a long time ago, because 99% of the time I’m wrong. And it’s like the things I like, actually, very few people like. So that could be a bad trap to get into. |
Scott: | Well maybe you could tell people about how you got the company funded. Because it’s a market where until the Millennials started kind of jumping on this, not a lot of venture capitalists are RVers today. Maybe today they are, but maybe five years ago they weren’t. Because the trends are getting stronger, but how’d you end up funding the company besides that initial bootstrapping you did? |
Curtis: | Yeah, that’s an important question. So, did the initial bootstrapping. And then it was out there in the world, there were so many people that were coming up to me as the founder and were saying, “Hey, is there an opportunity for me?” And I really didn’t know how to … I didn’t know what box to put that in, or how to do that. So, we decided to do a friends and family kind of seed funding round. And so, we did that, and we raised a little over a million dollars at an interesting enough valuation that they wanted to do it. And we did that actually pretty quickly. And then we’ve had revenue from our different funnels of revenue from the charter park, and from advertising. And we’re holding rallies, which I’m sure we’ll talk about in a minute. And then the site, we really used that money to understand the data and to build good data aggregation tools. And last summer I opened up a strategic round. So, what I did is I brought in a small group of industry strategic investors that are … I kind of … It was interesting. I feel like I got invited into the RV Illuminati. I had this handful of guys that are very sharp who have built companies worth billions of dollars, and they are very well connected in the industry. So, they helped fund the second round, which we raised about a million and a half dollars. And we’ve been using that money to finish out our aggregation tools, and then to also rebuild the site on the new platform, and to build out our revenue model. And it hasn’t been that difficult, because the idea is good. The idea is one that they could sink their teeth on. I think institutional investors have been a little bit leery of us because they don’t understand the space. But that’s something that can change, because the space speaks for itself and all you have to do is spend a couple of minutes investigating and you’ll realize how big it is. |
Scott: | That your data and your usage. I feel like you guys are, you’re on that path to where the growth investors start really understanding what you’re doing, which is pretty exciting. |
Curtis: | Yeah. Well the thing that’s exciting for them is that every one of us knows, investors, people on the team, is that it is extremely hard to compete with first to market social. And the reason for that is because social is sticky, sticky, sticky, like glue sticky. I’ll give you an example. Give me a couple of hundred million dollars and let’s build Chirper, where people can chirp 180 characters instead of 140. Why? Because Twitter proved the model. Now let’s compete with them. Nobody’s going to come to it. You will waste every penny you’ve done. Donald Trump is never going to go to Chirper. Why? Because Twitter’s where all his followers are. That’s where his photos are. That’s where his archives are. That’s where is story is. And social behaves in the same way. There had been a couple of RV centric social sites that have tried to come out within the last year or so, and they just failed because every time somebody says, “Hey, check out this new RV or social site,” like five people say, “Ooh, cool.” And one person in the post on Facebook says, “I’m already on RVillage. There’s 160,000 people on it.” We end up getting 200 new users that moment, and they got five. And it’s hard to compete with that. And so- |
Scott: | That’s really awesome. |
Curtis: | When we first built it, I knew that I wanted to build it quick. More importantly than good. It needed to be quick. |
Scott: | That’s good wisdom. Let’s talk about the rally here. I mean, this is something that I thought was so smart when you kicked it off. It was a risk, you spent a lot of money on this, but it actually had this amazing ROI. And also, just kind of a … It wasn’t even about money, it was about raising the profile and bringing people together. It was a really cool event. |
Curtis: | Yeah. So, I guess my sound bite is human interaction is more stimulating than a good cup of coffee. And it’s why we’re here. People want to connect with each other. And so, what we decided to do was hold an event at the beginning once a year. We’re now going to be doing them twice a year, and then probably more. And it’s called the RVillage Rally. And right now, it’s happening in February in Live Oak, Florida. And I’ve kind of … I’m mixing cultures, right? So, I come from the Burning Man culture. I’ve been involved with that for 20 something years. And so, I’ve got my friend Charlie Smith who builds these amazing fire art sculptures. And he creates this incredible environment so everybody can kind of hang out at night. And we’ve got seminars on how to RV, right, how to do all that stuff in vendor booths, and master classes on electricity, and all of that stuff. And so, people are coming from as far as California to Florida to come to this thing. But they’re not just coming … We’ve got entertainment and all that. They’re coming because they want to hang out with each other. And they want to have an experience. They want to not just have an experience, but they want to participate in one, and be able to say that they were there. And what else are you going to do with your RV? What a great destination to go to. And so, we did the first one in Elkhart, Indiana, which is kind of the Detroit of the RV world. And then we did the second one in Live Oak, Florida at the … It’s called the Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park. And it’s like a big huge music venue. They got multiple stages. And so, we’re doing it again at that venue. |
Scott: | Wow. |
Curtis: | We’ve kind of found a little East Coast home there. So that’s in February over Valentine’s weekend. |
Scott: | That’s amazing. And could you see the activity on the site and just like how invigorating it was for the community? |
Curtis: | Oh yeah. We went ahead and created a group for the rally. So, every time somebody’s buying a ticket, they’ve got a place they can go and talk to each other and say, “Hey, I reserved this spot. Where are you?” And there’s a whole bunch of people that went to the one last year that they were the first to buy tickets for the next one they loved it so much. And so, all the new people that are coming, there’s all the older people that have already been that can kind of help them out, and where to pick a site to stay, and it’s creating community throughout the year just by having the event. So, it definitely has legs for sure. |
Scott: | It’s so amazing. Well this has been an amazing podcast. You are one of my favorite clients- |
Curtis: | Aww, thanks, Scott. |
Scott: | … And it’s fun and just … Yeah, no, I mean, we go way back. And also, just what you built and seeing it come to fruition is really rewarding to me. So, it’s been awesome having you on. Maybe you could tell everyone where they can find RVillage and how to reach out if they want to become a member. |
Curtis: | Yeah, so just go to It’s R-V-I-L-L-A-G-E. It’s like RVillage, but only with one V. And it’s If you want to check out the site, I highly recommend that you use the website before you just pick up the app. Like the app is a … It’s totally functional, but none of us learned Facebook from the app. The app because useful once we learned the platform and then it made more sense. So, if you want to see what’s going on and get a really good look at it, do it on the computer or on your tablet. And then we do have the apps. You can always reach out to me. I’m easy to get ahold of. Just click the help button, then send a message and say, “I want to connect with Curtis.” And we’re around. And so, yeah, it’s |
Scott: | Well, congrats on everything you built. Check out and I’ve seen the traffic. I’ve seen the growth. It’s been really exciting. And congrats on everything you and your team have done, Curtis. |
Curtis: | Thanks so much. I really appreciate it, Scott. Thanks for doing … I’ve wanted to do your podcast for a while and I’m really, really glad that I got an opportunity to do this. Thanks. |
Scott: | Thanks, man. It’s for people … For me, it’s fun because I get to talk to folks like you. So, it’s the best time I can spend any day. |
Curtis: | It’s a really good podcast, by the way. I’ve listened to every episode. It’s actually really interesting. |
Scott: | Thanks, man. |
Curtis: | Yeah, you’re welcome. |
Scott: | Well, now you can listen to yourself on it. |
Curtis: | I know. Now I’m on it. I can die hap- |
Scott: | Okay. I’ll catch you later. |
Curtis: | I can die happy. |
Scott: | All right, buddy. |
Curtis: | Thanks, Scott. |
Scott: | I’ll catch you later. |
Curtis: | All right. Bye-bye. |
**Speaker | 2**: [Singing 00:32:33]. It’s Kruze Consulting Founders and Friends with your host Scotty Orn. |
Scott: | Hope you enjoyed that episode of Founders and Friends Podcast. Quick shout out to Brex, the first startup credit card. Brex is our sponsor and we really appreciate their support. Brex has no personal guarantee for founders, that’s a really big deal. It integrates really nicely with QuickBooks. Great rewards that are startup-centric. It’s a really nice little tool, and we are seeing it all across the Kruze portfolio of clients. So, check it out. And again, if you go through the signup flow and type in Kruze, you get a discount. So hopefully you’ll check out Brex. Thanks again for the support on the podcast, guys. Take care. |